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  1. #1
    Natedawg92's Avatar
    Natedawg92 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Bulking Help! PLEASE

    Hey, Thanks for looking at my post.

    Im semi-new to this forum, i had asked questions before about steroid use because i was very interested in taking them.
    However, im 19yrs old, and feel i should hold off steroids for at least a year or two. Ive worked out since i was 17, but to be honest i have only been working out religiously for 9months.
    I work at a gym so i workout on my lunch atleast 4days a week for an hour and a half.
    Im 19.
    I am currently 210lbs. My overall goal is 260lbs
    My short term goal, 225lbs.

    Today i take my first big step into bodybuilding, i may have been workingout religiously, taking protein and preworkout supps, but today i start my complete food lifestyle change.
    I plan on spending about $50 a week on groceries just for myself, i live w/ mom nd dad, but im buying my own food now.

    I hav seen the formulas used to see what my daily calorie needs are,because i would like to exceed my daily calorie need by 750-1,000 calories. however im horrible at math and would really like some help from someone that is into bulking to help me breakdown and micro manage my meals.
    For example, for breakfast this morning i has 3 Whole Hardboiled Eggs, and 3 Egg whites. A scoop of protein in skim milk w/ a tbsp of flakseeds and a big cup of water with a fishoil pill, a multi vitamin and a joint support. I work today, cud i just take 3 seperate containers with brown rice and half a chicken breast and eat that three times a day? or How exactly do i need to break down my meals for bulking?

  2. #2
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    Bodyweight 210 X 15 = 3150 maintanance cals. Add 500 to that = 3650 cals.

    So 3650 cals of:
    365g Protein
    365g Carbs
    81g Fats

    6 meals a day with an average of 60g protein in each one. Chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey, eggs and cottage cheese. Use low GI carbs like oats and sweet potatoe, healthy fats like cashew nuts and peanut butter and a head of broccoli every day.

    That is a start for you. The lunchboxes are a great idea, you need to prepare meals in advance. Make sure you get plenty of carbs for breakfast, last meal before training and first meal after training.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Mr Small has provided you with a good base to work with there Nate. When you do your macros remember 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g protein = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals, and 1 cal = 4.184 kilojoules. So when you're looking at the nutrition info on packets etc, use these ratios to add up the total cals per serving. Food scales are also a must for getting in daily cal intake spot on.

    I recommend cooking up a storm for 3 days' worth of lunches and putting in some containers and storing in the fridge. This is what I do. I grill up about 4 chicken breasts, and then boil up 2 cups of brown rice, carrots, broccoli, beans etc and then whack it all in the wok for a few minutes and add some spices for flavour. Fairly simple and will provide you with a good source of nutrition for the next couple of days.

    For meal breakdowns, familiarise yourself with the macros of what you're eating such as chicken breast, steak, etc, weigh the servings up, and then calculate the macros. Like Small said, if you start off with 6 meals per day, work out the macros of the ingredients in these 6 meals and then adjust up/down until you reach your desired daily calorie intake.
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 11-08-2011 at 09:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Doctapeppa is offline Junior Member
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    Also remember that these calories are just an estimate of what your maintenance is. With a 500 calorie surplus you should gain exactly 1 lb a week. Weigh yourself and if you gain more then drop a few calories and if you gain less add a few. Give it two weeks before you change your calories though as the first week you could gain a bit of water or lose depending on what you were doing before.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Subscribed, good luck!!

  6. #6
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    6'2 at 210 isnt bad at all for your age. Took me until I was like 23 to reach that weight (Im taller than you). So props to you.

    And very smart and respectable decision to work on your eating habits before jumping to juice.
    Also good job at making small goals (225) inside your big goal. (260)
    I have to make sure my clients do the same when I set up their training and such. Reaching smallers goals... more often, keeps giving you that motivation to keep progressing. Instead of slowly heading towards that larger goal and getting discouraged.

    Ill def be watching this thread.

  7. #7
    Natedawg92's Avatar
    Natedawg92 is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=Blaz Kavlic;5802909]Mr Small has provided you with a good base to work with there Nate. When you do your macros remember 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g protein = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals, and 1 cal = 4.184 kilojoules. So when you're looking at the nutrition info on packets etc, use these ratios to add up the total cals per serving. Food scales are also a must for getting in daily cal intake spot on.

    would you say its 100% necissary to micromanage my calories when bulking, or is a diet of 3650 cals of:
    365g Protein
    365g Carbs
    81g Fats

    and would eating more than 500calories over my maintenance cause me to gain all fat? or could i eat 1,000calories over my maintenance?

  8. #8
    Natedawg92's Avatar
    Natedawg92 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Subscribed, good luck!!

  9. #9
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natedawg92 View Post
    would you say its 100% necissary to micromanage my calories when bulking, or is a diet of 3650 cals of:
    365g Protein
    365g Carbs
    81g Fats

    and would eating more than 500calories over my maintenance cause me to gain all fat? or could i eat 1,000calories over my maintenance?
    I'd go with 500 cals over maintenance with a p/c/f split of 40/45/15. You can keep your fat gains in check by minimising your fat intake in your meals and only consuming healthy fats such as fish oil caps, natty PB or avocado. If you manage your macros solidly and eat the correct foods, it will be the decisive difference between a clean or dirty bulk.

  10. #10
    Buddhabody's Avatar
    Buddhabody is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good luck....You have the right mind state to get your goals accomplished.

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