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Thread: -Gettin Back At It-, Johnnny'z Progression Log...

  1. #1
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    Killa Cali

    -Gettin Back At It-, Johnnny'z Progression Log...

    Whatsup everybody! After reading over multiple member's logs and reading along on there journeys i've decided to start one of my own. Couple members recommend that i get one going so here it is...

    Height - 5'11
    Weight - 190lbs
    BF% - 20%
    Years Training - 3-4, including 15+ years in sports

    Ultimate Goal - I want to get to around 10-12% so i can begin to pack on some muscle mass. Also wouldn't mind seeing my abs for the first time in my life

    66 + (13.7 x 86[1178]) + (5 x 180[900]) - (6.8 x 23[156]) TDEE = 2800

    Meal 1 - 1cup egg whites, 1 cup oat, 1scoop protein - 550c 55p 54c 3f
    PWO - scoop protein 1cup scoop oat - 420c 30p 54c 3f
    Meal 2 - Tuna veggies - 250c 55p 0c 5f
    Meal 3 - 6oz chicken breast veggies - 275c 52p 0c 6f
    Meal 4 - 6oz chicken breast veggies 1/2 cup pistacios - 435c 58p 8c 20f
    Meal 5 - 1 cup cottage cheese/1 scoop casein 300c 50p 3c 8f

    300g protein 120 carbs 45 fat

    Week 1 training split -

    Monday - Fasted Cardio 30min jogging. ab ripper x. 30mins moderate bball.
    Tuesday - Fasted 35min jogging. 15 interval suicides. 45mins moderate bball.
    Wednesday - Chest/Tris/abs. 15min 12/3spd postworkout cardio. ab ripper x. 30mins moderate bball
    Thursday - Fasted 40min jogging. 18 interval suicides. 45mins moderate bball.
    Friday - Shoulders/Legs/Abs. 20min 12/4spd. ab ripper x. 30mins moderate bball
    Saturday/Sunday - OFF

    Already about 5 days deep into this routine and diet. I play a lot of bball as you can see haha, i try to keep my cardio different everyday or so.

    Here is me monday day 1. Posted this pic in the member's pic section and got some estimate of roughly in the 17-23% BF range from all different people. I got some calipers comming in so i will find out for sure. In all honesty, i'm not trying to make excuses lol, buttt the quality of the camera is crappy, i'll try to get a better one.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	121518

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ok, imo the only things id change:
    meal one lose the protein shake and get some more egg whites.
    meal two again lose the protein shake--carb up oats are good, or maybe even a yam. (sweet potato)
    meal 3,4, looks good, but id add some carbs to post workout, also how much veggies/what veggies are you using for these meals?
    meal 5 looks good--if you want u can swap out the casein for a slow digesting protein like tuna/steak.

    the reasoning i mod the meal 1/2--imo u don't need 2 protein shakes in the morn, esp before workout--u wana fuel your workout with fats/carbs. (if anybody disagrees please don't be an asshole, but give reasoning, as i don't know everything but still trynna learn)

    the reasoning behind meal 3, carbs u need to put em back into your body after u used during workout (insulin spike). I rec you only spike insulin 3 times, as i have read in the stickies, this is the best way to avoid fat poundage. (carbs only on breakfast, pre/post) abso no carbs in the last 2 meals.

    another thing i noticed, it with you playing ball (is this baseball or basketball) either way, your gonna need to add a cpl hundred more calories to your tdee, unless you used a different multiplier (not 1.55).

    like i said I'm not mr. know it all, and I'm sure gb or 405 or some other more experienced user can provide further help.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    ok, imo the only things id change:
    meal one lose the protein shake and get some more egg whites.
    meal two again lose the protein shake--carb up oats are good, or maybe even a yam. (sweet potato)
    meal 3,4, looks good, but id add some carbs to post workout, also how much veggies/what veggies are you using for these meals?
    meal 5 looks good--if you want u can swap out the casein for a slow digesting protein like tuna/steak.

    the reasoning i mod the meal 1/2--imo u don't need 2 protein shakes in the morn, esp before workout--u wana fuel your workout with fats/carbs. (if anybody disagrees please don't be an asshole, but give reasoning, as i don't know everything but still trynna learn)

    the reasoning behind meal 3, carbs u need to put em back into your body after u used during workout (insulin spike). I rec you only spike insulin 3 times, as i have read in the stickies, this is the best way to avoid fat poundage. (carbs only on breakfast, pre/post) abso no carbs in the last 2 meals.

    another thing i noticed, it with you playing ball (is this baseball or basketball) either way, your gonna need to add a cpl hundred more calories to your tdee, unless you used a different multiplier (not 1.55).

    like i said I'm not mr. know it all, and I'm sure gb or 405 or some other more experienced user can provide further help.
    Appreciate the feedback man. My meal 1, on my workout days, is my PRE workout meal. The "PWO" that is after meal 1 is my POST workout meal. On none workout days i just don't have the postworkout meal. My veggies with each meal is 2cups of brocolli, sometimes peas, and sometimes v8 low sodium juice, I try to mix it up.

    I'll throw in 2cups egg whites vice the protein powder in the morning, that's a good point, i try to keep my protein drinks to a minimum and keep most of my intake of whole foods.

    With the the TDEE, i multiplied it by 1.5 i believe cause some days i don't go out an play and it mostly just involves me shooting around as opposed to running up and down the court in a full game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ok, i misunderstood pwo. my falt. well given the info you just stated, id think your good to go. my advice, use this as a log, as detailed as possible. monitor feelings, lifts, even weaknesses? have you read 405s log? notice the detail? use this just like that...that way u can notice things and possibly pin point what went wrong. if you notice something different. ( and get that other thread deleted lol)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    ok, i misunderstood pwo. my falt. well given the info you just stated, id think your good to go. my advice, use this as a log, as detailed as possible. monitor feelings, lifts, even weaknesses? have you read 405s log? notice the detail? use this just like that...that way u can notice things and possibly pin point what went wrong. if you notice something different. ( and get that other thread deleted lol)
    Yep, that's the plan. I've been following a few people so I have the general idea. What i hope to get out of this is if i'm not satisfied with the results or what i'm doing I can get some support and advice, and judging from the other logs, that's what everybody has been doing. Thanks for the feedback, and that thread should be deleted soon.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2011
    the main thing, esp when tryna get your diet in check is monitoring the progress--aiming for around 3 lbs the 1st week, maybe 1-2 for the rest a the time. if you stay at the same weight for 2 weeks head back here b/c its time to adjust.

  7. #7
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    the main thing, esp when tryna get your diet in check is monitoring the progress--aiming for around 3 lbs the 1st week, maybe 1-2 for the rest a the time. if you stay at the same weight for 2 weeks head back here b/c its time to adjust.
    Will do, Thanks man!

  8. #8
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    I actually took Thursday's workout and moved it to Friday and moved Friday's to Saturday. So... Rest days the 1st week was Thursday and next will be Sunday.

    This morning did 40mins fasted cardio. Had 10mg BCAA 200mg caffeine and a cup of coffee before the run, felt good besides the fact that the first week i'm sore as hell. My left knee is acting up and hurts in the beggining of my run but after about 5mins it loosens up and no problems. Shot some bball as well, nothing crazy, just shot around.

    No issues with the diet, kept it the same, i tried some verde sauce in my tuna for the first time which was pretty good. Only 2 tblspoons which was like 400mg of sodium and nothing else. This next week i'm going to keep it a lot cleaner, try to avoid the small condiments. Waking up early tommrow to do legs and shoulders with 15min cardio afterwards....

  9. #9
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    Day 6

    Going to buy a nice digital scale today once i get into town, so i can start posting more accurate bodyweight daily in my logs . The one I have been using is an old crap one that isn't exactly the best. About to hit legs/shoulders/abs with 15min cardio at the end... 12incline at 3.5 speed. If i'm feeling good on my knee i will push it to 20mins, note that i am drinking BCAA's immediately following lifting while doing cardio. Once i complete my cardio i have my PWO, i want to stay in the fat burning stage while also preventing catabolism as much as possible. Gotta help a friend with some furniture later, will check back up on here later in the evening with diet and how the workout went.

  10. #10
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    Hey johnny glad you started a log. I am subscribed and will check in to see how you are doing.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Hey johnny glad you started a log. I am subscribed and will check in to see how you are doing.
    Awesome man, Thanks!

    When i build my workout plan for next week i'm going to throw in 60min fasted cardio and try to get it in 5x a week and bump it up from there.

  12. #12
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    Mate I'm gonna follow this. Very quickly just stick to your caffeine tab pre workout, the cup of coffee is irrelevant and will just add cals when you are supposed to be fasted.

  13. #13
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    Oh, and I like to sip on my BCAA's through my lifting so they are already in my system well and truly by the time I start my PWO cardio.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Oh, and I like to sip on my BCAA's through my lifting so they are already in my system well and truly by the time I start my PWO cardio.
    Thanks SteM, I have my coffee just black and usually just 1 cup. I'll go without it tomorrow and just stick to my caffeine tabs and see how it goes. Good point on the BCAA's to, i lifted today and then i just pounded it all right before i did my cardio, I'll drink it during my workout to have it slowly get into my system, should work perfectly by the time i get into my cardio.

    My cardio is usually just 15-20 mins of 12 incline at 3 spd. Should i alternate like HIT or just stick at the 12/3 throughout the whole duration i'm doing my cardio? This is immediately following my lifting.

  15. #15
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    No worries. Black coffee still has cals but also has certain chemicals that won't help mobilise fat cells.

    Re: cardio? At 20% bf hit the intervals as often as you can.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM
    No worries. Black coffee still has cals but also has certain chemicals that won't help mobilise fat cells.

    Re: cardio? At 20% bf hit the intervals as often as you can.
    Cool, ill ditch the coffee. When i build my workout plan ill throw interval cardio after my workouts..

  17. #17
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    Visting family today and my bday was a few days ago so the first thing my aunt says is "i baked you a cake! Happy bday" i had a tiny piece cause i didn't want to look like an a-hole. I'm thinkin some cardio tonight to burn it off lol i'm dissapointed

  18. #18
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    Crap double post...

  19. #19
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    Day 6

    Had a solid legs and shoulders day today with ab exercises thrown in the mix. By the time i was finished working out i had no energy at all, then followed straight into 15mins PWO cardio. No issues with diet besides the tiny piece of cake, which didn't have frosting or anything. Sure it was filled with carbs and sugar though. Everybody is coming over tomorrow to "officially" celebrate and my aunt said she's making me a chicken enchillada caserole. Upset, but once again i can't deny eating any when she's cooking it specifically for me, i'll just have a very small portion and say i'm full and stick to my original diet.

    Picked up a nice digital scale today which read 192.2 so i guess the other one was crap and didn't really read right so i will be monitoring this one from now on. I hope it was the scale and not me gaining weight

    Anybody else switch scales and usually get different readings? guess only way to find out is throughout the week to watch it go down.

  20. #20
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    i usually just use one scale, the one at the gym. its the only one i use. very accurate. sooner or later u gotta let ur family no none a that garb crap or ur gonna all victim evry trip. u may look like an ass but wen they c ur results theyll apprec ur dedication. rhis is xactly how my family was.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    Cool, ill ditch the coffee. When i build my workout plan ill throw interval cardio after my workouts..
    i just started interval cardio pwo about three weeks ago and ive been on lean bulk for a couple weeks. my weight is the same but i have burned alot of fat considering my caloric intake. HIIT is very good.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    i usually just use one scale, the one at the gym. its the only one i use. very accurate. sooner or later u gotta let ur family no none a that garb crap or ur gonna all victim evry trip. u may look like an ass but wen they c ur results theyll apprec ur dedication. rhis is xactly how my family was.
    Yea i'm going to use my digital only from now on. The old one i was using i went back out and used it and it said i was about 2.5 lighter from when i started last monday so i have lost. I keep going back and forth to the new scale to and it keeps switching between telling me i'm 192 and 195 so i'm going to see if i have to reset it or something.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jypoll View Post
    i just started interval cardio pwo about three weeks ago and ive been on lean bulk for a couple weeks. my weight is the same but i have burned alot of fat considering my caloric intake. HIIT is very good.
    For sure, i've been reading positive reviews with others in there log as well as pleased results so i will defiantly be incorporating into next weeks work out plan.

  24. #24
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    I'm going to take the digital scale back in get my money back. It read me different weights 5 different times last night as well as this morning. I'll be sticking to the older one because at least it is consistent. Caffeine tabs popped, and ready to go do some bball suicides on the court before i go for a 45 min run. Looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow to see what progress i have made. Will post up later tonight.

  25. #25
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    Day 7

    This morning did bball suicides for 15mins with 1min rest periods and followed it directly with 45min LIC. Felt great, when i got back i had to lay down for a little but it felt good. Diet was on point, didn't eat any of the crazy food the family brought over. Building the workout plan for next week and will post in here in a few... looking for forward to the 1st week weigh in tomorrow morning.

  26. #26
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    Week 2 training split -

    Monday - Back/Bi's/Abs PWO HIIT 20mins. 30min moderate bball.
    Tuesday - Fasted 15 interval suicides/45min LIC. 45mins moderate bball.
    Wednesday - Chest/Tris/Abs PWO HIIT 20mins. 30mins moderate bball
    Thursday - OFF
    Friday - Shoulders/Legs/Abs.PWO HIIT 20mins.30mins moderate bball
    Saturday - Fasted 15 interval suicides/45min LIC. 45mins moderate bball.
    Sunday - Fasted 15 interval suicides/45min LIC. 45mins moderate bball.

    Sunday might be an off day depending on how i feel, for now it's a planned workout day. I stepped up the cardio more in this 2nd week, will see how it goes.

  27. #27
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    Week 1 Weigh In

    Start - 190lbs
    Week 1 - 186.6

    Pumped to see this loss on the scale this morning, that is the number i wanted to see on the scale after all that work last week. I can only imagine where i will be if i keep at this for 90+ days.

    I know 2.5 is what you want to shoot for in terms of maximum weight loss in a weight, curious if anybody else had 4-5 pounds lost in there first week? I would imagine some of it might be water weight?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    Appreciate the feedback man. My meal 1, on my workout days, is my PRE workout meal. The "PWO" that is after meal 1 is my POST workout meal. On none workout days i just don't have the postworkout meal. My veggies with each meal is 2cups of brocolli, sometimes peas, and sometimes v8 low sodium juice, I try to mix it up.

    I'll throw in 2cups egg whites vice the protein powder in the morning, that's a good point, i try to keep my protein drinks to a minimum and keep most of my intake of whole foods.

    With the the TDEE, i multiplied it by 1.5 i believe cause some days i don't go out an play and it mostly just involves me shooting around as opposed to running up and down the court in a full game.
    personally i wouldnt use either the peas or v8 at least for awhile.. sodium isnt a big deal but it may have sugar.. its processed im sure.. id stick to: broccoli, asparagus, spinach for my greens..

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    personally i wouldnt use either the peas or v8 at least for awhile.. sodium isnt a big deal but it may have sugar.. its processed im sure.. id stick to: broccoli, asparagus, spinach for my greens..
    I thought the same, i actually only had the peas 1 day to switch it up. I have broccoli everyday and only keep my v8 to 1 8oz class in the morning. Once the bottle is all gone i wont be buying another one though, just going to be sticking to good ole broccoli. I love asparagus to but i'm having trouble finding it fresh around here and i'm trying to stay away from the frozen veggies.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    Week 1 Weigh In

    Start - 190lbs
    Week 1 - 186.6

    Pumped to see this loss on the scale this morning, that is the number i wanted to see on the scale after all that work last week. I can only imagine where i will be if i keep at this for 90+ days.

    I know 2.5 is what you want to shoot for in terms of maximum weight loss in a weight, curious if anybody else had 4-5 pounds lost in there first week? I would imagine some of it might be water weight?
    It's pretty common to have 3-5lb weight loss the first week. Probably some water weight. 1-2lbs a week seems to be average good loss after that until you get lower in BF

    Great job bro. Keep at it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    It's pretty common to have 3-5lb weight loss the first week. Probably some water weight. 1-2lbs a week seems to be average good loss after that until you get lower in BF

    Great job bro. Keep at it.
    Thanks man, i don't even have fasted cardio planned for today but i'm feeling good so gonna do some anyways hah.

  32. #32
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    I'm planning on getting my Bi/Back workout in tonight around 7pm which would put my PWO shake to around 8 o clockish. My PWO contains carbs in the form of whole oats, is this not a good idea at this time of night even know it's PWO?

  33. #33
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    There is a good debate on this very subject here going on now.
    Personally I have about 52grams protein with 1/2 cup dry oats PWO and sometimes go to sleep within an hour of that. Does not seem to have affected fat loss in a negative way.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    There is a good debate on this very subject here going on now.
    Personally I have about 52grams protein with 1/2 cup dry oats PWO and sometimes go to sleep within an hour of that. Does not seem to have affected fat loss in a negative way.
    Thanks for the read, i guess will just have to find out through trial and error. I don't see how it would effect you if it is PWO.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    I thought the same, i actually only had the peas 1 day to switch it up. I have broccoli everyday and only keep my v8 to 1 8oz class in the morning. Once the bottle is all gone i wont be buying another one though, just going to be sticking to good ole broccoli. I love asparagus to but i'm having trouble finding it fresh around here and i'm trying to stay away from the frozen veggies.
    why is that? all the veggies i eat are frozen.. the ones u need to stay away from are canned..

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze
    I'm planning on getting my Bi/Back workout in tonight around 7pm which would put my PWO shake to around 8 o clockish. My PWO contains carbs in the form of whole oats, is this not a good idea at this time of night even know it's PWO?
    You should have your PWO meal as planned no matter what time of day.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    why is that? all the veggies i eat are frozen.. the ones u need to stay away from are canned..
    There's nothing wrong with them i just like the fresh, or at least the broccoli that is. I don't touch canned veggies either.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    You should have your PWO meal as planned no matter what time of day.
    Thanks SteM, that's what i was thinking. I'll just be sticking to my same meal plans today and have my PWO probably around 8pm.

  38. #38
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    Day 8

    Had a great 40min fasted cardio session today with a on point diet. Got late and didn't end up hittin the gym for back/bis as planned. After my cardio sesh i was burned out and fell asleep for a few hours, will move bi/back workout to tommrow morning. I think i'm going to keep it at 3 fasted cardio and 3 PWO cardio a week. Looking forward to tomorrows lifting session. Stock backed up on groceries as well today for the rest of the week.

  39. #39
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    Just got back from back/bis session. Felt really good but ever since the end of last week it feels like i'm completely drained after a lifting session. It's the 2nd week of my diet and i don't know if it's my body not being used to such few carbs? I'm talking every time i get home from the gym now i have to lay down for 45mins or so and i just have no energy. I feel great when i get in there and in the middle of my workout, just seems like i run out of gas a lot quicker now. Anybody else experience this in there first few weeks?

  40. #40
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    Have you changed workout time? Sleeping ok and 7-8 hrs per night?

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