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Thread: From Obese to lean

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    From Obese to lean

    Hi guys,
    I am a new member here. My status are:
    41 y/o
    247.5 lbs.
    body fat: I don't know but obese
    cycling: two in the past, one in 2005 and one in 2006. I gained 30lbs mostly muscles
    exercise: I have not been regulary exercising for few years
    diet: everything with huge portions (sorry to say that but it is true)

    Intention: back to the gym, get back muscles that I lost and cut fat. My weight should be maxed at 200lbs

    I am thinking about going on Ketosis for a month or so, then with very little carbs from veggies and fruits, go for another 5 months while lifting weights and cardio.

    Any ideas about losing that much fat while getting back muscles I had before?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places

    Get ready for your life to change. For now please try to read up on some threads here and the stickies too. And know that this takes a little time to get started since tweaking will have to happen. The secret to all of this is to find foods which are approved of around here and then enjoy those foods and you will see the pounds drop off.

    Have you ever considered doing some fasted cardio?

    Will follow your progress...
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places

    Could you post up a sample of what you are eating? and at what time of day? this way the members can review what you are eating to help you concentrate on what is working and what to eliminate...
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    so you took a long cheat meal?

    agree with slimmer...lot to learn with just reading some of the old posts...

    as a former michelin man i like to always state that losing fat slowly worked like a fad or strict diets just approximately 500 calories below your approximated maintenance calories and just enjoy ...

    you will get a lot of support around here if we hear that your trying and not making will be a new man in 6 months

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post

    Could you post up a sample of what you are eating? and at what time of day? this way the members can review what you are eating to help you concentrate on what is working and what to eliminate...
    right now I am in a vacation in a foreign country and I am moving around. My diet is everything they provide in the all-you-can-eat buffet. I will be back to the USA soon. I am planning on creating a blog with my progress and food.

    Newbies here are using steroid and hgh to cut fat. They are telling me that hgh is magic in cutting. From what I heard, I shouldn't be using hgh unless I am competing. some of these friends are trained by a well known body builder with many awards. I won't buy anything here even though it is fairly easy. In fact, I haven't decided to juice at all. If I did not succeed in diet, then I shouldn't juice at all. I must master diet first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    How tall are you mate?

    Tbh, I'd focus 100% on dropping the bodyfat right now. Don't worry about building any muscle - you'll drive yourself nuts in the process. I've been there, it sucks. Note I didn't suggest starving yourself or paying no attention to existing muscle mass. i.e. you want to reduce bodyfat while maintaining as much muscle as you can - but don't worry about adding any, for now.

    You have to 'clean the slate'. Get a nice lean physique going, don't worry about looking small or skinny - it's temporary. Once you are at an appreciable bodyfat ( < > 13%), you can start shifting focus a bit towards adding some lean muscle.

    One last bit of advice - forget gear. Nobody should be using gear to 'cut fat'. That's not it's purpose. There is no steroid that 'burns fat', at least directly. That's all diet, training, and cardio. Your bodyfat is way to high and I have no doubt you'll suffer sides. You'll also suffer a lighter wallet and lackluster results.

    Put your time in, you'll get there. One day at a time.

    PS - I'm 5'11 and a few years ago was 255lbs and mid 30's bodyfat. As you can see in my avy, alot has changed, and i'm only just beginning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    please tell me how did you do it? My body fat probably in the mid 30's too. Did you do low carbs or low cals? I have been obsessed and undecided for few years as far as what to do. Problem with low carbs is no cheeting for me. if I cheet, I can't go back, besides, cheating on low carb is very counter productive at least it has been for me. you'be done very good job.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Well, you definitely don't want to do what I did, because I did everything wrong in the beginning. Even though I knew better, I wanted fast results (my wedding was 7 months away at the time). I basically ate 3 meals/day and lived of a severe calorie restricted diet - i'm talking 1200 calories/day, and that's probably being generous.

    Sure, I lost alot of weight and fast... 3-4lbs a week wasn't uncommon - but I lost alot of muscle mass in the meantime, slowed my metabolism, and fvcked my body's 'inner workings' up severely. I have been fighting to get myself right ever since.

    What I would suggest for you is a calorie restricted diet (but not severe like I did) with carb cycling incorporated. i.e. you can start with an easy method and drop carbs completely on non-workout days. On workout days, just have carbs in meal 1, and then your pre and post workout meals - that's it. Lean protein source in every meal, keep protein relatively high, carbs low to moderate, and fat on the lower side - only additional fats i'd eat besides what you get from foods on your diet are fish oils.

    Do cardio, and lots of it. AM fasted cardio at a low intensity/steady state will work wonders. More cardio PWO. Cardio 6x a week would be ideal, 2x a day would be awesome.

    Keep your workouts 'cardio' intensive; high reps (15-20 range on most exercises), lighter weight, and short rest periods. You should be sweating your ass off and breathing like you're running a marathon. Do lots of full body exercises - squats, deadlifts, clean and press, burpees, squat presses, etc. The more body and muscle you move in a single motion, the better.

    Drink lots of water.

    We can get more detailed, but this is the gist of how i'd develop a plan. You can make insane progress in 3 months. Stay focused and consistent, and I'll bet you can have your bodyfat < 20% after 90 days, easily.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    x 2 on the fasted cardio. And it doesn't have to be some high intensity pace. Simply a nice brisk walk out the door first thing in the morning. Get up outta bed, put on your shoes and go out the door literally. Nothing should get in your way. Just move on out especially while the weather is nice.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Nice, I think I can do that. I tried years ago to do the carb cycling but I did not follow through with it. I also have a tredmill at home. this will help me getting on it in the AM before I get ready for work. I'll rest on Sundays. I pretty good in developing a WO plan that fits the carb cycling. I should ready again about the carb cycling in the next few days.
    Thanks for support.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Np, hopefully you'll keep us posted with progress!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    If I do the carb cycling with low calories, can I increase fats on the no-carb days? One of the things that I like to eat while low carbing, is roasted chicken. I used to buy one every day and eat it during the day. I can peel the skin off but what about the dark meat?

    Would it be more beneficial if I go ketosis the first month to kick start my diet? (Usually broccoli, protein and during lunches, I eat a chicken salad.)?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I wouldn't increase fats on low/no carb days. By keeping fats the same, you are also calorie cycling by default. Nor would I 'kick start' my diet with keto... why shift your metabolism only to switch back to a primarily glucose burning one? Doing so may actually cause issues with insulin sensitivity. Maybe not, but not worth the risk for one month IMO.

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