Hello. I am posting this thread in hopes of getting some good opinions and advice in regards to my diet. Just some background info, I am 25 years old and currently 6'0" and 195 pounds. I do not track my body fat as I believe the most important factor is what I see in the mirror. However based on past experience I would estimate that I am around 12-15% body fat. Basically I can see my ribs and my top two abs are very distinguished but a little excess abdominal fat over my lower four. As far as past history, I used to be much larger, at one point I was up to 235 lbs. (with 3 cycles of AAS) but due to an injury and some other personal issues I lost a lot of weight and was down to 185. I am trying to get back up in weight but I want to do it the right way this time. I was pretty massive at 235 but my diet sucked, I basically ate anything and as a result I put on a lot more fat than I would have liked to. So here is my bulking diet that I have been following. I have gained 10 pounds on this diet so far:
Meal One BREAKFAST 5:00:00 AM
Weight gain shake
Meal Two 8:00:00 AM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Three10:00:00 AM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Four LUNCH 12:00:00 PM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Five 2:00:00 PM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Six 4:00:00 PM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Seven 6:00:00 PM
Weight gain shake
EXERCISE - Take all vitamins (including Fish Oil, BCAA, Arginine Ethyl Ester, Elasti-Joint, Jack3d)
Meal Eight DINNER 8:00:00 PM
3.5 oz. lean meat
1.25 cup whole grain wheat pasta or potato
Meal Nine BEDTIME 9:00:00 PM
Cottage cheese, milk, & casein shake
It comes out to about 3,700 calories... 79g Fat, 301g Protein, 433g Carbohydrates... I have about 2 or 3 cheat meals per week. I guess my questions are do you guys think I am eating enough, am I eating the right foods, and any other advice you might have based on what you see. Also, if it is relevant I do not really do any cardio right now, but my job requires my to walk quiet a bit throughout the day and I train 4 days per week Monday and Wednesday are Max Effort lifts and Friday and Saturday are Dynamic Effort lifts. Also I am staying natural for now, no AAS until I get back up in weight and strength naturally first.
Thanks a lot in advance. I am hoping to get some good information. These boards are a great resource.