I am currently 98Kg and i would like to be in the 105Kg class for a powerlifting comp in less than 8 weeks. I have been trying to gain weight all summer and have been somewhat unsuccessful, but i am now recently beginning to gain a little weight. I don't care if its fat or muscle i just want to be as close to 105 or even a few kg more if possible. I am spending as much energy as i can eating all day and all night especially cheese and milk and i have had the best success gaining when drinking upto a gallon of milk a day. I currently consume a minimum of 150g protein 150g sugar and over 400g carbs a day with a minimum of 4000kcal a day. I eat and eat and eat as much as possible and attempt to burn as few calories as possible. In the gym i am doing 5x5 for each lift once a week, and 1-2 deload workouts each week. Does anyone have any tips on gaining 1kg/week for the next two months? Keep in mind I am in a drug-tested federation.