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  1. #1
    Jato is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    Need some help with cutting diet

    Hi! Could really use some help with my current cutting diet.

    27 yo
    260 lbs
    bf: 22% (could be way off, measured with bf calipers myself)

    meal 1 - oats, protein blend, fishoils - 60p 67c 12f
    meal 2 - oats, protein blend - 60p 67c 9f
    cardio if any
    meal 3 - chicken(eggwhites or tuna) + green beans (sometimes replace with other veggies) - 75p 21c 17f
    meal 4 - chicken + green beans + 2 bananas - 75p 61c 14f
    meal 5 - cottage cheese + almonds - 62p 30c 33f
    meal 6 - chicken + green beans - 75p 21c 14f
    meal 7 - whey protein - 50p 4c 3f

    totals 48%p 28%c 24%f around 3800 calories

    calculated my caloric req - 4600 calories
    lifting weights 7 times a week, cardio 2-3 times a week 30 minutes - 70% mhr

    currently been following this plan 6 weeks, I weigh myself every 2 weeks
    started - 269 lbs
    week 2 -5 lbs
    week 4 -9 lbs
    week 6 +5 lbs (started creatine) could this be water weight?

    Did cut 2 years ago -45 lbs in 20 weeks but lost muscle(all lifts went down), this time want to keep as much as i can.
    So fat strength going slowly up, 3 nothches tighter on my gym belt, only thing i don't understand is the weight gain at week 6.

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jato welcome to the forum bro.. At 260lbs @22% bf i have ur tdee close to 3650cals/day.. This is with a 1.55(5day/week) multiplier.. I have only met 2 people on here who actually qualified for A 1.75 multiplier and they were both bulking.. I suggest u also use the 1.55... Curious to how u came up with ur tdee??

    I see u lift 7days per week.. Thats something IMO u need to change.. More is not always better.. A 5 day split (i do 4days) should be more than enuff for u to focus on each bodypart.. Esp while cutting.. U want to have time off to not only heal and repair but to give urself a break.. U need it man

    That being said and if ur bf is accurate (i suggest getn it chekd for accuracy) with a tdee of 3650cals id suggest u start ur cut @ 2800cals per day..

    40/40/20 split puts u at:
    280g pro
    280g carbs
    62g fat

    I prefer low carb approach to cutting.. If i were u id run:

    380g pro
    180g carbs
    62g fat

    Split ur protein equally between 6 meals
    Split ur carbs between meal1, preworkout, postworkout only..

    Ur food choices r actuAlly pretty good ( good job!)

    Post a diet with mealtimes and workout times included attempting to hit the macros i suggested.. Well dial it in better.. Theres a few things u need to drop and a few u need to move

    CARDIO: u need to do it 5-6 days per week.. In the am fasted is my preferred method for fatloss but u can also do it postworkout.. U need to try to get up to 45 minutes.. The elliptical machine is ur friend.. Ive found it to be the easiest

  3. #3
    Jato is offline New Member
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    Most online calculators gave tdee in the 4200-5600 range. Went with average. Working physical job and gym thought i qualify for 1.7
    I have been lifting for almost 10 years and always stuck to 4 days a week 4 day split, recently switched to 7 days a week and quite happy with results esp. legs, if progress stops i see myself going back to lifting 4 days a week (with cutting out 1000 more calories more than likely ).
    As far as diet goes if i cut out bananas and almonds and cut rest of my portions to 2/3, i`m already at 380 220 60.
    Meal 1 9:00
    Gym 10:00
    Meal 2 PWO 11:00
    Meal 3 13:15
    Meal 4 17:30
    Meal 5 22:00
    Meal 6 00:00
    Meal 7 01:00
    My breakfast is my pre-workout and the rest of the days carbs come only from greens, tomato sauce and ff cottage cheese.
    With my current schedule i can squeeze in cardio only post workout. Do i take my pwo shake after lifting or after cardio?
    I have no idea where i can get accurate bf measurements, i saw one of those scales in one gym but i think they are even less accurate than me with plastic caliper.

  4. #4
    jypoll's Avatar
    jypoll is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jato View Post
    Hi! Could really use some help with my current cutting diet.

    27 yo
    260 lbs
    bf: 22% (could be way off, measured with bf calipers myself)

    meal 1 - oats, protein blend, fishoils - 60p 67c 12f
    meal 2 - oats, protein blend - 60p 67c 9f
    cardio if any
    meal 3 - chicken(eggwhites or tuna) + green beans (sometimes replace with other veggies) - 75p 21c 17f
    meal 4 - chicken + green beans + 2 bananas - 75p 61c 14f
    meal 5 - cottage cheese + almonds - 62p 30c 33f
    meal 6 - chicken + green beans - 75p 21c 14f
    meal 7 - whey protein - 50p 4c 3f

    totals 48%p 28%c 24%f around 3800 calories

    calculated my caloric req - 4600 calories
    lifting weights 7 times a week, cardio 2-3 times a week 30 minutes - 70% mhr

    currently been following this plan 6 weeks, I weigh myself every 2 weeks
    started - 269 lbs
    week 2 -5 lbs
    week 4 -9 lbs
    week 6 +5 lbs (started creatine) could this be water weight?

    Did cut 2 years ago -45 lbs in 20 weeks but lost muscle(all lifts went down), this time want to keep as much as i can.
    So fat strength going slowly up, 3 nothches tighter on my gym belt, only thing i don't understand is the weight gain at week 6.
    definitly too many fats,

    2 bananas that is about 50g of sugar. i think that is too much, even pre/post wo

    when you calculated TDEE did you use total bodyweight or LBM?

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Drop bananas in meal 4 and add complex ( oats, brn rice, sweet pot) carb to meal 3..

    Move meal 5 to meal 7..

    Drop whey from meal 7 and have lean protein and veggie and make it meal 5..

    At 22% bf if i were u id drop cals to where i said.. The Online tdee calculator ur using is way off if ur bodyfat is correct.. The 3650cals i came up with is actually a high(ish) estimation.. I startd at 213lbs @22% bf and have successfully cut to @ 10% bf eating 2150cals and only 100g carbs with little to no loss of LBM.. IMO 2800 is a good place to start ...U only want to feed the 202.8lbs LBM u have.. The other 57.2lbs is fat..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 03-11-2012 at 08:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Jato is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jypoll View Post
    definitly too many fats,

    2 bananas that is about 50g of sugar. i think that is too much, even pre/post wo

    when you calculated TDEE did you use total bodyweight or LBM?
    The only fats in my diet come from chicken breasts, 6g fishoils a day and 60 grams of almonds which i already decided to drop. So with those changes my new macros would be 52p 30c 18f. And i took bananas only for potassium, get muscle cramps in serratus muscles and abs sometimes , might as well buy some potassium supplement.
    Calculated tdee using bodyweight, but now using 1.55 multiplier its definetly lower.

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    U can get ur bf chekd at some gyms or a doc office.. Google BOD POD in ur area.. Like $35 and a half hr..

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