I am confused. I thought maltodextrin was a complex carb, but I think I read on here recently it is sugar. I switched from dextrose to maltodextrin a while back believing I was switching from simple to complex carb pwo. Whats the verdict?? Thanks.
I am confused. I thought maltodextrin was a complex carb, but I think I read on here recently it is sugar. I switched from dextrose to maltodextrin a while back believing I was switching from simple to complex carb pwo. Whats the verdict?? Thanks.
Last edited by JAB1; 09-20-2011 at 07:10 AM.
Both are sugar, and i'm not personally a fan of either. Want easy complex carbs PWO? Go with oats.
Thanks gbrice. even on the container it says complex carb?? Yeah I eat oats daily. I may go that route for pwo soon as well.
Even on the container it says 100% complex carbohydrate???? I know its derived from corn(fructose)?? Why would it say complex if its simple?
It's produced from starch and technically classified as a complex carb, but it absorbs about as rapidly as glucose itself - so that makes it a simple carb in my book.
Ok thanks for thi info. Currently bulking but will definately change to oats when cutting if not before.
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