I am 23, 5'9 and 175lbs with 14% bf.
My diet will look like this:
Meal 1: half protein shake (12g), 4 eggs (or 5 egg whites) , half cup oatmeal, 3 table spoons of wheat bran
Meal 2: 150g ground turkey, spinach, 20 almonds
Meal 3( PWO) : protein shake (36g), apple
Meal 4: 150g ground turkey, spinach, 60g whole wheat pasta
meal 5: 150 g chicken breast, cup of broccoli
Meal 6: casein shake (30g)
Approximate total: 1300 calories, 200g protein , 110g carbs, 23g fats.
On days off I will cut out the pasta, than I can do an outline of a carb cycle. Cardio will be mostly HIIT with LISS directly post workout a couple times a week.
Any advice is much appreciated! Looking to hit 10% bf!