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  1. #1
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    Diet/Workout Advice

    Hey There, I am a first time poster, just looking for a bit of advice. I have always been a very athletic guy but always a heavy guy.
    I am 22

    That being said 310 is massive for my height but like I said I am still very athletic. I have a very broad bone structure and feel that my optimum weight to be considered "fit" to be around 270ish. If it wasn't for my leg size I would be a lot lighter, was a pitcher in high school and early in college so have always gone very heavy on legs (working set for squats is 405-455lbs right now. Now that I'm out of baseball and just coaching now I'd lot to drop some weight which I have been doing, down 24lbs or so since Canadian thanksgiving. I'd also like to lean out my legs so i can actually get pants to fit my quads and waist at the same time. I realize that taking anything right now would be dangerous considering how overweight I am, so I am hoping to get down to around 260 or 270 then start cycling. I have a few friends who have been cycling for a while and have done some great things while being very diligent with research and understanding what they're doing. Below is my current diet that I am following fairly closely. My main motivation for going the cycling route would be so I could work hard harder without detrimental effects. I love to train, and I find myself when working out now wishing I could lift more often and harder without having to worry about over training.

    DIET :

    MEAL 1
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    3 Egg Whites 15 36 315
    1/2 Cup Oats 2.5 5 150
    Total 17.5 41 465

    MEAL 2
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Shake 0 70 206
    Essential Fatty Acids 2.5 0.25 25
    Total 2.5 70.25 231

    MEAL 3
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Salad 0 0 50
    Tuna/salmon/chicken 1.19 37.4 161.5
    Total 1.19 37.4 211.5

    MEAL 4
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Shake 0 70 206
    G Powder 0 0 58.2
    Total 0 70 264.2

    MEAL 5
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Salad 0 0 50
    Lean Pork/Steak 5 50 26
    1/2 Cup Rice 1.5 3 150
    Total 6.5 53 226

    MEAL 6
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Almonds 36 15 415
    0 0
    Total 36 15 415

    DAILY TOTAL 63.69 286.65 2200ish daily caloric intake

    This usually rubs me about a 700-800 calorie deficit each day.

    And my workout is as follows:
    monday - Interval/Sprint Training(am) for 25mins, Chest in afternoon
    tuesday - Swim for 25-30 mins (am), Back in afternoon
    wednesday - Light cardio for 25-30mins (am), Bis, Tris, and Forearms in afternoon.
    Thursday - Light cardio for 25-30 mins (am), Legs in afternoon.
    Friday - Off completely
    Saturday - Interval/Sprint Training (am), shoulders and traps in afternoon.
    Sunday - Light cardio in the morning or afternoon, no lifting.

    Now i have read the slingshot training sticky as well as the diet thread (most of my diet plan came from that thread). Each lifting day I am doing about 6-7 exercises per muscle group (for example on chest day i do inc,dec,flat press, cable flies, lower chest cable crossovers, and inner pec crossovers with tubes). Is this too many exercises? I don't feel like I am over training, but like i said I have always had a very strong work ethic on the field and in the gym (just a combination of terrible eating habits, school, and injuries compounding into my current overweight state). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Hello mate, any chance you can list the carb content of each meal too please, will help alot. Also some of your calcs look a bit out. 15g of fat and 36g pro in 3 egg whites? 70g protein in your shake is gonna give more than 206 cals even if there isn't any carbs in it.

    I would drop meal 6 immediately and replace it with cottage cheese/casein/lean steak/chicken.

    How'd you get on with interval training? Are your sprints running spints? If so, does it bother your joints at that weight? List your suggested workout in the workout section and you may get a few more recommendations than in the nutrition forum.

    Oh, and welcome. You came to the right place!

  3. #3
    BrownGirl's Avatar
    BrownGirl is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Hello mate, any chance you can list the carb content of each meal too please, will help alot. Also some of your calcs look a bit out. 15g of fat and 36g pro in 3 egg whites? 70g protein in your shake is gonna give more than 206 cals even if there isn't any carbs in it.

    I would drop meal 6 immediately and replace it with cottage cheese/casein/lean steak/chicken.

    How'd you get on with interval training? Are your sprints running spints? If so, does it bother your joints at that weight? List your suggested workout in the workout section and you may get a few more recommendations than in the nutrition forum.

    Oh, and welcome. You came to the right place!

    I agree with SteM. I do 3 egg whites and the breakdown is : 60 Cal / 0 Fat / 4 Carbs / 12 Protein

    Unless you're adding other stuff to your egg whites, in which case I'd recommend that you list out each individual part so that the diet gurus can help you better. Good luck and welcome!

  4. #4
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    Ok sorry my spreadsheet that I copy and pasted had different numbers with wrong meal names where I would just adjust numbers just to see quick daily totals and they ended up getting saved. Here is the revised version with the carb amounts included, as well as times (most times are ball parks as Im not super strict and my schedule varies from day to day). I also added the last meal suggestion, I know that i needed slow protein before bed just wasn't doing it (stupid I know). If i don't have something cooked Ill just slam a whey shake before bed which I know isn't ideal (will get some casein asap). Would it be better to just skip the meal than take a fast protein like whey isolate?

    Generally i will do it on the treadmill or at the ball field and yes it is all out sprint. I do experience shin splints sometimes but not so much joint pain. Sometimes a sore knee or ankle but those are from past sport injuries and are easy to work through. I do mix in a inclined elliptical (like a crossover between a stair-master and a traditional elliptical) when my shins are bad or just don't want to run and ill turn up the resistance and the incline during the high-intensity interval and keep my rate as high as i possibly can. Been doing 2 mins walking/jog and 1 min high intensity, almost ready to narrow the gap a little bit. I have experimented with doing it swimming as well but I can't for 25 minutes, the all out intervals kill me even if they are just 1 length of the pool.

    6:30am - 25 mins of HIIT

    MEAL 1 (7:30am)
    Food Fat Protein Calories Carbs
    1 Cup Whites 15 36 315 0
    1/2 Cup Quick Oats 3 6 228 46
    Total 18 42 543 46

    MEAL 2 (10:00am)
    Food Fat Protein Calories Carbs
    Shake 1 70 300 0
    Essential Fatty Acids 2.5 0.25 25 0
    Total 3.5 70.25 325 0

    MEAL 3 ( Usually an hour or so before I lift, 12:30pm usually)
    Food Fat Protein Calories Carbs
    Salad 0 0 50 0
    Tuna/salmon/chicken 1.19 37.4 161.5 0
    Total 1.19 37.4 211.5 0

    LIFT (If im feeling tired and depleted of energy ill have a cliff bar or something before the gym)

    MEAL 4 (PWO, usually about 3:00pm)
    Food Fat Protein Calories Carbs
    Shake 1 70 300 2
    Carbs (Liquid or G powder) 0 0 58.2 50
    Total 1 70 358.2 52

    MEAL 5 (6:00pm)
    Food Fat Protein Calories
    Salad 10 0 50 Carbs
    Lean Pork or Steak 5 50 26 0
    1/2 Cup Rice 1 3 150 25
    Total 16 53 226 25

    MEAL 6 (9:30 pm)
    Food Fat Protein Calories Carbs
    Lean Pork or Steak 5 50 26 0
    Total 36 65 441 0

    I usually just ate the almonds as a snack throughout the day while studying or doing homework.
    Almonds 36 15 415 0

    DAILY TOTAL 75.69 337.65 2104.7 77

    Thanks again for the help. I am currently 302 and am looking and feeling a lot better than I was a few months ago.

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome! Your life is now going to change for the better.

    Try to keep this in mind during your journey: Slow wins the race and consistency is key.

    Good luck to you!
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to discourage you at all, but at 5'11" you would have to be carrying an absolutely ridiculous amount of muscle to be "fit" at 270lbs.

    What BF% are you shooting for when you say fit and do you have any idea about your current BF%? Just saying you might want to re-evaluate your goal and set it a little higher as i think you're underestimating the amount of BF you need to lose.

    Or just post up some pics and get opinions from the guys (and gals) on here.

    Good luck man.

  7. #7
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, you might very well be a "world's strongest man" looking guy, but we should be the judge of that. At 22 years of age I'm absolutely, vehemetly opposed to you cycling, there is almost no way humanly possible you have maxed out your natural potential and the down-side to cycling too young is a million to one odds not worth the short-sighted up-side. Post some pics so we can best help you. Post your workout here, be specific, with exact exercises/sets/reps/poundages and I will help fix that. It appears to be broken from what you stated.

    Welcome to the boards, I hope you will let us dramatically reduce your learning curve, thus dramatically increasing your results in a dramatically shorter timeframe!

  8. #8
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    I agree on all counts. And I do appreciate the honesty, I am not delusional about myself (although i can see how some things I have said could come off that way). I know I have a lot of learning, hard work, and disciplining to do. This is usually what my workout has been the past couple weeks:

    All exercises are listed after a typical warm up

    Monday - Chest (I have a very weak chest especially for my size, just recently started working it heavy, I was a college pitcher for a long time and going even remotely heavy on chest is greatly frowned upon)

    Incline DB - 85's - reps: 12,10,8
    Low Flies with crossover on cable stack (Simulates a chin down lower chest dip) - 50lbs per cable - 12,10,8
    Flat DB Press - 80's - 12,10,8
    Cable Flies - 65 per cable - 12,10,8
    Incline Barbell - 215 - 12, 10, 8

    Tuesday - Back
    Barbell Rows - 185 - 12,10,8
    Wide Grip Pulldown - 165 - 12, 10, 8
    T-bar Rows - 225 - 12,10,8
    Deadlifts (every other week) - 315x8, 405 for as many as i can 6 last week, 315 for as many as i can, 6 last week
    Narrow Grip Pulldowns - 155 - 12,10,8
    DB Bent over rows - 100's - 12,10,8
    Reverse Flies - light - 12, 10, 8

    Wednesday - Arms
    Standing DB Curls - 45's - 12, 10, 8
    Over Head Tricep Extension with single dumbell - 90 - 12, 10, 8
    Rope Curls on Cable Stack - 65 - 12,10, 8
    Rope Tricep Extension on cable stack - 45 - 12, 10 , 8
    standing cable stack curls - 40 - 12,10, 8
    Skull Crushers - 90 - 12, 10 , 8
    Bent over iso curl - 37.5 - 12,10,8
    "Reverse Curl" (pulling down a straight bar on the cable stack) - 65 - 12,10,8

    Thursday - Legs
    Squats - 225x8, 315x6, 405 - 6,6
    Front Squats- 225x8, 315 - 6,6
    Calves - 275 - 20,18,16
    Weighted Lunges - 40's - around the track, not sure how many i do
    Box Jumps, step ups, lateral jumps, and other plyo stuff

    Friday - Off

    Saturday - Shoulders/Traps (Shoulders were the same as chest, nothing heavy until recently)
    Arnie presses - 45's - 12,10,8
    DB Shurgs - 100's - 12,10,8
    Seated Military press on Smith - 185 - 12,10,8
    narrow grip smith shrugs - 295 - 12,10,8
    Front Laterals - 35's - 12,10,8
    DB Overhead Press - 70's - 12, 10, 8
    Clean and Presses - warm up with a few lighter sets and then rep out 135 as many times as i can, got 13 this week.

    Sunday - Off

    This is pretty much it, some of the weights i didnt write down this week so I had to guess, and the weights for cable exercises depends on which cable stack I used that day. Ill get some pictures of soon, but if I had to guess I would say around 25-30% but I really can't be sure.

    Thursday -

  9. #9
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not certain about why you chose some of the exercises and most of the order of them doesn't make sense to me. Unless you have some dramatically lagging body-parts, which as big as you are I don't know how you'd know. Chest is obviously weak, but that's easy to fix. Are you wanting to be a power-lifter or a body-builder? Arms only after back day, sometimes after deadlift day? I am soooooooo opposed to a shoulder by itself day, unless you are a pro body-builder and workout 7 days a week, I just can't fathom anyone's shoulders needing their own day. Arms by themselves are okay properly placed when they are also being worked along with other exercises through the week and there is a 48 hour period between actually hitting them. two or three mass movements per body-part followed by one stretch movement should be sufficient, so you are overloaded on the number of exercises per body part. Your poundages on legs aren't impressive for someone as young as you are and your size. I wish I could see how you perform your exercises, form is absolutely key to healthy growth without injury. At the very least, switch Mon with Tue and Wed with Thu. I would personally change way more than that, but at the very least do that, please, you could change Sat to light chest, shoulders and arms since you lack in the chest area. Are you not able to post pics?

  10. #10
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    I really appreciate the honesty. I don't to be a competitive bodybuilder or power lifter. I do what to look better, feel better, and frankly I am addicted to lifting and seeing things change. I would not be opposed to any changes, and the more and more I read the more I've questioned the amounts I've been doing in the gym. My original post was in the workout section with the workout i posted asking if it was over training and for some advice and never got any responses. I haven't gotten to the pics because I just moved into a work camp the other day and have been crazy busy. Now that I'm settled and into a routine Ill get some up tomorrow. Would a 3 days on 1 day off lifting routine be better? Back and Bis, Chest and Tris, shoulders and legs? or something to that effect be better? Definitely open to suggestions, and open to a shorter amount of time lifting in the gym in the evenings. Thanks a lot.


  11. #11
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Depends on the pics for the specifics, but I'm a fan of a push/pull for a couple of months to see what your strengths and weaknesses actually are, a 3-1 is fine if you have a schedule that makes that work and your gym is available anytime you are. Maybe even a whole body routine for one month just to help to jump start your body through a shock. I am guessing the pics will support putting you on an aggressive base/foundation building program while dialing the diet in and dropping some bf. I really look forward to helping you substantially shorten your learning curve!

  12. #12
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    Hey Tbody, did my best to get some pictures taken (limited mirrors etc up in camp), toss me your email and ill send them to you. For some reason i cant PM or anything.

  13. #13
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You have to get your post count up before You can send or receive pm's, so stop by and add to peoples threads here in the diet forum, just say hi, read their logs and let them know you are supporting them and monitoring their progress, I think you need 50 posts, then I can pm you my e-mail

  14. #14
    TBrat21 is offline New Member
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    Sounds good, thanks.

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