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Thread: Top 10 Pre Work Out Foods

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mt. Everest

    Top 10 Pre Work Out Foods

    I saw this list on, What are you thoughts on these... Has anyone experimented with weird combinations of the following 10?

    Number 10

    The bioactive compounds tyramine and phenylethylamine found in chocolate can provide you with an energy boost for an intense exercise session. However, chocolate is packed with sugar, calories, fat, and caffeine, so don't go overboard. Your best bet is dark chocolate; it contains the fewest calories and the most antioxidants.

    What to eat: 1 snack-sized Hershey bar (70 calories, 9 grams carbs, 1 gram protein, 3 grams fat).

    Number 9
    Carbohydrate energy gels

    These convenient little gel packets provide a dose of concentrated carbs, roughly equivalent to half a bagel. As they don't contain any protein, fat or fiber, energy gels are absorbed into your bloodstream faster and are much easier to digest than solid food. They are ideal for runners, and any other athletes that require quick bursts of energy to make it through high-intensity workouts.

    What to eat: 1 Packet PowerBar PowerGel (110 calories, 26 grams carbs, 0 grams protein, 0 grams fat).

    Number 8
    Bananas and other fruits

    Although it is widely believed that the sugar in bananas can make you fat, it is actually a very digestible form of carbohydrate. Furthermore, bananas are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function. Since your body doesn't store this nutrient for long periods, an intense workout is enough to make your potassium level drop. Apples, peaches, pineapples, and grapes are also good choices for an energizing snack.

    What to eat: 1 medium banana (105 calories, 27 grams carbs, 1 gram protein, 0.5 gram fat).

    Number 7
    Trail mix

    Trail mix is a great source of phosphorous and zinc. The first promotes muscle growth and boosts energy, and the second speeds up muscle healing. Look for a healthy mix that includes nuts and dried fruits; avoid varieties with high-sugar ingredients such as M&Ms. The dried fruit will provide you with healthy sugars for a quick energy boost, while the seeds and nuts will prevent your insulin level from dropping. Just beware of quantity; although the fat in trail mix is "healthy" fat, it can still cause you to pack on the pounds.

    What to eat: Half-cup trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried fruit (300 calories, 26 grams carbs, 10 grams protein, 18 grams fat).

    Number 6
    The magnesium in yogurt can give you an energy kick for your workout as it activates enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of protein and carbs. It also provides the explosive source of energy used for lifting weights. Therefore, yogurt is a good choice before both cardio and weightlifting sessions.

    What to eat: 8 ounces low-fat plain yogurt (130 calories, 15 grams carbs, 11 grams protein, 3 grams fat).

    Number 5
    Energy bars

    There are many types of energy bars out there. Some contain mostly protein, whereas others are composed largely of carbohydrates. In order to boost your energy before a workout, choose a bar that leans more toward carbs, such as the Gatorade bar. Although bars may be a little more difficult to digest than gels, they have the added advantage of being packed with a balance of essential nutrients.

    What to eat: Gatorade bar (260 calories, 46 grams carbs, 8 grams protein, 5 grams fat).

    Number 4

    Since oats are full of fiber, they are low on the gly***ic index. Therefore, the carbs are released into your bloodstream gradually, keeping your energy levels constant during your workout. They also contain B vitamins, which are energizing, stress-lowering, and help to convert carbs into energy.

    What to eat: 1 cup of oatmeal (145 calories, 25 grams carbs, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat).

    Number 3

    If you're paying attention, you might be wondering why you were told to avoid fat before a workout and are now being told to eat almonds, which are full of fat. The difference is that the monounsaturated fats found in almonds and other nuts provide energy-boosting essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s. The fats you should be avoiding before exercising are saturated ones like cheese and butter, which will make you tired and lethargic.

    What to eat: 12 almonds (83 calories, 3 grams carbs, 3 grams protein, 7 grams fat).

    Number 2

    Although many have written off pasta due to the anti-carb trend, it remains a great source of complex carbs, which help increase stored energy (glycogen) in the muscles. When your glycogen stores are depleted, your body starts relying on anaerobic metabolism for energy, which makes your workout much more difficult. Stick to whole-wheat pasta and keep your portions small or allow two to three hours for digestion before your workout.

    What to eat: Half-cup of cooked whole-wheat spaghetti (87 calories, 19 grams carbs, 4 grams protein, 0.5 gram fat).

    Number 1

    Lentils are a great source of carbs, protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and copper. They will provide you with a great pre-workout energy boost and they're also low in fat and calories, so they make for a great all-around snack. If you're not used to them, start with a small portion. You don't want to end up with a bad case of gas and get kicked out of the gym.

    What to eat: 1 cup boiled lentils (290 calories, 40 grams carbs, 18 grams protein, 1 gram fat).

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I am not an expert as most of the guys here, actually not even close i am just learning the ropes now but for what i have seen and read here in the stickys and threads you stick with the banana, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, lentils, almonds. All good sources of fat, protein, carbs. Everything else throw it out the window. Anyone wants to correct me??

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Lentils, 4 eggs and salsa for breakfast.. every day... workout 1.5 hours later..

    I love this combo.. no oats, i'm looking at consuming only slow/med carbs..
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ive done oatmeal

    but now i think i'll switch to the hershey bars

  5. #5
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    I'm a pasta guy myself. But every now and then, especially on a saturday, i'll treat myself to snicker bar and mt. dew.

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    ive done oatmeal

    but now i think i'll switch to the hershey bars
    You and me both!

    I don't feel a difference in my workouts based on what I eat before lifting. Sometimes I will slam a diet soda for a little extra energy. Making sure I don't cool down between sets has a bigger influence on my workouts than whether I eat trail mix or a banana beforehand.

  7. #7
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    Has anyone used those energy gels before? They sound easy and quick, but do they actually work or not?

  8. #8
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Pasta for it

  9. #9
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    no one got info on the gels? they sounds quick and convienent, but too good to be true. I have never seen or tried them.

  10. #10
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    gels are not gonna be a good choice,it sounds quick but that is man made not nature made, just my 2c

  11. #11
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    I used gels when I used to run. I would eat them all through a long race like a marathon. They are good for a short burst. I don't see how they could hurt pre-workout but you do burn them pretty quick. Goo are my favorite. The powergels are too thick.

  12. #12
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Re: gels - i can see while distance running or cycling , triathalon etc - but not pre wo. Resistance traing is not an endurance endeavor- nor should it be. short duration,high intensity > long duration , lower intensity.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Lentils, 4 eggs and salsa for breakfast.. every day... workout 1.5 hours later..

    I love this combo.. no oats, i'm looking at consuming only slow/med carbs..
    spywizard can you break down the meal more.. i.e how u prepare, cook ur lentils if u do etc.. might try this out!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Wouldn't personally touch anything on that list except oats. Absolutely hate pasta, like 3 noodles are 50g of carbs (obviously hyperbolic) but it takes 2-3x more pasta comparative to oats to make me feel full.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Wouldn't personally touch anything on that list except oats. Absolutely hate pasta, like 3 noodles are 50g of carbs (obviously hyperbolic) but it takes 2-3x more pasta comparative to oats to make me feel full.
    I'm giving up on Oats.. I'd rather smash the pasta...

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    I'm really confused why eggs aren't on the list and granola bars are! Is this list for vegetarians? We're is the protein?
    Last edited by Doctapeppa; 11-14-2011 at 10:54 PM.

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