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Thread: 18% BF to high to start cutting cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New York

    18% BF to high to start cutting cycle?


    Just looking for some advice.. Ive been doing a ton of reading and cant seem to get a def answer. I just bought a 20 mil Sust 250, and was contemplating running a cutting cycle. This would be my 2nd cycle, My fist was Sust 500/weeek for 12 weeks.. listened to my other buddy who said to eat everything in sight.. so i did. I went from 215lbs to 245lbs at the height of my cycle.

    - I am now at around 226lbs.. strength is still pretty good w/ 375lbs bench.

    - Now that my diet is on par.. I was wondering if it would be ok to run the sust at 500/week..but this time keep a strict diet and include 60min cardio 4x week?

    Can anyone offer me some advice on if this seems ok? and maybe what to expect from a cycle like this?

    26 years old
    6'2" 226lbs
    18 BF%

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New York
    Anything guys?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    hey mafio.. i cannot comment on cycle from experience.. but i can say i personally have waited until sub 12% to cycle (and also til i get dialed into TRT).. 18% IMO is too high.. esp if u want to take advantage of the test to accumulate some mass... reason being for a bulk ur gonna want to be in a surplus of cals.. to cut fat ur gonna want to be in a deficit.. the test will prob help u hang onto LBM easier but in my experience this can also be done by simply eating a high protein low carb diet..

    my suggestion to u is to be patient.. take 12-16 weeks and get on a good natural cut.. get ur bf down.. then reevaluate the cycle.. if u start lean ur gains r gonna look alot better along the way and u wont have to worry as much about gaining fat

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    I would Begin to diet and add it in after 6-8 weeks....

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