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Thread: Heres my diet for a day, tell me what to change

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Heres my diet for a day, tell me what to change

    Goal: Extreme weight loss (3 lbs per week) for 3 weeks.
    Stats: 34
    200 lbs
    20% bf.

    Assume meals are spread throughout the day, in about 6 meals or so.

    3 egg whites
    1/2 serving protient shakes (110 cals, 20 g of P per serving)
    Chicken sandwhich (with wheat bread). Note: Todays was from burgerking, completely plain. Normally I make my own.
    1/2 serving protient shakes (110 cals, 20 g of P per serving)
    Yoplait lite yogurt (100 cals, 5g of P).
    Turkey sandwhich on 1 piece of bread, 6 slices of low sodium plain deli turkey.
    1/2 serving protient shakes (110 cals, 20 g of P per serving)

    Post workout:
    1 serving protient shake (110 cals, 20 g of P per serving)

    Today, I had one of those 100 cal snack things from Keebler. Normally I dont use them but if Mmy blood sugar gets too low I'll eat one. The reason I did today is because I was doing some deep cleaning in the basement that has me moving a lot. I wont count that in my total today due to all the moving but normally I dont use the so I dont want you to think I eat them a lot

    Total cals: 931

    I know the cals today are a bit low. I am going to shoot for 1200 cals so that would just be antoher turkey sanwhich or a chicken breast, adding 200 cals at 20g of protien. So it would be 127g or so protien total.

    This is a 3 week cutting diet and I am on 200mg of test for TRT, and some HCG.

    Please advise how you think it I could make it better. I am not a big fan of keto diets. I like balanced stuff to keep my brain working.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Get rid of the yogurt and bread. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal. Those should be your primary sources of carbs. You have ZERO green vegetables in there. What's up with that? And 4 shakes a day is too many. Calories can come way up also.

  3. #3
    I didn't even really get a chance look at your food choices because I read that you're eating 931cal per day?

    That's about 1400cal below your maintenance level. If you continue eating like that for any lengthy period of time you will burn through your lean body mass, lower your metabolism significantly, and ultimately end up weighing much less but with the same or higher BF %. You didn't say what the big deal is with doing this in 3 weeks but it's not a sprint. For God's sake, have some patience and feed your muscles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    yeah bro the weight you will lose will come from tissue loss, not adipose. broccoli has loads of nutrients and hardly any calories. romain hearts, green beans...things of that sort need to be in there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Get rid of the yogurt and bread. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal. Those should be your primary sources of carbs. You have ZERO green vegetables in there. What's up with that? And 4 shakes a day is too many. Calories can come way up also.
    Does 1400 cals sound better?

    Can you suggest a diet using these foods:
    Brown rice
    Protien shakes
    chicken breast
    Lean beef (brisket, strip)
    deli turkey (low sodium)
    Whole grain bread

    I only eat green beans and corn, olives, carrots, peas, as vegitables. No seafood. I must have some sort of sugar right now but I am phasing that out. Its an addiction! So if I eat 100 cals of sugar crap I do some exercise right away.

    My food choices are limited mainly because I am picky and I dont have a lot of time to prepare foods on a dailey basis. I do cook up 20 lbs of brisket a week though. Lots of paprika on that, and no bbq sauce.

    Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I didn't even really get a chance look at your food choices because I read that you're eating 931cal per day?

    That's about 1400cal below your maintenance level. If you continue eating like that for any lengthy period of time you will burn through your lean body mass, lower your metabolism significantly, and ultimately end up weighing much less but with the same or higher BF %. You didn't say what the big deal is with doing this in 3 weeks but it's not a sprint. For God's sake, have some patience and feed your muscles.
    Heres the reason: Florida in 3 weeks! Actually the real issue is last year I started on TRT and put on loads of LBM (pic is outdated). Before the TRT I went from 35% to 20% in about 4 months. However, with all the new LBM my 20% makes me look pretty fat. I know its LBM because I went from starting 155lbs on bench to 225. Squats went from 185 to starting at 245. No instanstly and honestly I hold back a bit. My starting weight before trt taxed me, my starting weights now just warm me up.

    So I am trying to cut fat ASAP and if I lose some LBM its ok, just want to spare it if possible. I can get it back no problem. Also the E2 problems I get (acne, bloat) due to the 20% drive me nuts. Time to drop this fat.

    While the goal is to look good for florida, the main goal is to get rid of minor E2 issues by losing some fat, and to feel more confortable. WIth all the new LBM the fat makes me feel like crap and bloated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Is that you in your avy? Doesn't look like 20% to me...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yes. Hit me, what is it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Hard to tell from the single pic, i'd say between 15-18%. You wouldn't be showing abs at all at 20% IMO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Where the sun don't shine
    To achieve 3lbs a week for three weeks will require 0 carbs days followed by intense cardio sessions 45min x2 a day and a hour or so of weights. However, I would shoot for a balanced approach instead 3lbs a week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Hard to tell from the single pic, i'd say between 15-18%. You wouldn't be showing abs at all at 20% IMO.
    Damn Brice, lol i was thinking 17%

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