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Thread: Anybody bulk cook and store brown rice ?

  1. #1
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    Anybody bulk cook and store brown rice ?

    I love brown rice at the moment I have a wicked recipe that is good on macros asnd really tasty and goes with anything, but its getting a pain in the ass to cook it everyday so .....

    do any of you guys bulk cook and store, does it go manky or what are your tips, is it re-heatable, add water or anything ?

  2. #2
    no man brown rice will be good for a few days. zip lock and put inside some "Tup o ware" sorry spelling. I do it as well man. BTW can you share your recipe plz or PM me

  3. #3
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    I do it every week... all different kinds of rice. It lasts me a full 6 days and I've never had an issue.

  4. #4
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    Don't let it cool, put it in the zip lock as soon as it's done cooking, then get the air out. Seems to keep at least a week that way.
    I also add a little vinegar while cooking - preserves it a little, like sushi rice.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Whats the recipe bro....

    U use a rice cooker or not?

    Rice is ok in the fridge for about a week... Ive never had any issues with a week but TBH it tastes best if u cook it daily.

    I use a rice cooker for my brown rice.... Got it set up on a timer so it comes on at 5am and cooks my rice for the day while im still asleep.... That way it is not hot for when i pack it into my cooler.

    Give me the reciepe and I will see how it works doing it like this (if possible)

  6. #6
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    OK TRT here it is, Egg Fried rice,

    Brown rice - i use 80g a serving at the moment, cook your rice in your usual way, i use this for best results: add plenty of water, maybe fill the container 1/3 of the way up.

    when the rice is fluffy or the water has gone, heat up a frying pan with one tablespoon of EVOO, break one egg into pan and scramble it, when cooked add the rice, and add some soy sauce to taste and fry for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat.

    Optional extras to throw in can be Garlic, peppers, fried red oinons(caramalized)etc etc, DONE ala Gordon Ramsey

  7. #7
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    obviously add yor protein source in there too and ur G2G

    cheers base, i may try the bulk steam and fry to reheat in portions.

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Cook the rice in bulk and keep it int he fridge...

    Fry your fried rice up daily.... Egg fried rice is supposed to be made with cold rice anyway so your G2G.

  9. #9
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    crap that just made me hungry, and i just finished my bland lunch of plain brown rice and chkn breast cuz i was running late and couldnt "hook it up"........

    i ususally cook my rice on sundays in the rice cooker, with a packet of sazon and some fresh onions, and its good for up till thursday, by friday, i'll throw the rice in a frying pan with some egg like you do and thats how i can finish the "almost foul" rice without wasting it on my

    good stuff

  10. #10
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    I cook my brown rice 3 cups (uncooked) put it in topper ware container and it lasts for longer than a week, now i just do plain brown rice in water and a bit of salt, i don't know with all that stuff how long will it last.

  11. #11
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    So it lasts for an entire week in the fridge? I was told three days max as well.

    So as soon as its cooked im okay to put it in a tub and into the fridge for a week?

    I currently do this 3 days at a time but a week would be ideal. Ive just always been too scared.

    I cook chicken for 2 days and put it in the fridge. Any better ways than this?

  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonnagethuge View Post
    So it lasts for an entire week in the fridge? I was told three days max as well.

    So as soon as its cooked im okay to put it in a tub and into the fridge for a week?

    I currently do this 3 days at a time but a week would be ideal. Ive just always been too scared.

    I cook chicken for 2 days and put it in the fridge. Any better ways than this?
    Yeh your gonna be ok for a week...

    I used to boil my rice and rinse it straight away with cold water or even throw it into a big pot of cold water to cool it down ASAP.... Then seal and keep cold in the fridge

    As far as the chicken I have gone 6 days in the fridge but TBh it aint that good after 6 days.... I also have a really cold fridge.

  13. #13
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    yeah, cold fridge is key....i keep mine so cold things in the back get ice crusty........ud be amazed at how long some things can remain edible....ive pushed the limits with my giant batches of organic chili i used to make when i bulked......have no idea how i never got sick.......reading things on the internet have made me evolve, fridge though helps

  14. #14
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    I also cook rice and chicken or turkey meat for the work week. Cook it on Sunday and use it all by Friday night. Also keep my fridge very cold and all is good!

  15. #15
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I cook ever week as well. Lasts a week. I have gone out to nine days when I was too busy to cook the next batch. I give it the smell test past a week.

  16. #16
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    So a weeks worth (cook sunday to last til friday) of chicken in a cold fridge is acrually possible?

    Isnt this risky? I mean i dont care what it tastes like just as long as i dont end up in hospital

  17. #17
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    No, as long as it's cooked first and stored properly, you can refrigerate chicken for a week or more. You'll know if it's bad, trust me.

  18. #18
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    Whats the best way to store it? I normally cook it and whack it straight in tupperware and into the fridge. Is this okay?

    Do a lot of guys here do this with their chicken yeah? I take it all health guidlines are just overly cautious?

    Really would save me a lot of hassle.

  19. #19
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    i'm lazy and just buy microwavable instant brown rice

  20. #20
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    cook a weeks worth every Sunday. Just as good 6 days old as it was fresh.

  21. #21
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    I'd store the chicken (and rice) in a ziplock. The reason is that you can get most of the air out of it. The less air sealed in with it the better, it seems.

  22. #22
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    We cook it in the rice cooker and then store it in tupperware. Lasts about a week...

  23. #23
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    So both chicken and rice- straight from the cooker into ziplocks and into the fridge is the best way to go?

    Ill get myself ziplocks and do a big cook on sunday for the week through to friday if this is okay.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Whats the recipe bro....

    U use a rice cooker or not?

    Rice is ok in the fridge for about a week... Ive never had any issues with a week but TBH it tastes best if u cook it daily.

    I use a rice cooker for my brown rice.... Got it set up on a timer so it comes on at 5am and cooks my rice for the day while im still asleep.... That way it is not hot for when i pack it into my cooler.

    Give me the reciepe and I will see how it works doing it like this (if possible)
    I need this...

    I cook basmati rice for 4-5 days at a time.... Its as good day 5 as it is day 1

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonnagethuge View Post
    So both chicken and rice- straight from the cooker into ziplocks and into the fridge is the best way to go?
    Ill get myself ziplocks and do a big cook on sunday for the week through to friday if this is okay.
    Yep. I've had stuff stay good for weeks that way. I put the rice in straight away without cooling because it seems to retain more moisture that way. Even so, I add a splash of water before microwaving. Hard, dehydrated rice sucks!

  26. #26
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    How much water are we all adding to cook it, I generally put more than required in and drain it when its fluffy, i know you need more water than white rice, but some recipes iv read underestimate the amount of water required to make it fluffy.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    Yep. I've had stuff stay good for weeks that way. I put the rice in straight away without cooling because it seems to retain more moisture that way. Even so, I add a splash of water before microwaving. Hard, dehydrated rice sucks!
    So its okay to heat it up again when it comes out the fridge?

    i usually just eat it cold lol.

    As for chicken. Is it true that when it comes out the fridge it should only br held at room temp for 2 hours? Ive been keeping it out for a good 6 hours with no issues.

  28. #28
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    Any food should be kept hot and ready to serve, or refrigerated asap. Room temp is what allows bacteria to grow the best, and makes food spoil fastest, along with possibly making you sick.

  29. #29
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    How much water are we all adding to cook it, I generally put more than required in and drain it when its fluffy, i know you need more water than white rice, but some recipes iv read underestimate the amount of water required to make it fluffy.
    White Basmati 1 cup rice 2 cups water

    Brown Basmati 1 cup rice 2.5cups water

    That above is for the reduction method in a rice cooker of pan on low heat cooked until all water has gone...

    The best method for the best fluffy, separate grains of basmati rice is as follows...

    Boil a large pan of well salted water..... Add your rice (100% basmati - white), lid on, up to the boil ASAP, as soon as its a rolling boil time 5 mins on a hard and fast boil...

    Drain in a metal colander... Add 1-2 inches of water back to the pan and bring to a rolling boil (get a ketel ready with boiling water) as the rice drains.... Put colander over the boiling water (steaming) and cover the colander with a lid... steam for 10 mins...

    I promise you this will be the best rice you have ever had.. each grain will be separate, not all stuck together

  30. #30
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    shouldnt be a big deal, but when you cook rice you will activate endospores ("living-dead" bacteria that are resistant to everything, washing the rice will not get rid of them, upon activation they become regular bacteria and multiply) and even if you store the rice in the fridge or reheat the rice you will not kill these bacteria, and they will start to multiply, this could cause a bacterial infection or intoxication. But it seems there are alot of happy people on this thread that pre-cook rice so it may not be a problem

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Cheers Base I'll try this today

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