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  1. #1
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Getting back on track log

    I fell off the workout wagon a few months ago and need to catch up and jump back on that thing. As I have been seeing around here it looks like the best course of action is to start posting my daily logs for critiquing.

    I am currently at 173lbs, 5'10, and I think about 12-13% bf but not sure.
    I would like to get to about 180 with single digit bf eventually.

    Here is yesterday's log and I will post todays sometime tonight.

    7am: WORKOUT: 30 min cardio fasted
    8am:6 whole eggs, whole wheat raisin bagel 650cal/32g fat/44g carbs/44g pro
    12pm: 8 oz boneless skinless chicken, 4oz pork loin, 1 cup baked beans 560cal/15g fat/35g carbs/73g pro
    6pm: WORKOUT: 60min strength training
    7-715pm: 170* sauna
    730pm: 10 oz filet steak, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup baked beans. 584cal/20g fat/12g carbs/50g pro
    I drink between 1 1/2-2 gallons of water a day minimum.

    Those filet numbers are with a piece of bacon wrapped around it.
    After putting all these numbers together I know I need to increase my calories by about 1000 to get to me TDEE of 2800 and it looks like I'm consuming to much fat.
    Thats why I'm here though, I can use all the help I can get with diet. I am slowly gearing myself towards an IF diet like Baseline is currently doing.

    Don't sugar coat your comments for me!
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-21-2011 at 11:15 AM. Reason: Add drink info and screwed up some times on log

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Are you trying to bulk or cut? Food choices are poor either way.

    If you are trying to cut, first find out your bodyfat (post pics if you want us to guesstimate). 2nd, read the Cutting 101 in this forum.

    If you are trying to bulk again, first check your bodyfat. Most people underestimate their % and if you are really 15% I would suggest you want to be cutting first.

  3. #3
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    I fell off the workout wagon a few months ago and need to catch up and jump back on that thing. As I have been seeing around here it looks like the best course of action is to start posting my daily logs for critiquing.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    I am currently at 173lbs, 5'10, and I think about 12-13% bf but not sure.
    I would like to get to about 180 with single digit bf eventually.
    So is your current goal to add mass, or reduce bodyfat further? It will be tough to comment on your diet other than the obvious until we know this.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Here is yesterday's log and I will post todays sometime tonight.

    7am: WORKOUT: 30 min cardio fasted
    Good start! I'm thinking the goal is to reduce bodyfat then?

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    8am:6 whole eggs, whole wheat raisin bagel 650cal/32g fat/44g carbs/44g pro
    Man, that's a massive amount of fat in a single sitting - I usually go with 1 whole egg to 2 whites - so i'd do 2 whole eggs, 4 whites here. Also, the bagel is a crap/processed carb source with a bunch of sugar. I'd swap it for something cleaner - oats would be my choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    12pm: 8 oz boneless skinless chicken, 4oz pork loin, 1 cup baked beans 560cal/15g fat/35g carbs/73g pro
    Ok, I have a few problems with this. Normally, the 4 hour gap between meal wouldn't really bother me - except that your previous meal was eggs, which digest quickly. So up until noon, all you have in your system, protein wise, is eggs. Not a great start to the day imho. If you have to wait 4 hours to eat, you may want to consider a more substantial protein source in the morning, or at least have something else with the eggs (that's what i'd do) - lean Canadian bacon is an option.

    Secondly - why so much protein in this meal? And baked beans? They're usually loaded with sugar...

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    6pm: WORKOUT: 60min strength training
    No preworkout meal?

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    6-615pm: 170* sauna
    I'm confused - are you strength training, or sitting in a sauna?

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    630pm: 10 oz filet steak, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup baked beans. 584cal/20g fat/12g carbs/50g pro
    Now i'm REALLY confused! Are you strength training, sitting in a sauna, or eating? You state 1 hour of strength training at 6pm, but are eating at 6:30pm? I won't even comment on the food at this point - please clarify what the schedule is here.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    I drink between 1 1/2-2 gallons of water a day minimum.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Those filet numbers are with a piece of bacon wrapped around it.
    Why? Are you trying to build a lean muscular physique, or get fat? I don't mean to come off as sarcastic, I just don't understand why you'd have bacon wrapped around beef in a supposed bodybuilding/get in shape diet...???

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    After putting all these numbers together I know I need to increase my calories by about 1000 to get to me TDEE of 2800 and it looks like I'm consuming to much fat.
    You need to add some meals, that's for sure. And yes, clearly fats are already too high - without the addition of any more meals. Needs to be addressed asap.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Thats why I'm here though, I can use all the help I can get with diet. I am slowly gearing myself towards an IF diet like Baseline is currently doing.
    Unless you NEED to do IF due to a work schedule or something like that, I would recommend against it at this point. It's not necessarily an 'advanced' type of dieting, but you need to know a thing or two, and to be honest it doesn't look to me like you have the fundamentals worked out yet. If it were up to me, i'd have you on a standard 6-8 small meals/day type plan, for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Don't sugar coat your comments for me!
    God no! You have enough sugar in all those baked beans!

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Must've posted at the same time as Stem... didn't mean to step on toes.

    Agreed though - post up pics ASAP if possible so we can see what we're dealing with.

  5. #5
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Sorry, messed up the times in my log but I fixed them.
    I was eating around 6-7 times a day when I moved furniture but when I stopped moving all of a sudden I stopped eating like that.. shame on me. I can go back to a bunch of little meals if thats recommended for now. I know the bacon is bad, but its so good. That WILL stop NOW. The bagels are wheat and have 9g sugar so I didn't think that was to bad and I didn't even check the sugar in the beans but I will get rid of both.

    Right now I want to cut BF without losing to much muscle. I will get a current pic up tonight.
    Also I'm hitting the grocery store tonight and was thinking about stealing the menu Base has listed. Simple and easy to follow. Again though, I can split that into small meals throughout the day if needed.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Must've posted at the same time as Stem... didn't mean to step on toes.

    Agreed though - post up pics ASAP if possible so we can see what we're dealing with.
    Ha ha, no worries man. You were far more thorough and articulate than I was.

  7. #7
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    you are back on track now...and welcome to the nutritional resource forum! (see Gbrice,,,,I am a quick study!)

  8. #8
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    you are back on track now...
    Sure am with all the knowledge flying around here.

    Took some pictures last night and looking at them I think I under estimated my bf.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bf1.JPG 
Views:	86 
Size:	385.8 KB 
ID:	117366Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bf2.JPG 
Views:	79 
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ID:	117368Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bf3.JPG 
Views:	76 
Size:	93.2 KB 
ID:	117367
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-20-2011 at 08:21 AM.

  9. #9
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    I have no idea why they are sideways, they are not on my computer...

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Sorry, messed up the times in my log but I fixed them.
    I was eating around 6-7 times a day when I moved furniture but when I stopped moving all of a sudden I stopped eating like that.. shame on me. I can go back to a bunch of little meals if thats recommended for now.
    It's certainly not the only way to diet, but until you get comfortable with what you're doing, it's what i'd recommend

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    I know the bacon is bad, but its so good. That WILL stop NOW.
    Good!!! idk how you can eat a single piece of bacon anyway. If I so much as smell bacon, i'm frying up the entire package!!

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    The bagels are wheat and have 9g sugar so I didn't think that was to bad and I didn't even check the sugar in the beans but I will get rid of both.
    Wheat flour, still probably very processed. You sure only 9g sugar with the raisins? Either way, i'd still go with a cleaner source. Yea, i'm curious to know what the beans had - if it's anything like B&M or one of those, they're usually swimming in a sugary BBQ type sauce... good that you're ditching them.

    Don't get me wrong - beans are a great carb source. Black, red, kidney, white/navy, pinto, etc - just not when they're slathered in sugary sauce/syrup!

    Quote Originally Posted by overnightworker21 View Post
    Right now I want to cut BF without losing to much muscle. I will get a current pic up tonight.
    Also I'm hitting the grocery store tonight and was thinking about stealing the menu Base has listed. Simple and easy to follow. Again though, I can split that into small meals throughout the day if needed.
    ^^ this

  11. #11
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Yesterday's log, today I'm going to start posting the current days log, not a day behind anymore.
    Oh and they were bush's beans...15g sugar per cup.

    One thing I did not mention was I take a multivitamin, fish oil, glucosamine, potassium, and two other vitamins I can't recall at the moment every morning.
    7am: WORKOUT : 30 min cardio fasted
    8am:2 whole eggs & 4 eggs worth of egg whites (3/4cup), 1/2 cup oats, 1 banana 612cal/14.5g fat/55g carbs/37g pro
    12pm: 4 oz boneless skinless chicken, 4oz lean pork loin, 1 cup baked beans 450cal/12.5g fat/35g carbs/50g pro -(Same as day before cause I ate before we talked about getting rid of the beans.)
    415pm: 4oz boneless skinless chicken, 4oz lean pork loin 270cal/6.5g fat/0 carbs/51g pro
    6pm: WORKOUT : 60min strength training
    7-715pm: 170* sauna
    730pm: quick stop at grocery store
    8pm: 8oz 96/4 extra lean ground beef, 1 cup basmati rice, 1 cup peas. I will have to look up the macros on these. Don't have them right now, forgot to it write down this morning.

  12. #12
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    Also, I forgot my container of carbs today (rice) what would be quick and easy for me to pick from HEB on my lunch break to substitute for my carbs today? All I have access to at work is a microwave. Well, blow torch also so I guess I could setup a make shift oven..

  13. #13
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Day three:
    7am: 20min stepmill 20 min cycle
    8am: 4 eggwhites, 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oats - 290cal/13g fat/27g carb/17g pro w/o egg whites included. Still have to figure those numbers for 3/4 cup (4 eggs worth)
    1130am: 4oz pork loin, 4oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup oats - 420cal/9.5g fat/ 27g carb/56g pro
    200pm: 4oz extra lean beef - 150cal/4.5g fat/25g pro
    430pm: 4oz pork loin - 160cal/4g fat/28g pro
    630pm: 30 min cardio
    730pm 8oz extra lean beef cheeseburger w/veggies, 1 cup cooked basmati rice. - 470cal/5.5g fat/35g carb/32g pro
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-21-2011 at 11:13 AM. Reason: Added macro values.

  14. #14
    overnightworker21's Avatar
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    Could you guys give me an estimate on bf? Curious to what I'm sitting around as I don't have access to calipers yet, only a scale which tells your bf but those are horribly inaccurate I have found.
    Also, how should I split my carbs (basmati) throughout the day? Should I just eat them around AM and early afternoon and try to stay away from them near bed time?

  15. #15
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    Day 4:
    7am: squats, leg press
    8am: 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1/2 cup oats w/ tbsp reduced fat pb & half banana - 404cal/14g fat/48g carbs/24g pro
    1130am: 5oz lean pork loin, 4oz basmati, 1 tbsp guacamole - 392cal/15g fat/38g carbs/29g pro
    230pm: 5oz lean pork loin, 4oz basmati, 1 tbsp guacamole - 392cal/15g fat/38g carbs/29g pro
    6pm: 10oz beef filet (190cal/5g fat/24g pro), 4oz basmati, 1 tbsp guacamole - 560cal 22.5g fat/38g carbs/59g pro
    915pm(cooking now, eat about then): 5oz boneless skinless chicken, 1/2 cup sweet peas - 197cal/3g fat/11g carbs/32g pro
    Total Cal = 1945

    Besides still needing to add more food is there anything y'all see I should change?
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-21-2011 at 08:50 PM. Reason: added macros

  16. #16
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Sorry bro... I will check and respond to your questions tomorrow... had a busy day 2day with the baby and all... trying to catch up on a bunch of sh!t now...

    Glad to see you logging daily though!

  17. #17
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    Day 5
    7a: 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites - 208cal/10g fat/0 carb/28g pro
    8a: 1/2 cup oats, tbsp pb, half banana - 268cal/9g fat/35 carb/10 g pro
    11a: 4oz bone/skin less chicken, 1cup basmati, 1/2 cup sweet peas - 320cal/2.5g fat/46g carbs/29g pro
    2p: 4oz bone/skin less chicken, 1 cup basmati, 1/2 cup peas - 320cal/2.5g fat/46g carbs/29g pro
    3p: 1 hour light/moderate cardio (cycling)
    530p: 10g BCAA
    8p: 4oz chicken - 110cal/2.5g fat/0 carb/23g pro
    9p: 8oz extra lean beef, 2 slice wheat bread, 1 slice American cheese, 1 tbsp guacamole, 1/2 cup mixed veggies, 7oz sweet potato - 755cal/18g fat/81g carb/66g pro

  18. #18
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    Day 6
    845a: 10g BCAA
    9a: 45 min cardio
    10a: 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs - 208cal/10g fat/0 carb/28g pro
    1130a: 1/2 cup oats w/1 cup skim milk, tbsp pb, half banana - 268cal/9g fat/35 carb/10 g pro
    3p: 8oz lean beef, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1slice American cheese, 1tbsp guacamole, 4oz basmati, 1/2 cup peas - 680cal/18g fat/75.5 carbs/66.5 pro
    745p: 10oz bone/skin chicken, 7oz sweet potato, 4oz basmati - 610cal/6.25g fat/76g carbs/65g pro
    830p: 1 scoop whey (muscletech nitrotech with aminos) w/ 12oz skim milk - 302cal/0g fat/19g carbs/37g pro

    Totals: 1906cal/43.25g fat/187.5g carbs/206.5g pro

    Did not eat as much as I should have today, didn't realize it till I started typing this. Need to keep a better eye on that.
    Didn't think about food cause I was enjoying another hobby of mine. Might have to set alarms on my cell to make sure I eat my food everyday, still shy of my TDEE
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-26-2011 at 08:36 AM. Reason: Macros

  19. #19
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    Did not realize how hard it would be to take in all these calories now that my job is not physical labor anymore. Guess I need to find more calorie dense foods or something cause I feel like I'm eating a heap of food and still not eating enough. I'm on a good start this morning though, as of last night I added a protein shake at night just for the extra calories and added one with breakfast this morning. Also started using skim milk with my oats for extra calories.

  20. #20
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    Day 7

    645a: 10g BCAA
    7a: 45min strength training
    8a: 2 whole,4 whites, 1slice turkey bacon - 228cal/10.5g fat/0 carb/31g pro
    845a: 1/2 cup oats, tbsp pb, half banana, protein shake - 305cal/9g fat/48g carbs/35g pro
    12p: 8oz beef, 6oz chicken, 1/2 cup rice, 7oz sweet tater,tbsp guacamole (ate half) - 750cal/20.5g fat/60.5carbs/90g pro
    430: Finished other half of 12p meal
    6p: 30 min light cardio (bicycle with kids to park, don't consider it cardio it was so light, better than nothing though I suppose)
    630p: 4oz chicken - 110cal/2.5g fat/0 carbs/23g pro
    845p: 10oz filet mignon, 3 cups asparagus, 1/2 cup red beans - 520cal/22g fat/48g carbs/66g pro

    Totals: 1913cal/64.5g fat/156.5g carbs/245g pro
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-25-2011 at 09:25 AM. Reason: Macros

  21. #21
    Standby's Avatar
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    at your 12p meal your looking at 100g of protein am i right?

  22. #22
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    Yes sir, just about. Sitting at 90g with yesterdays 12p meal. I did only eat half at that time though and finished that meal at 430p..
    To much at once? I'm trying to get to my TDEE right now and it is difficult so I was just trying to get as much food as possible in.

  23. #23
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    Day 8 (Yesterday)

    7a: 45min stepmill fasted
    8a: 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oats w/ 3/4 cup skim milk, tbsp pb, half banana - 476cal/19g fat/63g carb/38g pro
    10a: 1 scoop whey shake w/ 12 oz skim milk - 302cal/0g fat/19g carbs/37g pro
    12p: 4.5oz chicken breast, 5.35 oz sweet potato, 1 tbsp guac - 292cal/5.5g fat/32.5g carbs/30g pro
    230p: 1 can chunk light tuna in water, 1/2 cup pinto beans - 223cal/2.5g fat/23g carbs/28g pro
    6p: 1 can chunk light tuna in water - 100cal/2g fat/~1g carb/20g pro
    8p: 8oz chicken breast, 7oz sweet potato, 1/2 cup mixed veggies - 460cal/5g fat/52 carbs/53 pro
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-26-2011 at 08:46 AM. Reason: Macros

  24. #24
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    So I have been seeing mixed thoughts on these boards about doing cardio and strength training on the same day. With my goals in mind (lower bf, w/o much LBM loss) would it be ok for me to do both on the same day or should I dedicate different days for cardio and strength training? Usually the only time I'm able to get to the gym is 7a to 8a. My schedule is about to change a little and I will be able to get into the gym about 6p most days in the week and would like to do strength training then so I can have the mornings for my fasted cardio.

  25. #25
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    Day 9 yesterday

    6a: 10g BCAA
    7a: 30 min stepmill
    8a: 3 egg whites, 1 whole
    845a: 1/2 cup oats w/ 2tbsp pb, 1/2 banana, 2 tsp honey
    915a: 1 scoop whey w/ 12oz skim milk
    12p: 8oz chicken, 1 cup basmati, 7oz sweet potato
    545: 15 min light cardio (walk with kids)
    615p: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1tbsp guacamole, 1tbsp American cheese, wheat tortilla
    8p: 10oz pork loin, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup turkey chili
    Last edited by overnightworker21; 10-27-2011 at 08:26 PM.

  26. #26
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    Day 10

    645a: 10g BCAA
    715a: 30 min stepmill
    8a: 3egg whites 1 whole, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 tbsp guacamole,1tbsp American cheese, peppers, tomatoes, hot sauce
    845a: 1/2 cup oats, tbsp pb, 1/2 banana
    12p: 10oz pork loin, 1 cup green beans
    545p: 4oz pork loin
    6p: 50 min strength training
    650-720p: 170* sauna
    8p: same as 8a plus 2 cups turkey chili w/ 4 crackers

  27. #27
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    Day 11

    645a: 10g BCAA
    715a: 30 min stepmill
    8a: same as day 10
    845a: same as day 10
    12p: 6oz pork loin, 1 cup basmati, 1/2 cup green beans
    6p: 2cups turkey chili, 1/2 cup peas, 8oz chunk light tuna in water
    8p: 2 lobster tail, 4oz black angus sirloin, 1 large sweet potato

  28. #28
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    Day 12 yesterday

    730a: same as day 11
    845a: same as day 11
    3p: 2 cups turkey chili, 2 turkey dogs, 1 tbsp cheddar cheese, 4 saltiness crackers
    530p: 4oz chunk light tune in water, 1/2 cup peas, 1 cup basmati
    830p: 12.5 oz boneless skinless chicken breast, 1 cup peas, 1 cup basmati

    In class from 9a - 245p & 330-5p

    Will post macros later, heading to class now.

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