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Thread: My First Ketogenic Diet

  1. #1

    My First Ketogenic Diet

    Alright, I need some advice from the vets (smile). I'm twelve weeks out from a show and still need to drop twenty pounds. Yeagh, I know, I should have started dieting earlier. Next time. I'm 198 pounds and want to come in at a lean 175 to 178. Drastic measures here we come! I'm running a CKD for the next twelve weeks. I've been taking in an average of 2200 calories a day, but even with two 30 minutes cardio sessions a day the weight isn't dropping fast enough. I'm dropping to 1900 calories a day, at 250 grams protein/day, 86 grams fat/day, and no more than 20-30 grams carbohydrates. I'm carb loading from 6 pm on fridays up until midnight saturday (36 hour window). I'm training heavy six days a week (Grow into the Show!!!!) and upping my cardio to two 45 minutes sessions. I'm an endomorph, so far as body and metabolic type. I'm runnning test e and eq also. Have tren, winny, and halotestin on hand for the last 6 to 8 weeks. Any advice or critiques from the gurus out there? Come on, I need you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What kind of cardio?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What's your bf?

    Did you post this in the competitive bb forum?

    Training heavy 6 days a week on a ketogenic and you are likely to lose muscle with only one carb day. Have you tried/thought about carb cycling?

  4. #4
    My bf is really high (around 16%), hence the drastic measure of ketogenic dieting. I'm actually on a cyclic keto diet though, so I'm ingesting plenty of carbs from friday evening until saturday night. I tried keto once before without the aid of any gear and dropped strength quickly. I'm currently running test e and eq and thus far my strength and energy levels have been up, even in the absence of dietary carbs. Typically I begin to burn out a little by friday, but that's just in time for my friday evening carb load. I typically hit every body part once a week over a five day span, but have added a second leg day in as I'm trying to bring them up a bit before the show in 12 weeks.

  5. #5
    Re: cardio - I typically do HIIT training, but since switching to a keto diet I've opted for slightly longer sessions at a moderate intensity. Normally on the treadmill or elliptical, with my heart rate no higher than 140 bpm.

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