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Thread: My diet, let me know what you think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    My diet, let me know what you think

    Here are my stats:
    33 Yrs
    8.5-9% BF
    Supplements Whey Protein , NOXplode, Creatine, Glutamine
    I would like to gain as much muscle as possible before summer hits

    calories fat carbs fiber protein
    7:30 1 Scoop Protein 140 2.25 4 0 26
    7:30 1.5 serving Oatmeal 225 3.75 27 8 9
    7:30 1 serving berries 80 1 22 2 2.5
    7:30 2 Cup Milk 160 0 12 0 16

    10:00 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    10:00 6 oz Chicken Breast 165 4.5 0 0 33
    10:00 1 Serving WW Pasta 180 1 41 6 7

    12:30 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    12:30 6 oz Chicken Breast 165 4.5 0 0 33
    12:30 Veggies/salad

    3:00 1 WW Bagel 240 1.5 49 7 13
    3:00 1 tbsp All Natural PB 95 8 3 1 4

    5:30 6 oz Chicken Breast 165 4.5 0 0 33
    5:30 1 Cup Cottage Cheese 160 0 7 28
    5:30 1 Serving Fruit 80 0 22 2 1

    Usually workout somewhere in this time

    8:00 2 scoops Weight Gainer 1250 3.5 254 0 50

    Totals: 3385 39 449 26 307.5

    I could up the calories by adding a couple more ounces of chicken to each meal
    Any tips, suggestions or changes to help reach my goal would be appreciated
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11-14-2011BO.jpg 
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ID:	121415  
    Last edited by Konnann; 03-24-2012 at 10:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Konnann welcome to the forum..

    How did u get ur bf% chekd?

    It appears ur getn @340g carbs from pasta, weight gainer, and a bagel.. All inferior carb choices IMO.. even for a bulk.. Plus that weight gainer even PWO has alot of cals and carbs to eat rite before bed.. I dont have a prob with carbs before bed (esp cuz its ur PWO meal) but id try to limit the amt to maybe 50 g and certainly not 250g.. Plus what kind of carbs are they?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I have a handheld BF calculator that I use.

    Here is the weight gainer info:
    I agree it is a lot right before bed. I could move it to the 3:00 meal then just do a regular protein shake PWO?

    What would your suggestions be for better carbs? Everything I eat is whole wheat and those have the most calories, are easy to eat and palatable
    I try and keep the diet as clean as possible, at least during the week. Weekends are a different story....I like to drink

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    pasta is 100% whole wheat, bagel too!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Welcome! I would recommend oats, sweet potatoes and brown rice to be your primary carb sources. I'm on a bulk right now as well and I personally think the milk and the fruit are unnecessary but I'm sure some will disagree.

    I don't know how accurate the hand held bf calculators are. Have you tried calipers?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I use those carb sources because they are easy to eat on the run. I don't work in an office setting where I have access to a microwave so I had to come up with something that I can just grab and eat. I could/should sub the pasta with brown rice or quinoa. I can only eat sweet potatoes for so long until I get sick of them, that's why I was going with the pasta, I can eat that every day!
    I like to eat milk and berries on my oatmeal just because it's delicious and I like getting the calcium in the milk......always skim milk!!!

    I'm not sure how accurate the BF monitor is but it's what I have to go by. I have the same thing that my old gym (Urban Active) and my work uses when I get my yearly health assessment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ^^ u have a choice to make dude.. U want food that tastes good or u want a diet urgonna get the best results from?

    Ur abs r clearly visible but the rest of u has more fat than wat i would expect out of 8.5-9%.. Just my opinion..

    Also i dont microwave any of my food.. I eat it room temp.. Oats, sweet potato, chikn, broccoli.. Watever.. I wouldnt compromise quality for convenience or food temperature..

    Personally id ditch the weight gainer and get carbs and protein from quality sources..

    Carbs (like BG said) oats, sweet pot, brn rice.. U could have a little milk or fruit but id be conservative with it..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I've lost a bit more fat since the pic was taken back in November, there I was about 10% (according to my BF monitor)
    I haven't bought any new weight gainer yet, was looking for opinions before I did.

    I eat oatmeal every morning as breakfast with 1 serving of fruit & 2 servings of milk. I'll ditch the pasta and add sweet potato and or brown rice.
    What about bumping up the chicken to 8oz instead of 6? and the protein shake 4x/day?
    Last edited by Konnann; 03-25-2012 at 07:02 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Def lose the weight gainer

    Looks like ur getn 3 pro shakes already i would try not to add any more..

    U and i both have similar lbm.. Im 185@ 10%.. Tdee =3100(usually a bit high estimate)

    Id do :

    330g pro
    330g carbs
    73g fat

    40/40/20 to start and see how u do..

    Since u lifT at nite u could pretty much have carbs in all of ur meals.. Split evenly.. Same for protein..(thats 55g per meal).. See where u end up with fat after hitting other 2 macros and the maybe add some fat in .If necessary...

    If u want ur fats lower then id run : 40/45/15 pro/carb/fat

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Quote Originally Posted by Konnann View Post
    I've lost a bit more fat since the pic was taken back in November, there I was about 10% (according to my BF monitor)
    I haven't bought any new weight gainer yet, was looking for opinions before I did.

    I eat oatmeal every morning as breakfast with 1 serving of fruit & 2 servings of milk. I'll ditch the pasta and add sweet potato and or brown rice.
    What about bumping up the chicken to 8oz instead of 6? and the protein shake 4x/day?
    If I were you I would drop the weight gainer. I didn't look at its' macros, but I'm sure it's loaded with simple carbs. As everyone have should choose better carb sources. I would cut back the shakes and replace with real food as much as possible. 1 or 2 a day should be tops IMO opinion.

    I would bump your protein up a little...based off your assessment of your own bodyfat...I calculate your LBM at 170.2, so I would put your daily protein needs at 341g.

    I would also cut back all the fruit a little bit. It probably won't hurt you that much on a bulk, but my preference is always to bulk as clean as possible. I'm not saying to cut it out completely because it does have its' health benefits, but I would cut it down to 1 serving.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Still working on a new diet...

    calories fat carbs fiber protein
    7:30 1 Scoop Protein 140 2.25 4 0 26
    7:30 1.5 serving Oatmeal 225 3.75 27 8 9
    7:30 1 serving berries 80 1 22 2 2.5
    7:30 1 Cup Milk 80 0 6 0 8

    10:00 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    10:00 8 oz Chicken Breast 220 6 0 0 44
    10:00 1 Serving Brown Rice 150 1 33 2 4

    12:30 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    12:30 8 oz Chicken Breast 220 6 0 0 44
    12:30 Veggies/salad
    12:30 1 Cup Sweet Potato 180 0 41 7 4

    3:00 1 Serving Brown Rice 150 1 33 2 4
    3:00 Suggestions?????? Beef???

    5:30 8 oz Chicken Breast 165 4.5 0 0 33
    5:30 1 Cup Cottage Cheese 160 0 7 28
    5:30 1 Cup Sweet Potato 180 0 41 7 4
    5:30 Veggies/salad

    8:00 2 Scoop Protein 280 4.5 8 0 52

    2510 34.5 230 28 314.5

    More carbs? I'm finding it hard to get above 3000 cal

    I'm appreciating all the feedback, thank you all!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ^^for more carbs increase ur serving sizes.. simple also when does ur workout fall in with all this?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You can up your fat to 50g too, that'll give you another 150+cals.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Workout will be either at 4:30 or around 6:30. If I go with 4:30 then I'll make the 5:30 meal protein shake and maybe some carbs

    So should I double up on the carbs? Any suggestions for the 3:00 meal? should I eat more red meat? Maybe add a serving or 2 of almonds in there?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Sweet potatoes ive found to have the most carbs for the least filling if thats ur problem be sure to have a good amt pre and post workout

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Ok......Here's my re-work!
    Anywhere I should make adjustments? please be specific if you could, thank you I would like to start this tomorrow

    calories fat carbs fiber protein
    7:30 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    7:30 2 serving Oatmeal 300 5 54 8 12
    7:30 1 serving berries 80 1 22 2 2.5
    7:30 1 Cup Skim Milk 80 0 6 0 8

    10:00 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    10:00 8 oz Chicken Breast 220 6 0 0 44
    10:00 1 Serving Brown Rice 150 1 33 2 4

    12:30 1 scoop protein powder 140 2.25 4 0 26
    12:30 8 oz Chicken Breast 220 6 0 0 44
    12:30 Veggies/salad 100 0 10 3 5
    12:30 1 Cup Sweet Potato 180 0 41 7 4

    3:00 8 oz Chicken Breast 220 6 0 0 44
    3:00 1 Serving Brown Rice 150 1 33 2 4
    3:00 1 Cup Sweet Potato 180 0 41 7 4

    4:00 Workout

    5:30 1 Scoop Protein 140 2.25 4 0 26
    5:30 1 Cup Sweet Potato 180 0 41 7 4

    8:00 8 oz Chicken Breast 165 4.5 0 0 33
    8:00 1 Cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese 160 0 7 0 28
    8:00 Veggies/salad 100 0 10 3 5

    3045 39.5 314 41 349.5
    Last edited by Konnann; 04-01-2012 at 01:36 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ur below ur tdee.. is the carb number after subtracting fiber? if not id add more carbs and if so id still add more carbs..

    u like protein powder i see.. id suggest having 2scoops pwo... maybe ull still gain.. it may take longer cuz u may have to increase cals..

    ur fats are also low.. 330/330/73 is only 200cals above ur tdee..

    u could leave protein where it is and just move a scoop from 10:00meal to pwo.. carbs and fat id bring up...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The carb # is the carb #, I subtracted nothing.
    so more potatoes & rice?!

    I will move the 10:00 protein to pwo. I just find protein shakes easy to drink and a quick way to add protein to the diet.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ^^ yeh not alot about 20g carb worth and 33g fat...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    33 more grams of fat?
    Time to buy some almonds then

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    73g fat at 40/40/20..

    u could do 40/45/15 at

    330g pro
    371g carbs
    55g fat

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