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Thread: Need bulking diet Critique!

  1. #1

    Need bulking diet Critique!

    Hi all, this is my first post so bare with me.


    weight: 175
    height: 6' 1''
    Body fat percentage: I think around 15%
    Age: 25

    I've been working out for a while but now want to take it to the next level. I want to gain around 25 lbs in the next 4 months if thats possible. Ideally I want to keep my body fat percentage below 15 and ideally around 10%-11%. I currently work out 5-6 days a week.
    Here is the diet I have created out of my personal knowledge. If there is anything y'all would suggest I change please post.

    6 Meals a day plus post workout regimen

    Meal #1
    6 egg yolks
    1 yoke
    1 cup steel cut oats
    8 oz organic Orange juice

    Meal #2
    low sugar protein bar
    Weight Gainer Shake

    chicken breast
    1 can of black pinto beans
    half an orange
    1 cup brown rice

    2 canst tunafish
    1 tablespoon of pickle relish
    1 tablespoon of Mayo
    Salad of greens

    Post Workout Regimen
    2 scoops optimum pro complex protein
    1 tsp l-glutamine
    1tsp creatine

    12oz steak or ground beef
    1 cup brown rice
    salad of greens

    50g of lean protein: chicken, tuna, steak
    2 tbsp peanut butter

    The only other questions I have are should I take dextrose or maltodextrin with post workout? Should I make my meals for pro/fat and pro/carb? Other then that please comment and give advice. My goal is to have a clean bulk the healthy way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hi Vandal, first off, WELCOME. You came to the right place. Have you had your bodyfat checked or is 15% your own guess?

    For us to help can you list macro's for each meal and totals for the day please. Also list what times your meals are.

    You're gonna struggle to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time so you need to decide what you want more. Cut then bulk or bulk then cut.

    Curious to see your workout too.

  3. #3
    Here is a my diet slightly revised with all the numbers. Hope this helps. Thanks for your quick reply!
    Meal #1 8:00 Am
    Steel Cut Oats, 1 cup 600g Calories/108g Carbs/10g fat/20g protein
    6 Egg Whites (Scrambled) 102g Cals/1g Carbs/1g fat/ 22g protein
    1 Egg yolk 54g Cals/1g Carbs/5g fat/3g protein
    Orange Juice - Pulp Free, 8 ounce 110g cals/26g Carbs/0g fat/ 2g protein
    Totals 886g cals/136g carbs/16g fat/47g protein

    Meal #2 10:30AM
    Low Sugar Protein Bar 200g cals/18g carbs/5g fat/20g protein
    Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass 1250g cals/252g carbs/5g fat/ 50g protein
    Totals 1450g Cals/270g carbs/10g fat/70g protein

    Meal #3 10:30 AM
    Chicken Breast , 8 oz 330g cals/0g carbs/10g fat/72g protein
    Brown Rice, cooked, 1 cup 281g cals/46g carbs/2g fat/5g protein
    Black Beans, with salt, 2 cups 454g cals/82g carbs/3g fat/30g protein
    1 Orange 69g cals/18g carbs/0g fat/1g protein
    Totals 1071g cals/270g carbs/10g fat/70g protein

    Meal #4 1pm
    Tuna Fish, 2 Can 280g cals/0g carbs/0g fat/52g protein
    Pickle relish - Sweet, 1 tbsp 20g cals/5g carbs/0g fat/0g protein
    Mayonaise 1 tablespoon 96g cals/0g carbs/10g fat/0g protein
    Totals 396g cals/5g carbs/18g fat/52g protein

    Post Workout
    Optimum Pro Complex Protein 2 Scoops 270g cals/5g carbs/1g fat/60g protein
    L-Glutamine 1tsp 20g cals/0g carbs/0g fat/0g protein
    Creatine 1tsp 0g/0g/0g/0g
    Totals 290g cals/5g carbs/1g fat/60g protein

    Meal#5 7pm
    Ground Beef, 95% lean, 9oz 454g cals/0g carbss/19g fat/67g protein
    Brown Rice 1 cup 281g carbs/46g cals/2g fat/5g protein
    Whole Wheat Pasta 1 cup 174g cals/37g carbs/1g fat/ 8g protein
    Totals 846g cals/83g cals/22g fat/80g protein

    Meal#6 9pm
    Organice Peanut Butter 2 tbl 210g Cals/6g carbs/18g fat/8g protein
    Tunafish 1 can 210g Cals/0g carbs/6g fat/39g protein
    Totals 420g cals/6g carbs/24g fat/47g protein

    GRAND TOTALS 5,369g Calories/653g Carbs/105g Fat/464g Protein

    Also I have never had my bodyweight checked, I just have a scale then says it can estimate it by running a low current through your body. Supposedly it passed through fat, bone, and muscle at different speed and therefore can try to estimate your bodyfat. I dont trust it but I fluctuate around 15-17% which seems a little high but who knows. I need to get it done professionally. I will try to get my work up on here soon. It took a while just to get all this stuff up. If there are any mathematical errors please let me know.
    Thanks again SteM!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, I don't really know where to start.

    Have you calculated these macro's on uncooked or cooked weight? Have you tried this diet yet? How have you worked out you need over 5000 cals per day? I have no idea how, at your size, you can eat that much food.

    I've gotta say, you'll likely put on 24lbs in weight but your bf is gonna go way up too. Way up!

    Can your gym do a bodyfat caliper test? Or can you post some pics here and we'll estimate for you.

    And, erm, can someone explain to me how much a cup of something is. I'm English and weigh everything in grams bu I can convert from ounces.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    To be honest, it's a really haphazard diet IMO. Via your own admittance, you're somewhere in the 15% bodyfat range. What in the world makes you think a diet consisting of over 5000 calories, and nearly a whopping 700g carbs is what you need?

    I understand that you're looking to gain weight, but I highly doubt you will ever get to the bodyfat you want - in fact, i'm willing to bet it will increase considerably.

    Can you post pics? I need to see they body/type we're working with here.

  6. #6
    All of these calculations are from a website called myfitness pal. It lets you log a diary of every meal you eat and calculates exactly what each food contains. And the foods are not listed just as ground beef, they have every specific brand with the nutrient facts. I have not tried this diet yet. I have been eating a slimmed down version of it at best with just basically less for overall. Im honestly not that hungry to eat that much right now. My priorities would be to keep my body fat under 18% over gaining more weight quicker. According the the Harris Benedict Formula I should be eating a maintenance level of calories around 3100 a day. I used the unofficial how to bulk thread to create this diet but honestly I agree the totals seem a bit much. What would you suggest I cut out to keep a semi-lean look while gaining?
    Or should I give up on keeping my bodyfat down and just focus on gaining? I know typically you either want to gain or cut but can I gain without gaining that much body fat? thanks for your comments. Im just getting involved with my nutrition on a daily level so all your help is appreciated. Oh and Im getting a bodyfat test this week so ill let yall know.

  7. #7
    I was going over my diet to see what I could cut and if I take out the weight gainer shake I have been taking it brings my totals to a more reasonable level. Here are the rounded totals minus the weight gainer shake: 4120 Cals, 400g Carbs, 100g Fat, 400g Protein. Now if I start with those totals and tweak a couple things to bring them down a bit more would that be better? Also forgot to mention I am supplementing fish oil.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    As gbrice says, post a pic. But I think you would be better getting down to 12% or less before you clean bulk. 185lbs @12% will look sooooooooo much better than 200lbs at 18%. Though even with your new macro's I suspect you'd be 200lbs at more than 18.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    you would be better getting down to 12% or less before you clean bulk. 185lbs @12% will look sooooooooo much better than 200lbs at 18%.
    x2. Hell, x100

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