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Thread: Modified Atkins...? ? ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Modified Atkins...? ? ?

    An Acquaintance of mine told me of a Diet he's on that is basically a Modified version of the Atkins Diet.

    He eats all the low glycemic carbs he wants...until 3 pm and after that....his last two meals are carb free....only meat.

    He's genetically superior for fat burning..(dude has no fat at all and has never had any fat that I remember)...and the guy is in his late 60's. He's been training for over 50 yrs!

    Not sure how effective this diet would be for burning fat or loosing fat.....

    thought I would post it on the forum and see what responses I get.

    I am considering the Atkins diet for myself to lose about 10lbs of mid-section fat, and WANTED to know if this diet would work (or not).

    Your constructive input is appreciated.


  2. #2
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    New Jersey
    IMO that's not a modified Atkins diet... it's simply a diet where he cuts carbs later in the day. Definitely not reinventing the wheel!

    That said - this type of dieting works well for many people. Clean carbs generally keep in the earlier part of the day, no carbs in the latter part.

    I've done it myself, but like carb cycling much better.

  3. #3
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Big supporter of the Atkins diet. Ran it many times over the years. Great way to lose fat. I don't run it longer than 2 months, then switch to a South Beach diet. Works great, unless you are hitting the weights real hard, and then the low carb diets fizzle out, and i get real "cranky". Need those carbs for lifting!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    IMO that's not a modified Atkins diet... it's simply a diet where he cuts carbs later in the day. Definitely not reinventing the wheel!

    That said - this type of dieting works well for many people. Clean carbs generally keep in the earlier part of the day, no carbs in the latter part.

    I've done it myself, but like carb cycling much better.
    GB... you gotta link for that?


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    GB... you gotta link for that?

    Not sure what you mean... like a 'how to' on carb cycling?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Not sure what you mean... like a 'how to' on carb cycling?
    yeah. I just don't get the whole concept of "carb cycling" since it takes a couple of weeks (Atkins calls it an induction phase) to ween your body off carbs and start metabolizing fat. Atkins teaches that an infusion of carbs (as in a carb cycle) resets the body's desire for carbs, and therefore you have to go through another induction phase. the body is very sensitive to carbs, prefers carbs, and really hates the hassle of having to metabolize fat. By omitting carbs, the body has no choice but to metabolize fat.

    So i'm just not sure how a carb cycle is supposed to work, physiologically i mean? I've got a pretty good grip on the theory behind the Atkins, and cycling carbs seems to fly in the face of what i've learned.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    yeah. I just don't get the whole concept of "carb cycling" since it takes a couple of weeks (Atkins calls it an induction phase) to ween your body off carbs and start metabolizing fat.
    This isn't true. It DOES take some time for your body to switch over to a complete fat burning metabolism, such as in keto when no carbs are present, but reaching ketosis isn't the goal of carb cycling.

    Your body can always burn fat, just not ALL fat because glucose and/or glycogen will almost always be present.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Atkins teaches that an infusion of carbs (as in a carb cycle) resets the body's desire for carbs, and therefore you have to go through another induction phase.
    That's why with what i'd consider 'quasi' keto diets (CKD, Palumbo, etc), people never reach a 'deep' level of ketosis - at least not from what I've seen with others, nor with my own experience. However they do get to a point where enough fat is being burned efficiently. IMO, CKD, Palumbo etc. are more along the lines of carb cycling rather than keto - but for whatever reason they've been lumped in with keto diets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the body is very sensitive to carbs, prefers carbs, and really hates the hassle of having to metabolize fat. By omitting carbs, the body has no choice but to metabolize fat.
    Agreed the body prefers glucose, and whenever present, it will be burned and the likelihood of fat being burned simultaneously is slight. However I wouldn't say the body hates burning fat; the body can burn fat rather efficiently, and even in the case of ketosis, ketones are a very efficient fuel source.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So i'm just not sure how a carb cycle is supposed to work, physiologically i mean? I've got a pretty good grip on the theory behind the Atkins, and cycling carbs seems to fly in the face of what i've learned.
    Fairly simple in principle. Note there are many different 'ways', but i'll use what i'm doing as an example:

    3 moderate carb days - keep glycogen stores topped off, workouts have intensity, muscle tissue is maintained and/or repaired/grown

    3 zero carb days (fibrous veggies only) - deplete glycogen stores, workouts are more 'cardio' intense to deplete stores faster, burning fat becomes the focus

    1 high carb day - off day - comes immediately after the 3 no carb days. Rest, repair, grow, completely replenish glycogen stores

    Make sense?

  8. #8
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    so you run your three moderate days together, and then your 3 zero carb days together, right? Ok... good so far.
    so three days a week, highly intense workouts, next three days, more cardio intensive workouts, and then off.
    so really, with this nutrition plan, you do need to modify your routines.

    OK... now i gotta go and so some reading. thanks for pointing me in the right direction....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    so you run your three moderate days together, and then your 3 zero carb days together, right? Ok... good so far.
    so three days a week, highly intense workouts, next three days, more cardio intensive workouts, and then off.
    so really, with this nutrition plan, you do need to modify your routines.

    OK... now i gotta go and so some reading. thanks for pointing me in the right direction....
    No problem bro - as for the workouts and how they relate to the carb days - it's a bit complicated and not exactly as stated above... I think I get into it a bit in my 'ask GB anything' thread - let me try and find the post and i'll link it here.

    OP, hopefully this isn't considered a hijack as it's somewhat related??!! Sorry bro!

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Good responses....thanks Guys !

    BTW GB

    How many days are you doing only cardio?

    You don't combine weights and cardio?

    Last edited by tcw; 10-28-2011 at 01:51 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Good responses....thanks Guys !

    BTW GB

    How many days are you doing only cardio?

    You don't combine weights and cardio?


    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Good responses....thanks Guys !

    BTW GB

    How many days are you doing only cardio?

    You don't combine weights and cardio?

    It depends on where I'm at with my workout routine/schedule. i.e. my routine is very dynamic and changes every 2 weeks. I have at least 2 days/week that are cardio only, other weeks will have 3.

    I do combine weights and cardio - every weight session is followed by cardio, some preceded by cardio 'warm up' as well. Needless to say, I get in alot of cardio!

  14. #14
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    In the Gym, if i could
    gb is younger too.. i run a diet that is similar and what i find it it takes longer for me to lose "fat" but i never have an energy crash..

    taking in legumes with every mean does it for me.. not root potato/sweet of otherwise, and no rice at all..

    works like a charm.. if i cut out the last 2 meals i tend to be sluggish..
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    gb is younger too..
    lol why don't I feel younger? I'm definitely no spring chicken in any event...

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    i run a diet that is similar and what i find it it takes longer for me to lose "fat" but i never have an energy crash..

    taking in legumes with every mean does it for me.. not root potato/sweet of otherwise, and no rice at all..

    works like a charm.. if i cut out the last 2 meals i tend to be sluggish..
    I love legumes as a carb source, excellent source imo. Clean, naturally high in fiber, excellent cleansing carb, great source of slow steady energy, and tasty with alot of variety. Beans/legumes for the win!

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