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Thread: Help on diet.

  1. #1
    Aaron_369's Avatar
    Aaron_369 is offline New Member
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    Help on diet.

    Anything I can do to improve my diet.. I seem to burn a lot more off then I use.

    Here is what my diet is like..
    Meal 1 - 8 eggs, 2 cups oatmeal.
    Meal 2 - Weight gainer shake. Contains 2 cups milk, banana, and 3 tablespoons of peanut butter.
    Meal 3 - 2 salmon filet. 2 chicken breast and can of random vegetable.
    Meal 4 - Same as 2.
    Meal 5 - 2 - 3 chicken breast or any type of red meat. (varies) Large salad and can of random vegetable.
    Meal 6 - Same as 2 and 4.
    Drinking 120 oz of water a day and half gallon to gallon of milk per day.
    Random snacks through out the day as well. Meals can also vary.

  2. #2
    BrownGirl's Avatar
    BrownGirl is offline Female Member
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    If you can you should post macros for each meal. Also IMO you should eat fresh or frozen veggies as opposed to canned. It seems like you're not getting much carbs...Try stuff like brown rice and sweet potatoes. From what I've learned, carbs are essential on a bulk even if it's a lean bulk.

  3. #3
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Wat r ur stats? Age weight height bf%? Basically ur havn a hard time gaining correct?

  4. #4
    Aaron_369's Avatar
    Aaron_369 is offline New Member
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    age 19 height 5'7 weight 165 bf n/a not much though. I'm pretty solid. I can make gains just not like i'm wanting. That should be a lot bigger for what I eat and what I do.
    Last edited by Aaron_369; 03-11-2012 at 12:48 PM.

  5. #5
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    it would help to have macros and your TDEE.

    meal 2: you shouldnt need milk unless you are a hard gainer. possibly better to add better food choices and more calories. 3 tbps pb? that is 24g of fat. which is probably about half your daily intake at your weight.

    and this meal is 3x a day???? way too much milk and fat, along with 2 salmon fillet and 8 eggs?? you are overdoing it on the fat. my rough guess (assuming you have skim milk) is you are way over 150g of. you need less than half of that. i dont think you have enough protein, and you definitly dont have enough complex carbs.

    i also dont like canned veggies. eat fresh (appropriate) veggies

    your problem is poor food choices. you may have the right amount of calories (still to be determined i need your macros and tdee) but you do not have the correct ratio and have terrible food choices.

  6. #6
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    How many days per week do u lift? Do u do cardio if so how much?

    If u workout 5days/week then ur tdee is @ 2800cals... based on that for a bulk if i were u id start at 3300cals.. Run it 40/40/20 split.. This gives u:

    330g protein
    330g carbs
    73g fat

    Id suggest posting a diet hitting these macros for critique.. Id be curious to see the macros of ur current diet..Cals may be close but alot of the carbs ur eatn IMO r inferior..

    8 whole eggs/ day will wreak havoc on ur cholesterol eventually dude

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    ^^ i sugest getn ur bf% taken.. I dont like estimating tdee on total body weight..

  8. #8
    Aaron_369's Avatar
    Aaron_369 is offline New Member
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    Any advice on how to clean up my diet? What food choices I can change to give me better gains?

  9. #9
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    1st, i suggest chill on the shakes
    2nd NO MILK
    3rd- max 2 whole eggs, rest whites
    4th- hit the macros suggested by 405
    brown rice
    oats(not instant oatmeal)
    -i only eat oat bran
    sweet potatoe/yams
    2 cups of chopped broccoli

    egg white
    lean meat
    cottage cheese

    natty PB (1 tbsp a day maybe 1.5 not 9)
    fish/fish oil
    flax oil

    if you need more ideas look through this forum, there are many good diets on here

    after you have a diet plan that hits those macros post the diet here and we will do the finishing touches.
    then track your result on the diet and depending on your progress you can change kcals by 100 or so every week or two to meet your needs

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