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Thread: New cutting diet, need advice ASAP please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    New cutting diet, need advice ASAP please

    I am 23, 5'9 and 175lbs with 14% bf.

    My diet will look like this:

    Meal 1: half protein shake (12g), 4 eggs (or 5 egg whites) , half cup oatmeal, 3 table spoons of wheat bran
    Meal 2: 150g ground turkey, spinach, 20 almonds
    Meal 3( PWO) : protein shake (36g), apple
    Meal 4: 150g ground turkey, spinach, 60g whole wheat pasta
    meal 5: 150 g chicken breast, cup of broccoli
    Meal 6: casein shake (30g)

    Approximate total: 1300 calories, 200g protein , 110g carbs, 23g fats.

    On days off I will cut out the pasta, than I can do an outline of a carb cycle. Cardio will be mostly HIIT with LISS directly post workout a couple times a week.

    Any advice is much appreciated! Looking to hit 10% bf!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    First of all, welcome!

    IMO your calories seem to be really low. On a cut I do more than that and I'm only 95 lbs. What's your TDEE? Once you calculate that, try to stay about 500 calories under that since you're also doing cardio. Don't go too low on the calories or your body will get used to that and automatically lower your maintenance calories which in turn will make it harder to lose weight (If that makes sense lol).

    Also I would recommend that you do the egg whites as opposed to whole eggs. You probably don't need the apple either. Instead of the whole wheat pasta, I would do oats (old fashioned, not instant), sweet potatoes and brown rice. They are better carbs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    My TDEE is 2900. Thank you so much for the reply! I will definitely do the egg whites, take out the apple and replace the pasta with brown rice. That brings my carbs lower, is that alright? Where should I get extra calories from? Should I increase fat to compensate for the calorie deficit?

    Ps: How often would you suggest cardio? Im willing to do up to 5 times a week
    Last edited by prodigious; 03-25-2012 at 04:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    ur tdee is 2900 and you wanna run 1300? I would decrease kcals by 15% max, i would probably do 10% max personally. that is like more than 60%. Its okay if your carbs are lower but up the fats (good fats), and depending on how low your carbs are you can do a refeed once every few weeks. i think you can also handle another 50g of protein if you want.

    and i agreee with egg whites. I would say 1 whole egg max per 2000kcals.

    and you can maybe have 2 cups broccoli

    you can do as much cardio as you want, but factor that into your TDEE. I have done upto 8-10 cardio sessions a week. just have to eat more if you do

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i going with browngirl it does look low, while cutting down i only cut down my calories from 500 to 600 a day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Thank you so much for the great replies! OKay, Im going to add a cup of broccoli post workout, and another 20 almonds on meal 5. I will than up my meal 2 with another 50g of turkey. This only puts me up to 250g protein, 90g carbs and 50g of fat. That's only 1910 calories. Where should I adjust so I can add a few hundred more calories?

    Can you overtrain on cardio?
    Last edited by prodigious; 03-25-2012 at 09:29 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i would add more carbs in, but that is upto you.

    unless you are doing alot of HI cardio or fasted HIIT, i dont think you can overdue it if you eat enough

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