Currently running tren E and test400 at 1ml of each every 5 days. I'm about 4 week in and getting some good gains in shape and strength. I'm going to run for 12 week I'm considering throwing in winstrol tabs for the last 6 week, although I've not ran winstrol before.
I'm currently on a cut too although I seem to of hit a wall I'm basically doing low carb 5 days with a carb up and also a day of free eatIng on a Saturday. For the free eating I'm not goIng nuts eating crap but I do allow myself a few treats.
My typical daily diet is below along with supps any advice? By the way I'm allergic to dairy and all fish apart from tuna hence no eggs :-(
6.40 20 mins cardio
8am porridge oats with oat milk and bannana
11am chicken breast
1.30pm steak with steamed veg or salad
4.30 tin of tuna or chicken breast
6.30 train
8.30pm chicken/beef or turkey with sweet potato/veg
Supps include:
Bcaa 2 tabs 3x a day
Tribulus 1 tab 3x a day
Lcarnitine 2 tabs 3x a day
Cla 2 tabs 3x a day
Creatine 5 tabs mornIng and and evening (nearly ran for 8 weeks so ending soon)
glutamine twice a day
I'm ripping up well and I've shed a lot of fat but mainly in the first few weeks I now seem to of hit a wall. Do you think it's the creatine? I'm nearly out of Lcarnitine and cla they seem to work ok but I'm thinking of just having tribulus, Bcaa and glutamine going forward. I'm sure a lot of 'supps' working is just in your head. Obviously keeping the essential amino's.
I dropped my protein powder (pea protein) at the start of the cut which I've had for years and I'm in a lot better shape from not having it. Again the dairy allergies don't help when it comes to protein shake selection.
Does anyone have any advice? Should I increase cardio I'm currently doing 20mins on waking up 6 times a week. Also should I be eating more? (although it seems I'm eating small all the time lol)