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Thread: My cutting diet.. Can you please critique?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    My cutting diet.. Can you please critique?

    Hi everyone. After tons of research most from this forum i made a plan for a cutting diet..


    Height: 6'4 (192cm)
    Weight: 207lb (94kg)
    BF: 17%
    BMR (K&M method): 2055
    TDEE (Mod. Active): 3185


    weight training 4 days per week in the morning ( one body part per week )
    cardio after weight training 45 min low intesity
    boxing class 4 days per week in the afternoon.. Not on legs and back days

    The diet looks like this:

    Meal 1. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    8 egg whites 32g/0g/0g/128
    1 whole eggs 6g/1g/5g/77
    1/2cup (50g) oats 6g/30g/4g/178


    PWO Meal. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    Whey Shake 48/8/2/260
    20g Maltodextrin 0/20/0/80


    Meal 3. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    200g Chicken Breast 44g/0g/6g/230
    150g potatoe cooked 2/30/1/129
    1cup Broccoli 2g/5g/0g/28


    Meal 4. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    1 can tuna(120g drained) 30g/0g/1g/129
    1 whole egg 6g/0g/5g/77
    1cup Broccoli 2g/5g/0g/28


    Meal 5. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    1 can tuna(120g drained) 30g/0g/1g/129
    1 whole egg 6g/0g/5g/77
    1cup Broccoli 2g/5g/0g/28


    Meal 6. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    8 oz. Beef lean steak 48g/0g/14g/230
    150g potatoe cooked 2/30/1/129
    1cup Broccoli 2g/5g/0g/28


    Meal 7. Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

    Whey Shake 24/4/1/260
    1Tbsp Flax Seed Oil 0g/0g/15g/135


    Daily Totall: 324/138/53/ 2346 kCal

    Every Wednesday and Saturday i will add 100-150gr of carbs trying to carb cycle..
    I will cycle some foods in this diet calculating the macros first..

    You are all welcome to comment on my plan..

    Wish me good luck!!
    Last edited by DESJK1; 11-10-2011 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Can you clarify your height and weight? 5'8 isnt 192cm and 185lbs isn't 94kg. This could make a whole load of difference to your requirements.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    You are absolutely right.. That was my fault and i just edited it.. I am 6'4 207 pounds..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Where the sun don't shine
    I would say at a glanve that 138g of carbs per day is not enough. I would cycle carbs to rum between 75g on low days and 250g of carbs at least once if not twice per week. Also 53g of fat seems low. I know you want to cut but I would rework a few things. I can look again later when I have more time. Good luck

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