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Thread: Diet Help

  1. #1

    Diet Help

    Im currently in my 4th week of a test,tren cycle. im doing 3ml tren and 1ml test a week. Im 20 years old 5'11 and about 16% bf.
    Im training 5 days a week with 2-3 days of cardio (power walking 45mins) & i train abs 2 times a week roughly

    Trying to drop as much fat down as possible. heres a sample daily diet, just wondering if anyone has any advice.

    Ive been cutting all carbs out after 5pm aswell

    3 x weetbix + 1tsp of sugar and milk
    Snack (11am):
    2 x vitabritz crackers + ΒΌ avocado + 1 tin of tuna
    2 x Chicken Sandwiches, Salad with cottage cheese, wheat bread
    1 x protein shake (high protein low carb/fat)
    handful of almonds
    1 x protein shake
    Chicken + veges + salad

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    20 years old and on the juice wow silly boy!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 11-10-2011 at 03:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    I dont think that is anywhere near enough food for a successful cycle. Definitely needs work. If it was me, i'd be dropping the whole breakfast you've listed and replacing it with something like:

    6x egg whites
    1 cup of oats
    1 scoop whey
    2 fish oil caps

    You havent stated when you workout, but for lunch I wouldnt be having what you've written. You need atleast 2 more meals a day in there consisting of more lean meats and clean carbs. I personally wouldnt have too high expectations of cycle results with that diet.

    You're too young to be cycling anyways bro and your bf is too high. You've obviously rushed into this without proper preparation and researching proper nutrition. You should be training natty for atleast a year or two with your diet already dialled before even contemplating AAS, not trying to get it dialled 4 weeks into your cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Where the sun don't shine
    Way too young for gear. Good luck. Please be aware of the natural potential that you have not reached. I'm on a cycle now after 5 years of training naturally. I will be 28 soon. Please leave the gear alone and focus on diet and proper training.

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