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Thread: Help appreciated with my diet or whatever aspect I am doing wrong!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Help appreciated with my diet or whatever aspect I am doing wrong!

    Hey guys I posted about 6-7 weeks ago asking for advice on a second cycle. My first was sus250 1.5 ml a week and I went from 70 kg to 87 kg which I thought was fantastic. Then I got a stomach bug during pct which cause me to fast in order to get rid of it. I lost over 7 kg right there and then the weight continued down until I am where I am now. 72.5 kg.

    Now I was going to try a second cycle but I got told on this forum not to and instead to just adjust me diet and go heavy (Which I already was doing). Now i started off at 56 kg when I started gym. So I have gained over 20 kg of muscle already. My frame was/still is i guess tiny. Now naturally I can't seem to gain a single kg of muscle. I can end up putting on some fat but not some muscle.

    My question is as far as training goes it's great. Big squats etc, great form, So that leaves diet. I was wondering if there is anything I am doing wrong diet-wise for a 21 year old, 72.5 kg, 179 cm tall male with fairly low but nothing special bodyfat. (Slightly more since I started this diet.)

    meal 1 - 2 avocados, 1 pieces of whole meal toast, 1 whey protein shake with 50 g protein.
    meal 2 - 1 cup oats, 1 cup skim milk, 1 banana
    Meal 3 - 5 eggs, 3 pieces of whole meal toast
    Meal 4 - post workout shake, 50 g whey protein and a wholemeal chicken wrap with lettuce tomato and 300 g chicken breast
    meal 5 - 300 g salmon with 400 g sweet potatoes
    Meal 6 - milk protein isolate shake with 1/2 cup greek yogurt and some blueberries

    I've been on this 6 weeks now. I've gained maybe .3 of a kg and my bodyfat is noticably higher so it has to be fat. HELP PLEASE.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Can anyone offer any help please?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York
    Wow, you are going to eat this every day? That will take a lot of will power. I usually just try to get a lot of protien. The rule of thumb that I use is 2G/day for each lb that I want to weigh. In other words, if I want to weigh 200 I try to injest 400 MG protien/day (about half the amount of off cycle). I always limit carbs because for me they just turn to fat. If you really love carbs I would stick with complex carbs (instant oatmeal is a simple carb, and the old fashioned oatmeal taht takes 30 minutes to prepare is a complex carb).

    Your diet looks okay to me, but if were me I would probably kill most of the carbs that you include. Since you are cycling, it will probably be fine for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    hey joel welcome to the forum.. first off if ur trying to bulk getting rid of carbs is the last thing u want to do..

    second.. whats ur bf%?

    third.. read stickies:

    1. so u wanna learn how to diet
    2. tdee
    3. how to bulk
    4. how to cut

    fourth.. need total cals and macros of ur current diet which needs some work

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hey guys thanks for the replies sorry I forgot about my thread. I've updated my diet a little bit also worked out macros etc. I am a personal trainer and have been eating clean for a long time now as well as training heavy with strict form. I can't fault my training so any help you give me on diet is much appreciated. My bodyfat is 10%

    Bulking naturally whilst remaining lean.

    * No post workout shake on off days.

    Bmr x Activity factor = 3000 cals + 500 = 3600 cals = 600 cals per meal.

    Meals per day = 6

    Meal 1 – 50 g protein powder + wholemeal bread 3 piece + 2 Avocado full
    Total: 795 cals. Protein: 67.2g, Carbs: 44g, Fat: 71.3g

    Meal 2 – 6 eggs whole + 1 piece wholemeal bread + 1 tbspn peanut butter.
    Total: 599 cals. Protein: 46.6g, Carbs: 17.6g, Fats: 37.6g

    Meal 3 – Oats 1.5 cup + Skim milk 1 cup + Banana 1 + 10 g protein powder
    Total: 679 cals. Protein: 38.85g, Carbs: 110.35g, Fats: 7.6g

    Meal 4 – 50 g Protein powder + Wholemeal wrap + 250g chicken breast + 1 cup pineapple juice
    Total: 645 cals. Protein: 121g, Carbs: 20.3g, fats: 9.5g
    *Off days 452 cals. Protein: 71g, cabs: 20.3g, fats: 9.5g

    Meal 5 – Barramundi 250 g + 400 g Sweet potatoes
    Total: 635 cals. Protein: 82.6g, Carbs: 56.4g, Fats: 6.4g

    Meal 6 – 50 g WPC Protein powder + Low fat greek yogurt 200g + berries + ¼ cup almonds
    Total: 617 cals. Protein: 58g, Carbs: 32.2g, fats: 21.2g

    Total calories : Cals: 3970. Protein: 414.25g, carbs: 280.85g, fats: 153.6g 847

    Protein: 48 % Carbs: 33% fats: 19%

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Also this is my attempt at bulking NATURALLY. If it fails..well I think you can imagine what my next step is since I'm on the forum.

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