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  1. #1
    Marman's Avatar
    Marman is offline Junior Member
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    Keep Binging What is going on

    Hey guys so let me give you some background on me.

    Stats: 185lbs
    15% body fat
    5 foot 5 included some pics too so you can judge my BF %

    Came down from 263 lbs over two years, and i did this completely wrong. Low calories and lots of cardio with no weights....

    My problem is the last 15 lbs i want to lose, I just wont budge. I usually weigh between 177-185. I Have tried several diets Intermittent fasting, Leangains, Eat stop eat, 6 meals a day, high protein low carbs (keto) etc. Nothing seems to get rid of the crazy amount of cravings and hunger I have. So christmas and new years passed at the beginning I was 177 and went up to a crazy 188 was bloated pants tight but returned to diet and working out. Quickly lost bloated feeling and pants got lose again. Its insane i feel harder and leaner than before. I guess this would be called a refeed if i want to look at it lightly. I dont want to weigh myself yet tho.

    Questions: My TDEE is 2800 by the way from my Bodymedia Fit armband

    Why do i have insane cravings and am i always hungry even after this huge binge refeed I had.

    As intermittent fasting just caused me to binge after the fasting period how can i stick to 2300 calories with 6 meals.

    Im just tired of being hungry and almost want to blame it on low leptin levels from 2 years of dieting. Test is 216ng recieved from blood test.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Maybe you should post up your diet so we can take a look?

    I used to get that way too, and then realized after being onthe atkins years ago, that when i reintroduced simple carbs back into my diet, my appetite immediately went into overdrive

  3. #3
    Marman's Avatar
    Marman is offline Junior Member
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    hmm diet is hard to describe since its all over the place from binges... ill post before diet and after holidays one lol

    Before:3-6 meals a day

    Meal 1- oats and egg whites
    Meal 2- Shake or lean protein
    Meal 3- Chicken and veggies
    Meal 4- Chicken and Veggies
    Meal 5- Whatever moms making ( im 19 lol) usually lean chicken and some form of complex carbs
    Meal 6- Banana and peanut butter, or instant sugar free jello pudding. Some sort of sweet tho

    After Holiday Binge:
    Meal 1- egg whites and oats
    Meal 2- Craving some sweets really bad decide to fast so i can eat some good stuff later
    Meal 3- fasted
    Meal 4- fasted
    Meal 5- Peanut butter and fluff on wheat, jello pudding, bowl of cereal, CARB LOAD AHHH!!!

    Then as im eating i just say to myself ill fast all day tomorrow a 24 hour fast like eat stop eat and my caloric deficit for the week will still be fine. And usually end up binging again right after 24 hours.

    So what ive gathered from myself is that fasting just isnt for me it causes me to binge.. I really do like it though and have seen fat loss in past. Your opinions?

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    here's my thought
    fasting is probably not good if you want to lose weight. it just makes the binge worse. when i was dieting (atkins), i would eat salads like you wouldnt' believe. lots of fiber, excellent nutrition, and bulky... fills you up. so instead of fasting, you should be eating something to fill up on. and raw veggies are great too. carrots, celery, broccoli, cucumers, radishes. the gut needs to be full so you feel full.
    and i'm assuming you only drink water?

  5. #5
    Marman's Avatar
    Marman is offline Junior Member
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    Yes only water, and i agree with bulk fibrous carbs. Right now i want a peanut butter and fluff sandwich so bad lol. Im gonna make some broccoli though.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Your caloric needs will change as your body composition changes. You have a more 'fuel efficient' body now than you did before.

    Bottom line though - binging is a weakness in your mind (I'm guilty of it too, so not coming down on you). You have to find the discipline not to do it... and in the meantime make sure you're eating satiating foods for your meals, not crap that'll leave you hungry an hour later.

  7. #7
    Marman's Avatar
    Marman is offline Junior Member
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    I used to never feel the need to binge. Could coming off of an anti depressant cause this.

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marman View Post
    I used to never feel the need to binge. Could coming off of an anti depressant cause this.
    Most anti depressants cause people to gain weight, but everybody reacts differently to drugs, so who knows...

    Did you notice the binging happening right around the same time... can you really make that correlation?

  9. #9
    Marman's Avatar
    Marman is offline Junior Member
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    Well i came off, then when christmas came i ate a lot of sweets since then i crave em day and night

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