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Thread: need help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Angry need help...

    Here is my story, ive been in différents cutting cycle for 7 months now, ive loose 60 pounds and totaly my mentality and life, now i would say im about 19% BF, and i still want to loose my stomach and chest fat, but it seems impossible.... , im in a low carb diet right now, not so good result, the only thing im loosing is glycogen and water...
    i cannot stand doing another diet again, and i cant lift allot due to shoulder pain (tendinitis)...

    but wtf should i do now???????
    Im thinking of regular basic train while my shoulder is ok (about 3 week-1 month again) ans then start to lift, and use Yohimburn...

    any comment?? idea?? i need motivation...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Northern VA
    I started at 5'8 225lbs about 35%BF

    Now after about 1.5 years I am 5'8 158lbs with about 12-13%BF

    It has been hard those years cuz my strength hasn't been able to go up as quickly as it should due to my cutting.

    I started with a shitty diet and since I was so fat I lost weight. Then I got stuck at 170lbs with 20%BF and then I realized my diet had to be in order to lose BF. I was stuck at 170 for a good 5 months, then I finally went down to about 155-158 with 12-13%BF. Now to put me over the edge, I have to perfect my diet to the point I can get down to single digit BF.

    Just continue lifting heavy and your strength al be it slowly, will still improve, mine did.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    To let us help you out better we need some more info.

    Your current age, weight, height, cycles (in detail), and cardio routine. List this and then we will go from there.

    You have come along way thus far and that is a tremendous achievement..don't let this little plateau hold you back from achieving what you are looking for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thx for motivation me guys... ok...
    Age : 18
    Wheight : 222
    height : 6"4
    BF : around 20%
    ive gone form 282 to 222 in 7 month doing 4 time 40 min cardio, using some L-Carlatine, Guarana based stack and ECA (wich i dont wanna use anymore... (feel bad)) and eat cleaner , and cleaner, and cleaner....

    i love to lift but i cant right now... (shoulder pain)
    i think i would be able to lift in 3 weeks...
    tx for help!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    What are you eating. You maybe thinking your eating clean mean while there might be a lot of tweaking that you can do. Tomorrow make a log on what you eat that entire day and then post it. Don't lie and make it sound perfect be honest and we will take it from there.

    As for the shoulder injury. How did you injure it? Did you have it looked at? Taking a few days off will help. Keep doing the cardio and make sure you heart rate is in the fat burning range. Keep an eye on the shoulder when you begin weight training again.

    When are you doing your cardio? What is your reasoning for dropping the ECA out of your supplements?

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