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  1. #1
    stams002 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011

    I need some nutrition advice from someone seasoned in bodybuilding!

    I have been training for around 8 years now and have gone from 63kg to 88kg but my goal is to reach a lean 90kg and my BF% at the moment would be around 20-25. It seems though every time I try to put size on its either to quick and I get fat or not at all which is really anoying. There has been times when my weight has gone as high as 105kg but I put on at least half of it fat, this from eating clean to just more carbs generally. I find my appetite is never satisfied, I even tried eating more protein and not move the carbs but nothing seem to happen in the case of size accept an increase in my fat stores. I have also tried adding in peanut butter just one table spoon but as soon as I did this the same thing occured. It is really frustrating to try and just add muscle but add fat instead and then have to lose the fat and start again, not see any progress. This is what drove me to start using steroids but all they seem to do is make me stronger and put a lot of water weight on can anyone please give me any help. The last course I did was 40g dianabol orals and 2ml enanthate for a 8 week cycle

    Here is my diet and here is my next cycle

    Breakfast = 1 cup oats, 150ml egg whites, 1 whole egg, 70g frozen berries, 10 ml honey

    snack = 1 cup brown rice, 150g steak, 1/2 cup beans

    lunch = same as snack above

    pre training = creatine 5mg, 3g beta alanine

    post training = 35g protein in a shake, 50g dextrose, multidextrose

    dinner = 200g sweet potato, 150g chicken, 1 cup veggies

    late = protein shake, or 200ml egg whites

    My next cycle will be 1ml sust, 2ml enanthate, 2ml decca for 8 weeks

    I would appreciate any advice as I do not know where to add calories without putting the excess fat on, any advice would be appreciated but would like it if the advice given was from someone with experiance in this type of issue

    thank you,

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board Mark,
    If you go here...!!!
    and look at the third link down, you will find a way to calculate how many calories you need to gain weight.
    Next, your meal schedule looks solid, maybe a few more veggies, but that's just me. You need to get this all orgainized and calculate your macros that his plan represents (protein, carbs, fat), and overall how many calories this represents.
    Next, when you get up to 50 posts and have ability to PM me, do so and i will send you a self calculating spreadsheet that calculates your macros and other vital information, you just pop in what you are eating, all the heavy lifting is done in the spreadsheet.
    Bottom line, if you eat real clean, and exceed your Base Metabolic Rate (you can google that too), you should grow LBM (lean body mass)

    yes, I know frustrating.

    one other thing, now that I've taken a second look, why all the simple carbs for bfast? should be complex carbs, except during/after workout.

    Do all that, repost, and let's take another look

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Can you list your stats. Height, weight, actual bodyfat %.

    At 20-25% you are way too high for a successful cycle. Especially an only 8 week test e cycle.

    Also can you add up your macro's for each meal and totals for the day.

    Can you list all cycles you have don?

    In all honesty dude, I would STRONGLY suggest you cut before you consider trying a bulk.

    Food choices, for the most part, look good!

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    It doesnt sound like you are having any problems putting on weight, you are having problems putting on muscle. It doesnt take a huge calorie surplus to create an anabolic environment. I would eat just slightly over your daily expenditure needs, maybe 200-300 calories. The other issue, which I think may be the main culprit is your training. Extra food doesnt add muscle, extra food allows for adding muscle when there is an adaptive response or need to do so. Not training with enough intensity or if you are over training are roadblocks to adding lean body mass.

    One last thing, with 8 years of training already under your belt 3-5lbs of muscle added per year would be considered extremely good. I would also echo Stems suggestion and not worry about hitting 90kg. Get that bodyfat down to under 15% and keep it there.

  5. #5
    stams002 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Thank you everyone for your input,

    My macros are

    55g Fat

    316g Carbs

    287g Pro

    total calories = 2829

    My previous cycles I have run are,
    the one I stated in the previous post

    2ml prop with 40g of dianabol a week for 8 weeks.

    I am not 100% of my BF% because the only scales I have used are the electronic ones and as far as training goes I feel I was over training previously as I always felt tired I was only trianing 4 days a week
    Mon, tues, rest, thur, fri, rest, rest then repeat, but was doing too many sets, so I started using the HIT training system and feel better during the day and get continued progress. But of course if there is any advice I will take it, thanks again everyone.

  6. #6
    hsvcraig's Avatar
    hsvcraig is offline Associate Member
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    Times roman... I can't be a nuisance and ask for that pm you offerd plz. Goodluck stams

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