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Thread: Need diet help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Need diet help!!

    Hey guys please help... As of right now my goal is to lean out a bit but maintain weight if not add a few. so yes the impossible as is every bodies goal.

    I have a trip coming up in july.. beaches n stuff but i cant be one cycle cause its my off time... ( last minute trip so I couldnt plan )

    Here my stats:
    186-191 lbs off cycle 10-11%BF is my guesstimate as i find this more accurate than everything ive used to measure.
    5 ft 10
    slightly bulky lookn id say def a guy who you could tell lifts a bit.
    I lift 5-6 days per week and cardio is 4-5 days. My routine changes weekly as i have been lifting for about 7 years. reps can changes from sets of 3x10 to 5x5 to 3 x 15 to anything. days of the week vary too. week 1 could be legs on monday and week 2 it could be on wed.

    Right now i feel im planning off and need a jump start to my game... i am a firm believer in you look as how you eat but i only realize how important this is about 1.5 years ago.. so im a little behind..

    here is what I eat dailey exactly 6 days a week..... day 7 i eat what ever, usually sunday.

    meal 1 : 1 cup liquid egg whites / 2 full eggs / 1 cup oats = 530 cals / 20 grams fat / 58 g carbs / 43 g prot

    meal 2 : 1 cup brwn rice / 1/2 lb lean beef / (?) = 510 cals / 13 grams fat / 44 g carbs / 53 g protein

    meal 3 : 1 4-6oz chicken breast / sweet potatoe = 300 cals / 3 grams fat / 4 g carbs / 30 g protein

    meal 4 ; protein shake / 300 cals / 9 g fat / 21g carbs / 33 g protein..

    pre wrkout supp


    meal 5 ; protein shake / 300 cals / 9 g fat / 21g carbs / 33 g protein..

    meal 6 : lean meat source varies form chicken breast to fish or lean meat again and no carbs on this meal...with a low fat diary product like 0% milk 1.5 cups.... somedays i though in a wheat pasta of sometype or just another source of calories...

    meal 7: can vary again but it stays similar to above but in different combination's.

    Maybe is there a better order of when to eat certain meals? Also I dont have off days so cycling carbs up and down for more intense days doesnt apply to much, or should it?

    so ... i know its still not good but geez...i think im not eating enough.. again..............
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 04-16-2012 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    Hey man,

    It would be good to have some idea of the breakdown of meal 6 and 7 in order determine your overall calorie intake for the day. Your TDEE is around 3200 cals per day. Your showing 1900 plus whatever is in your last two meals. So give is 700 calories and your at 2600 which is about 500-600 below maintenane which is actually pretty good.

    Overall the foods you are eating are not bad, there really isn't anything in there that is bad. To me now it just comes down to positioning your carbs more around your workout and breakfast obviously. There really isn't any need to have carbs throughout the whole day when cutting...IMO. Id cut the whole eggs to one at breakfast. Knock the oats down to 2/3 of a cup. Move the brown rice to your pre-workout meal. How does your meal 4 protein shake have 21g of carbs??? Also meal 3 has sweet potato but only lists 4g of carbs??? typo? Should be 40g??? Either way get rid of the carbs in that meal.
    Make sure to have carbs in that post workout shake. Weather you beleive in the simple sugars immediately post workout or you like the slower carbs (My choice) they have to be in there.

    Fix up some of those things and re-post. I will post a sample a little later for you to help build your diet.

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Hey guys please help... As of right now my goal is to lean out a bit but maintain weight if not add a few. so yes the impossible as is every bodies goal. id pick one...

    I have a trip coming up in july.. beaches n stuff but i cant be one cycle cause its my off time... ( last minute trip so I couldnt plan )

    Here my stats:
    186-191 lbs off cycle 10-11%BF is my guesstimate as i find this more accurate than everything ive used to measure. how bout calipers?
    5 ft 10
    slightly bulky lookn id say def a guy who you could tell lifts a bit.
    I lift 5-6 days per week and cardio is 4-5 days. My routine changes weekly as i have been lifting for about 7 years. reps can changes from sets of 3x10 to 5x5 to 3 x 15 to anything. days of the week vary too. week 1 could be legs on monday and week 2 it could be on wed.

    Right now i feel im planning off and need a jump start to my game... i am a firm believer in you look as how you eat but i only realize how important this is about 1.5 years ago.. so im a little behind..

    here is what I eat dailey exactly 6 days a week..... day 7 i eat what ever, usually sunday.

    meal 1 : 1 cup liquid egg whites / 2 full eggs / 1 cup oats = 530 cals / 20 grams fat / 58 g carbs / 43 g prot

    meal 2 : 1 cup brwn rice / 1/2 lb lean beef / (?) = 510 cals / 13 grams fat / 44 g carbs / 53 g protein

    meal 3 : 1 4-6oz chicken breast / sweet potatoe = 300 cals / 3 grams fat / 4 g carbs / 30 g protein

    meal 4 ; protein shake / 300 cals / 9 g fat / 21g carbs / 33 g protein..

    pre wrkout supp


    meal 5 ; protein shake / 300 cals / 9 g fat / 21g carbs / 33 g protein..

    meal 6 : lean meat source varies form chicken breast to fish or lean meat again and no carbs on this meal...with a low fat diary product like 0% milk 1.5 cups.... somedays i though in a wheat pasta <--carb of sometype or just another source of calories... milk is a carb.. u wanna stay away from this while cutting..

    meal 7: can vary again but it stays similar to above but in different combination's.

    Maybe is there a better order of when to eat certain meals? Also I dont have off days so cycling carbs up and down for more intense days doesnt apply to much, or should it?

    so ... i know its still not good but geez...i think im not eating enough.. again..............
    like said above u need to figure ur total cals and macros.. also what do u wanna do cut or bulk?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    WSC786 thanks man i knew i was just putting things in the wrong spots... I figure this is whats not helping me. The 21g of carbs is I take 1.5 servings of syntha-6 its 14g per scoup.

    I wish I could better describe meal 6 and 7 but i switch it up often so it is never the same. I have the idea now of where to place carbs. Also i think your right, I am goind to drop 1 egg in the morning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Thanks 405, i dunno, i try to stay away from milk but its so damn good. I will try and drop it...

    I am not bulking at the moment. I want to lean out just a tad but keep my weight pretty close... I figure upping my cardio keeping my cals at a maintenance level or just a tad higher i could do this as long as i kept the calories clean? I know this seems tough. But i am defanatly not doing a full out bulker. If i was to say one or the other I am on the cutter side.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    I don't know what the more knowledgeable members will say, but if you have a hard time staying away from milk( I have the same problem). I've replaced mine with almond milk. If your in the states I'm using silk brand pure almond unsweetened original.

    8 oz has 35 cal, 2.5g fat, 1 carb from fiber, 0 sugar, and 1 gram protien. I have it worked into my bedtime meal. Taste pretty good as a repla***ent for real milk.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2007
    Okay here I made some changes. If you got time can you give suggestions to where i have the ??? marks?

    meal 1 : 1 cup liquid egg whites / 1 full egg / 2/3 cup oats

    meal 2 : 1/2 lb lean beef / ????

    meal 3 : 1 4-6oz chicken breast / sweet potatoe

    meal 4 ; protein shake / 1 cup brown rice

    pre wrkout supp


    meal 5 ; protein shake / 2/3 cup oats

    meal 6 : 4-6oz chicken breast / ????

    meal 7: ?? any ideas of something I could set in stone here rather than mixing it up all the time?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    quick question...dont mean to hijack! Your 2/3 cup of that dry or cooked? same question for the cup of brown rice...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHANE704 View Post
    quick question...dont mean to hijack! Your 2/3 cup of that dry or cooked? same question for the cup of brown rice...
    Oats are typically measured dry. I always measure brown rice cooked.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Okay here I made some changes. If you got time can you give suggestions to where i have the ??? marks?

    meal 1 : 1 cup liquid egg whites / 1 full egg / 2/3 cup oats

    meal 2 : 1/2 lb lean beef / ????

    meal 3 : 1 4-6oz chicken breast / sweet potatoe

    meal 4 ; protein shake / 1 cup brown rice

    pre wrkout supp


    meal 5 ; protein shake / 2/3 cup oats

    meal 6 : 4-6oz chicken breast / ????

    meal 7: ?? any ideas of something I could set in stone here rather than mixing it up all the time?


    Meal 1 is good but I would add a tbsp of flax meal to it mixed in with oats. But overall good.
    Meal 2 and 3 I would have some kind of lean protein, either chicken breast, fish, steak or even pork. With each one of these meals I would go with a serving of veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower and the other a spinach salad (peppers, onions, mushroom,..etc).
    IMO not really any need to have carbs in these meals when cutting.
    Meal 4 pre workout. I would prefer to eat protein along with the rice but if your fine with that combination then go for it. I like 1 cup extra lean ground beef, 1 cup brown rice and a couple of table spoons of salsa...tastes great.
    Meal 5 post workout. Perfect.
    Meal 6 lean protein and some good slow digesting carb. This is where I like to put may sweet potatoes...but ur choice.
    Meal 7 before bed. I like either egg whites cooked up with a slice of fat free cheese on it with 3-4 oz of chicken. Or cottage cheese or Greek yogurt (make sure it's plain Greek yogurt) with a scoop of protein mixed in there.
    It's really up to you just keep the protein up and watch out for the carbs.

    Have a look and let me know what u think

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    IMO the first thing u need to do is figure out ur specific goal.. if cut then u need an accurate weight and bf% so u can figure ur tdee which will enable u to establish ur deficit.. once u have that figured out then u need to build ur diet including ALL TOTAL CALS AND MACROS...

    while ur food choices appear to be decent u need to know how much ur putting into ur body daily.. my guess is ur tdee is @3100cals.. if ur gonna cut then u prob want to be @ 2200-2300cals per day.. then u need to figure out ur macro split...

    i have yet to see u post either total cals or total macros and IMO until u do everything is guess work and pointless...

  12. #12
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    Sep 2007
    405 I dont have total calories because My last 2 meals change bro. I am trying to get suggestions as to what i can make for these two meals so I can dial in my calories and intake then make adjustments accordingly. I dont mean to be doing guess work but all i can account for accurately without lieing is what i have up there. My body fat percentage I know 100% sure I am not off by more than a percent as I have had caliper tests and other tests so I know right around where I am at. My weight fluxuates +/- 2lbs per week. I think my problem is my goal isnt realistic....... to be honest. i was going to try and stay close to my tdee but in a cleaner sense and putting the foods in the correct pla***ent i could have a better outcome.

    Is what I am doing pointless as you say? I am just curious. But truthful man.. IM not a body builder nor plan to be just looking to feel and look a little better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    shane... dry oats...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    WSC786,, thanks man.. im going to make some changes your suggestions look good... hope swapping this stuff around does a little something for me..

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thanks man.. ill try this!

  16. #16
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    405 I dont have total calories because My last 2 meals change bro. I am trying to get suggestions as to what i can make for these two meals so I can dial in my calories and intake then make adjustments accordingly. I dont mean to be doing guess work but all i can account for accurately without lieing is what i have up there. My body fat percentage I know 100% sure I am not off by more than a percent as I have had caliper tests and other tests so I know right around where I am at. My weight fluxuates +/- 2lbs per week. I think my problem is my goal isnt realistic....... to be honest. i was going to try and stay close to my tdee but in a cleaner sense and putting the foods in the correct pla***ent i could have a better outcome.

    Is what I am doing pointless as you say? I am just curious. But truthful man.. IM not a body builder nor plan to be just looking to feel and look a little better.
    pointless in the sense that until u plan out ur total cals and macros ur results are going to be unpredictable and arbitrary..

    for ur last meal of the day a good choice is lowfat cottage cheese and if macros permit natty PB.. my last meal (before cycling carbs) was 5oz chikn breast, 1cup cottage cheese, 2tbs natty pb..

    for ur meal 6 u could have the chicken breast and broccoli, an omelette (one of my recent favorites) with ground beef or chicken in it as well as veggies (spinach)..

    i would steer clear of the fat free cheese as a rule due to the processing as well as chemicals..

    also id recommend including green veggies (broc, spinach, asparagus) in at least 3 of ur meals..

  17. #17
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    pointless in the sense that until u plan out ur total cals and macros ur results are going to be unpredictable and arbitrary..

    for ur last meal of the day a good choice is lowfat cottage cheese and if macros permit natty PB.. my last meal (before cycling carbs) was 5oz chikn breast, 1cup cottage cheese, 2tbs natty pb..

    for ur meal 6 u could have the chicken breast and broccoli, an omelette (one of my recent favorites) with ground beef or chicken in it as well as veggies (spinach)..

    i would steer clear of the fat free cheese as a rule due to the processing as well as chemicals..

    also id recommend including green veggies (broc, spinach, asparagus) in at least 3 of ur meals..

    Sweet, i been looking for ideas!!!

    hey are you making the omelet out of whites or eggs? can an omelet even be made out of whites? im liking this idea as stuff gets so boring

    I usually have LF cottage cheese so thats good to know.

    Thanks man. I appreciate it! ill take in some of all these considerations and repost once its all in order and get an accurate count and see whats been going on.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    an omelette for me is 1whole egg, 7 eggwhites.. .. and yes u can make one without any yolk..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ummmm 405.... i culda swore yesterday you was alot more cut...?

    thanks man.. ill try the omelette

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    ummmm 405.... i culda swore yesterday you was alot more cut...?

    thanks man.. ill try the omelette

    guess i shouldnt have eaten that cheat meal last nite huh?

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