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Thread: rate my Keto diet! (Constructive comments are welcome)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada

    Unhappy rate my Keto diet! (Constructive comments are welcome)

    Hi guys and girls,
    here are my stats,201lbs around 15-17%Bf 18years old 6ft2.
    So i am doing a keto diet, i tried to do it from what i have learned in the past two weeks from the net, it is not perfect (probably far from it) but still i would like to know what you guys think about it, and advices on how i could make it better. I might also use clen on the second week of the diet.
    Thanks a lot! Looking forward to constructive comments and mature comments!

    P.S: if something isin't too clear don't be shy to ask!

    (since i have less then 25 post i can't post a link or a pic, so just remove the spaces)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada
    also! dont look at the time like lunch is at 5pm and stuff like that just focus on the time pm sorry for the mistake!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    self bump!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    self bump! come on guys ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    120 views and nothing..... seriously..

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Keep your carbs under 20g per day... ATM I'm keeping mine as low as possible down around 10g
    That protein powder you using .. sell it to a mate and go buy unflavored Protein isolate it has only 1% carbs
    Then change out so you have protein powder for breakfast and morning tea...
    Have a salad and steak or some chicken or something for lunch.. slice of cheese and some more powder for afternoon tea..
    And then for dinner have a steak or chicken or fish or what ever with some salads.. ..
    Try and lay off the veggies for the1st week then only have less then 1 cup a day with no root veg ..

    Moral of the story is your taking in about 75% to many carbs and your body will not even go into ketosis until thats way under 20g a day

  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Off cycle keto I like 80% cals from fats - 20% from protein, carbs strictly incidental.
    Also off cycle should be "dirtier" in the sense that saturated fat isnt a bad thing - it helps - so id add some.
    Supplement fats with 3-5g of fish oil daily.
    I also add a small amount of psyllium husk fiber daily.

    Is this a ckd where u will have a carb up or load day or meal(s) ? If so tell us what u have in mind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada
    thanks guys for your reviews! i will change my diet so it is under 20g of carbs per day!

  9. #9
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    Remember this: Consistency is key. And slow wins the race.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    mate you need much more fat for keto to work effectively. you want 70-80% of your cals coming from fat, the rest from protein. so for 2800 cals you would want roughly 250g fat/150g protein per day.

    i did keto for 2 months on 120g fat and 300g protein and i just maintained weight. i think it was due to the excess protein and a lot of it being converted to glucose, this is what happens upon excess protein consumption, it's called gluconeogenesis. since i switched it around, it has worked so much better and the fat is melting right off without the loss of muscle

  11. #11
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    Also your macros are way off. Chicken breast should be zero carb (unless it's crumbed?) and the carbs that come from brocolli are fiberous meaning they don't impact on sugar levels which you can ignore. Either way you really need yo up your fats and lower your protein. Not feeding yourself enough fat your body goes into starvation mode and actually holds onto the fat you intake because there's not enough of it being fed. Feed you body excess amounts of fat and your body thinks "i'm going to keep getting fed a lot of fat, let's use it for energy". Trust me bro, 80% cals from fat, the remaining 20% from protein.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada
    thanks joshh! look at ur pms

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Hey josh, i was doing the same 100 fat and 300 protien, it stales for me too, maybe i will try your way, 80/20. The other way i feel hungry as hell all the time. So what do you eat for your fats to get them so high. Thanks in advance.

  14. #14
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    i just started a second round of keto diet. im roughly same sats as you,
    i did 220p 25c 120f and lowered fat by 5-10 each week for 6 weeks and lost 16lbs in 6 weeks

    i am now 210 17-18%bf 6'0" and 21yrsold im just started 175p 25c 110f

    you have way too much protein, you can have a max of 200g and preferably closer to 150
    a max of 25 c
    and fill the rest with fat

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i just started a second round of keto diet. im roughly same sats as you,
    i did 220p 25c 120f and lowered fat by 5-10 each week for 6 weeks and lost 16lbs in 6 weeks

    i am now 210 17-18%bf 6'0" and 21yrsold im just started 175p 25c 110f

    you have way too much protein, you can have a max of 200g and preferably closer to 150
    a max of 25 c
    and fill the rest with fat

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    Hey josh, i was doing the same 100 fat and 300 protien, it stales for me too, maybe i will try your way, 80/20. The other way i feel hungry as hell all the time. So what do you eat for your fats to get them so high. Thanks in advance.
    yep give 80/20 a go, i'm sure you will see much better results. my diet contains nuts, boiled eggs, bacon, sausage and various types of cheese

  17. #17
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    Yea Im gonna try the 80/20. Hey thanks for the advice.

  18. #18
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    yep give 80/20 a go, i'm sure you will see much better results. my diet contains nuts, boiled eggs, bacon, sausage and various types of cheese
    Everyone is different. I personally do much better without dairy. Cheese seems to hinder my entry into , and how deeply into ketosis I get.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Yea, allready 2 days into the80/20 and feel way better. Actually feel like pumping iron, the other way around I just felt hungry eating all that protein. Wow, can not believe it makes this much of a difference. I have been increasing the fat with no sugar mayo and oil, I may add bacon though.

  20. #20
    would 200g of fat and 200 g of protein work ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    200g fat and 200g protein is 2600cals which seems quite high for a cut.

    Work out your tdee, minus 500 cals then you can start working out percentages

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