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Thread: need some help to get my diet in shapee quickkk!

  1. #1

    need some help to get my diet in shapee quickkk!

    hey, i need to get in check my diet, im 20 years old, my weight is 80kg/176pounds, 15% bf and im 6 ft 2, im an active person and work alot (fabricating) so usualy lugging around steel at work, for this reason my diet seems to be abit of thrown and consist maby of too much sats and sugar but i try and stick to a good diet as best as poss,
    7 am - bowl of porridge

    10 am- bowl of tuna and pasta

    12.30 pm- chicken breast in wholemeal/ brown bread

    3.00 pm- what ever is left in my lunch box, usualy a 99% pork roll or pasty or summit.

    5 pm- whole nuts, pitacio nuts (non salted)

    6 pm- chicken or steak, new potatoes, brocali, cauliflower, carrots etc.

    9 pm- bowl of jordans country crisp with nuts

    obviously i do have some snacks while at work with my meals.

    on training days i take 5g of creatine an hour before workout, and 5g after workout
    rest days i just take 5g of creatine around tea time.
    creating is sci mx monohydrate powder.

    can anybody help me get my diet in check please as sometimes it is hard to keep it in check with working and that.

    at the moment i am currently into the end of my second week on t-bol only cycle 40mg/day , i know i am only young and dont realy relise the full risks behind it, for my pct i was thinking just nolva 20/20/20

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    First off id stop the cycle, your very young and underweight for 6'2". as far as the diet goes get the nutrient breakdown for the day and see where your at. at a quick glance it dosnt look bad by any means though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    Agree with above post stop cycle now..Ur a little young and very under weight for 6'2"....which to me means either very poor diet and or poor training....but diet is typically to blame.

    Exactly what are you looking to do...put on size or cut. Ur post didn't say exactly what your looking to accomplish. By using T-bol I would assume your looking to put on size.

    Either way we need a macro breakdown of a typical days eating in terms of proteins, carbs and fats. IMO ur diet needs lots of work no matter what ur trying to do. I can see 3 meals that don't have any protein in them. The protein from a handful of nuts doesn't cut it. Ur 7am, 5pm and 9pm have to be completely changed. Along with the " 99% pork roll or pastry" at 3pm has to thats 4 meals.
    12:30 and 6pm meals are the only ones that have half a chance of sticking around.....and that would depend on what ur looking to accomplish.

    Give us a breaksdown of macros, re-post so we can see what we are dealing with.

  4. #4
    thanks for the replys, what typical weight should i be for my size, im looking to bulk, i started using the t-bols to get the explosive pumps and also to gain the weight and size a little quicker, there doesnt seem to be many sides related to t-bol so i couldnt see it doing any harm?? could someone please help me with a diet then, im typically looking to bulk up and then when i reach my weight i will then cut.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    If your diet isnt in check and you dont weigh more to begin with any gains that you make will go away as soon as you stop cycling. the danger that relates to aas at a young age are long term health problems. as far as what would be a strong weight for your height well that depends on the person but id say 205-230 can easily be acomplished without the aid of gear.

  6. #6
    is there any where i can get my diet plan from or anyone who can help me put one tegether? i thought t-bol didnt have many sides so thats why i chose them, shouldnt i continue use then, iv put on about 5-6 pounds so far while taking them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Those 5-6 pounds plus whatever else you gain will go away once you stop the cycle based on your diet and workout(just assuming about your workout plan based on low weight). it may not have a lot of short term side effects but taking aas at an early age has long term sides. based on those two things your cycle is pointless, could cause long term health risks, and just a waste of your time and money. were waiting for you to give us the nutrient breakdown for your day then we can give you advise on where to go from there diet wise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Rugby welcome to the forum man..

    1. Stop the cycle now.. Steroids are something that should only be taken once ur past a certain age (@25) so that ur endocrine system has fully developed.. I havent researched t-bol ( is it an oral) but can tell u that u dont want to screw up ur body.. Even if u complete the cycle with no neg sides 10 yrs from now the damage could make itself known after uve forgotten all about this cycle.. Stop now and pct.. Period

    2. Read stickies:
    A) so u wanna learn how to diet
    B) tdee
    C) how to bulk
    D) how to cut

    Once uve read those we can go forward.. At 6'2" 176lbs 15%bf u have 149.6lbs LBM.. Im 5'9" and weigh 191 rite now and have about 170lbs LBM.. 20more than u and im 5inches shorter.. I say that to show u u have plenty of room to grow naturally before considering a cycle.. Not to mention in order to responsibly cycle and take full advantage of it u should know all aspects (health risks, proper diet, proper workout, pct, potential sides, etc..) before u ever take ur first shot or pill.. Some orals can also be hard on the liver..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    holy crap. stop the steroids. you have no idea what you're doing. bad idea as all former have
    said. and do what 405 said.
    Weightraining/dieting is like 80% diet. that's it.
    without the proper fuel, the car wont ever run right. the diet is the first place to start.

    man is it scary how kids are just jumping on this stuff

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