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Thread: Macronutrients and BMR values

  1. #1

    Question Macronutrients and BMR values

    So my Bmr for 16 year old, 6'1 and 185 pound me with a bodyfat of 16%


    2300 calories maintence
    1800 calorie SPLIT

    Which turns into...

    720 protein/40%/180 grams
    720 Carbs/40%/180 grams
    360 fat/20%/ 43 grams

    Then if I put that into a schedule..

    7:30 Wakeup
    8:00 Meal 1 - 36g Protein, 60G Carbs, 7G Fat,
    11:30 SCHOOL LUNCH (2 Meals) - 72G Protein, 14G Fat,
    3:30 Meal 2 - 36g protein, 60G Carbs, 7G Fat,

    4-6 WORKOUT
    Post Workout Shake (24G Protein, 4 Carbs, 1.5G Fat)

    7 Meal 3 - 36G Protein, 60G Carbs, 7G Fat,
    9 Meal 4 -36G Protein, 36G fat,
    11 Sleep

    All things should add up without the protein Shake. Then if I take

    this guidline and add in food's, it should look like with food subbed in..

    7:30 Wakeup
    8:00 Meal 1 - ,
    11:30 SCHOOL LUNCH (2 Meals) -
    3:30 Meal 2 -

    4-6 WORKOUT
    Post Workout Shake (24G Protein, 4 Carbs, 1.5G Fat)

    7 Meal 3 -
    9 Meal 4 -
    11 Sleep

    Could someone help me sub the food in for the proper values? But besides this does all my math/everything else look right? Thanks In advance, Ryan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    Whatsup man, are you trying to put on weight and add muscle mass?

  3. #3
    No this is currently a cutting diet, doesn't it look right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I get ur BMR @1892
    TDEE @2900

    The deficit u create u want to be from ur tdee.. U need to eat above BMR..

    How many days/week u lifting? Cardio?

  5. #5
    4 days a week with 45 minute cardio jog.. for cutting, So is my plan all wrong?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Double post

  7. #7
    What? How..

  8. #8
    Anybody know if my math is correct?

    Math used for the BMR:
    BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)
    = 66 + (13.7 x 84) + (5 x 185) - (6.8 x 16)
    = 66 + 1150.8 + 925 - 108.8
    = 2033

    Then I would multiply it by my activity making it..
    =2033 x 1.55
    = 3151.15

    So then I am cutting which would make my calories at around 2500.

    I think I found my error, does that look correct now?
    Last edited by RyanBroo; 04-22-2012 at 01:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    At 185 and 16%bf id cut @2000-2200cals.. I get ur tdee @2900..

    2100cals would prob be a good place to start.. U can do 40/40/20 or a low carb diet.. I prefer low carb keeping carbs at 20% of total cals.. This allows for decent fat mobilization..

    320g pro
    100g carbs
    47g fat

    This is a 60/20/20 split.. Keeping protein high will also be muscle sparing while in deficit.. Just my opinion..

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