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Thread: 5000 Calorie/Day Diet

  1. #1

    5000 Calorie/Day Diet

    Hey Guys

    I visited a nutritionist / gym owner in Philadelphia who is training for the London Olympics in 2012. He designed for me a personal 5000 calorie per day diet per my request.

    I'd love to get your opinions on the diet.

    Thanks Guys

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    any more info about yourself? age height weight bf% goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Your diet consist of too many processed foods, too much carbs from simple sugars and majority of daily protein intake is from shakes, milk and other processed foods.

    Regardless of your stats and goals, this diet is far from having a decent design.

    Frankly, we would have done a better job for you here...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    thats not a diet.. thats a bunch of food put onto a piece of paper.. that guy is an idiot... i hope u didnt pay any money for that piece of junk.. hows that for an opinion?

    also like asian said: what r ur stats? age weight height bf%?

    what r ur goals? bulking?

    read stickies:
    1. so u wanna learn how to diet
    2. tdee
    3. how to bulk
    4. how to cut

  5. #5
    20 years old
    Height: 6'3'' (190.5 cm)
    Weight: 173 lbs. (79.4 kg)
    BF: N/A
    Bench: 210
    Deadlift: N/A
    Squat: N/A

    I absolutely want to cycle eventually, but according to posts I've seen in these forums it's obvious to me that the weight has got to be there first. Best thing I saw .... "Lifting without eating is like trying to build a house with not enough bricks."

    I'm trying to get to 190-200 before I start cycling.

    Yeah, 405, the goal is bulking.

    Recent picture attached by the way, guys.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	new.jpg 
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ID:	122185
    Last edited by bomberace; 04-20-2012 at 10:54 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    IMO u need to wait a few years before considering a cycle regardless of ur weight.. ur endocrine system is a serious deal bro..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    Dude, you dont need 5,000 cals right away anyhow. Your only 173 right now. You could prob eat 3500 and start gaining. You dont need to do it all at once, thats a good way to gain more fat than muscle, 5k at your size is overkill. Go slow, when you plateau at 3500, bump another 400 or so.....There are some real simple food choice changes you could make on there too, and i have no clue how this person can call themselves a nutritionist. Replace sugar with fruit, no need for that tbsp sugar, thats pointless. That Jiff brand PB is junk, its not even All Natural, get Smuckers ALL NATURAL or any brand ALL NATURAL. Refried beans are junk (literally ANY other bean would be fine), tortillas are junk....just a lot of strange choices on there, feel like he just got lazy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    And there is no protein source in that PM snack either? This guy sucks, lol......3500 cals, somewhere around 35%pro, 40%carb, 25%fat. 5 to 6 meals. Same macros for each meal, keep it simple when bulking, and go slow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The bigger you get the more you have to eat so start around 2-2500 cals a day and move up from there as you progress

    no need to start at 5000 unless your running a marathon every day

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    ice cream?

    wtf? at 5kcals/day, you will gain weight this way. No doubt. But the quality of the weight will be low.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Also, a solid BB diet does not necessarily require bunch of snacks throughout the day.

    Do you really think you would need to snack multiple times a day if your meals consisted of 12-14oz of chicken/fish/red meat along with enough complex carbs, healthy oils and vegetables packed with fiber and water?

    The correct answer would be a big NO for most people. Those meals will keep you full and also keep you in an anabolic state for several hours.

    As for snacking, fruit with low GI and certain nuts while bulking (especially raw almonds and walnuts) cannot be beat.

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