Just looking for some advice.. Ive been doing a ton of reading and cant seem to get a def answer. I just bought a 20 mil Sust 250, and was contemplating running a cutting cycle. This would be my 2nd cycle, My fist was Sust 500/weeek for 12 weeks.. listened to my other buddy who said to eat everything in sight.. so i did. I went from 215lbs to 245lbs at the height of my cycle.
- I am now at around 226lbs.. strength is still pretty good w/ 375lbs bench.
- Now that my diet is on par.. I was wondering if it would be ok to run the sust at 500/week..but this time keep a strict diet and include 60min cardio 4x week?
Can anyone offer me some advice on if this seems ok? and maybe what to expect from a cycle like this?
26 years old
6'2" 226lbs
18 BF%
Thanks in advance,