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Thread: Help me with my cut please

  1. #1

    Help me with my cut please

    Im currently dieting. Im 5'6 181lbs , 18% bodyfat.

    I did the Harris Benedict Formula to figure out my BMR and subtracted 500 from it go in a calorie deficit. One week later and i havent lost a pound. Im not saying i need results fast but ive been doing 45minutes of cardio postworkout 5x a week and i find it very hard to believe i didnt lose one pound.

    Now i went on another site and found another formula which was bodyweight x 13 which gave me a 2300 calorie baseline. Does 2300 calories sound about right for a 181lb person?

    Im getting my carbs from whole wheat pasta & oatmeal. Protein is usually chicken, tuna, lean ground turkey & a lot of eggs.

    Someone please point me in the right direction

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What daily calories and macro split have you been following? List your diet including macros and we'll have a look.

    What were your cals using Harris Benedict? Latch Mcardle is a better formula but most of them over exaggerate your actual requirements!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    What daily calories and macro split have you been following? List your diet including macros and we'll have a look.

    What were your cals using Harris Benedict? Latch Mcardle is a better formula but most of them over exaggerate your actual requirements!
    3200 was the BMR so i was following a 2700 calorie diet.

    My diet usually looks something like

    Meal one
    Oats mixed with unsweetened almond milk

    Meal two
    Whole wheat pasta

    Meal three
    Grilled chicken & 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter

    Meal four
    2 or 3 cans of tuna


    20g BCAAs

    Meal five
    4 whole eggs

    Had all the macros broken down in a book which i left at school but im on easter break right now lol

    I'm going to post exactly what i do tomorrow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That's all over the place tbh. And 2700 cals is probably 800 cals or so too high, not surprised you didn't lose weight!.

    Suggest you read the cutting 101 sticky and start all over again!

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