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  1. #1
    Mafio400's Avatar
    Mafio400 is offline Junior Member
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    Help A New Guy Out, Need Advice On My Diet!

    Hey fellas,

    Im 25 years old and have been lifting for about 11 years. I was bulky when coming out of my senior year in high school and then I got into boxing a leaned out. Lost about 30lbs or so and was walking around 210lbs. I stopped boxing last year and have been trying to regain my muscle mass and some size. I did my first cycle last spring which worked out great.. I went from benching 315 max to repping it out 9-10x. BUT i ended up putting on to much weight as well..

    So now Ive started cleaning up my diet while trying to cut down..

    Also I have been planning a cutting cycle which i am hoping to start in the next few months..

    With looking at my diet would you change anything now?? && Would you change anything when I start my cutting cycle?

    FYI I am the type that can easly put on weight but have a hard time cutting.

    7am: Wake I take Animal Fat Burner
    45min - 1 Hour cardio on empty stomach

    8:30am Protein Shake.. Two Scoops of Opti Whey,
    1/2 cup Oats
    1 serving Natural PB
    5g Glutamate
    Muti Vitimin
    Flax seed oil

    12 noon: Can tuna & Spinich salad with a small amount of cheese, Bananna peppers, fat free dressing

    4pm: 6oz Lean Meat
    1/2 Brown Rice
    2 servings Broccolli

    5pm: No Xplode

    5:30pm: Weights

    6:45pm 1-1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein

    7:15pm 6oz Lean Meat
    Every other day Ill probably will have 1/2 cup of Brown Rice here.... Thoughts?
    4 Servings Broccoli + 1tsp extra virgin olive oil ( I usually fry the broccoli and us Mrs. Dashes Cheese flavoring) <-- What are your thoughts on that?

    10-11pm 6 egg whites
    2-3 whole eggs

    12-1 BED

    What do you guys think I should change now and for my upcoming cycle?

    Thanks for any advice in advance!

  2. #2
    Mafio400's Avatar
    Mafio400 is offline Junior Member
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    extra info: After my last cycle I was weighing in around 240lbs(put on about 30lbs 1st cycle).. And right now Im weighing in around 232lbs.. So i have been losing a little bit of weight but it seems as if im plateauing and i cant break into the 220's.. Id like to be around 220-225 before I start next cycle.

    Height 6'2"

  3. #3
    MASTERMIKE 48's Avatar
    MASTERMIKE 48 is offline Junior Member
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    Looks like you need more protein! I would replace the lean meat with chicken and add more of it! Also ditch the full eggs and replace that with almonds for natural fat! I don't see any long acting carbs prior to your weights! Brown rice or oatmeal and a quick carb just after your meal like a piece of white bread and a little white sugar. I would slam a 12 ounce lean steak once a week just to mix it up! What are you using to count your intake of carbs and protein? and are you cycling your carbs? I would reverse your egg whites to the morning then if you need to bump up your protein at the end of the day try some casein whey or some cottage cheese at bed time! The tuna is good but too much of it is not so mix it up with chicken instead! Hope this helps!

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate
    Have you done your homework and figured out your cals and your macros? (protein/carbs/fat) go here:
    And while you are at it, go to the nutrition section and calculate your BMR (base metabolic rate), which is your estimated daily caloric burn, here:
    to cut, consume less calories than your BMR, simple enough, huh?
    I'm sure others will chime in here soon enough with additional thoughts...
    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    For your 4pm pre-workout meal the brown rice is ok, but for the 7.15pm meal I would stick with lean meat and fibrous veggies only. I'm also a fan of having egg whites in the morning when I wake up. If you make that change, i'd go with some cottage cheese or casein before bed as a slow-absorbing protein source.

  6. #6
    hsvcraig's Avatar
    hsvcraig is offline Associate Member
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    Hey why is too much tuna not good? I eat heaps of tuna but I am bulking. Thanks mate

  7. #7
    MASTERMIKE 48's Avatar
    MASTERMIKE 48 is offline Junior Member
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    The Tuna is high in sodium the whole tuna fish debate about heavy metal toxicity, in that case involving mercury, heavy metals in the body are bad news. They cause a whole lot of health problems, and also affect the brain.
    Chicken, Tilapia, egg whites and whey protein should be your main stay!

    I'm re posting what Roman said here because he is dead on! Until you know this your runing blind!
    Have you done your homework and figured out your cals and your macros? (protein /carbs/fat) go here:
    //forums.steroid .com/showthread...nutrient-Chart
    And while you are at it, go to the nutrition section and calculate your BMR (base metabolic rate), which is your estimated daily caloric burn, here:
    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig View Post
    Hey why is too much tuna not good? I eat heaps of tuna but I am bulking. Thanks mate
    I read an article recently about a guy from the US (I think he was in New York) who filed a lawsuit against a supermarket chain for selling him too much tuna. Apparently he ate 7-8 tins a day because the super was selling them for less than a dollar a tin. After a few months of scoffing copious amounts of tuna, he got crook and went to the quack where they ran every routine test they knew of to try and ascertain the cause of his illness. They found nothing irregular. Then after another week or so, he went back to the clinic and they decided to run tests for heavy metals and found that the mercury content in his system was like 40x the normal amount.

  9. #9
    MASTERMIKE 48's Avatar
    MASTERMIKE 48 is offline Junior Member
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    Exactly! When I was 16 and training for my first show that was all I ate for protein just because it was cheap and back in the day thats what we did! lol

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