Im looking for advice on diet and training routine,
I have been out of the gym past year and am now 2 months back in previously i trained for 3 years and in result gained a strong muscular phisique before i started i didnt realy have much knowledge of nutrition but started eating alot more and took protein and put on alot of lean muscle when i stoped i did realy loose much of my gains although my strength decreased and put on some weight ,as i said im now two months back into training and was thinking of starting a steroid cycle but had many posts sayin it would not be healthy as im under 25
Im 23
So instead i may now choose to train naturaly
So im loóking for some advice on what would be a good strong workout routine and dietary ideas to put on lean muscle and drop a bit of body fat as this time in im starting with a completley diferent body type as i previously did few years ago so my goal is diferent. ANY IDEAS?