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  1. #1
    41lastchance is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011

    Is my best good enough ?

    Hi guys , First post and hoping to get some constructive advice.

    Iam a 41 workaholic and work approx 65 hours per day, as you can imagine this leaves me little precious time to devote to exercise and diet.
    When I turned 40 I decided that I would utilise the small amount of time I do have in order to get in better shape. Whilst I realise that I will never attain the results many of you guys do I do feel I owe it to myself to be the best I can.
    I cleaned out the spare room, bought a multigym ( I know its not ideal ) and started to train 3 times per week whilst making a huge effort to improve my diet.
    Things have been going well but seem to have reached a point where improvement has stopped.
    I am naturally thin and not a huge eater but I have managed to gain 13 lbs in the last year.
    I have been advised by a friend to start a cycle but would like to become more educated on the pros and cons first, this is the primary reason for joining this site.
    I would however like to make sure that I am maintaining the correct diet and hope you may offer some advice , there are obviously some slight variations but for the last 6 months a typical day is as follow:

    7am porridge and banana
    10 am mackerel/sardines and three slices wholemeal toast
    12.30 sushi and extra rice
    3pm apple and usn muscle fuel anabolic shake
    5pm banana , apple and activia yogurt
    7pm 4 egg omlette or chicken and veg stir fry

    I realise that both my genetics and this diet wont turn me into man mountain but I do struggle to eat more.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this and I would love any comments.

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sounds like you need to adjust your diet...and include a LOT more protein. The guys in the nutrition section can point you in the right direction, but here is what I eat for comparison:

    Two cups egg whites and two whole eggs
    1/4 cup (measured dry) oatmeal

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/8 cup almonds

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/2 cup (measured cooked) brown rice

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/8 cup almonds

    8oz Tilapia
    Handful of spinach leaves with olive oil and vinegar

    After workout
    Protein shake

    Before bed
    Protein shake or 1 cup cottage cheese

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome to the Nutrition forum!

    You have come to the right place.

    Good luck.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  4. #4
    41lastchance is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    that much protein ! will need to find things I can eat while working and dont take up too much time to prepare. Nuts should be easy and could prob make up some chicken in rice . thanks for advice

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate
    your title is asking if your best is good enough. Compared to what? I think until you have clearly defined your goal, the answer will be vague.
    I'm assuming that your diet/exercise routines will continue to have a lower priority than work. this is true for most workaholics.
    So let me just come right out and ask....

    What is your goal?

    and while im' at it, let me ask a few more, if you don't mind?

    Body fat% (this can be tough, most guess wrong)

    So let me give you an example of my goals
    I'm 6'
    230 lbs
    around 15% body fat
    49 years old
    and i've been working out more years than I care to admit

    my Goal is to try and add l5lbs before next summer
    reduce my bodyfat% down to about 12
    and maintain 120/75 bp with a resting heart rate of about 55 (i've more cardio to do to get there)

    once you've clearly defined your goals, then we can draw you a map on how to get there.


  6. #6
    41lastchance is offline New Member
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    Oct 2011
    Thanks for taking time to reply Roman

    Guess post tiltle was a bit vague.
    So here is my history:
    41 yrs old and spent too much of my life working and playing relatively hard. When I became 40 I became far more concious of both my health and mortality and decided to do something about it ( 18 months ago ).
    At that point was only about 150 lbs and 6 ft . Initially cut out all the crap ie redbull chocolate and other high energy foodstuffs, replaced this with the diet mentioned in first post.
    At first my main target was to feel better, lose the small belly I had aquired and improve my general health. I cut down substantially on alcohol and began excercising 3 times a week.
    These changes have had the desired effect, belly almost totally gone , and I now weigh about 168 lbs.
    Whilst I am considerably healthier I feel I owe it to myself to try and be the person I always felt I would one day be, but never quite got round to it. Before I am too old .
    I think another stone of lean muscle and a better body shape is what I would ultimately like to aquire, however the current workouts and diet seem to have left me at a constant.
    I currently feel quite healthy and to be honest the main driver now is probably vanity.
    hope this clears things up.
    Thanks again

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