hey, i need to get in check my diet, im 20 years old, my weight is 80kg/176pounds, 15% bf and im 6 ft 2, im an active person and work alot (fabricating) so usualy lugging around steel at work, for this reason my diet seems to be abit of thrown and consist maby of too much sats and sugar but i try and stick to a good diet as best as poss,
7 am - bowl of porridge
10 am- bowl of tuna and pasta
12.30 pm- chicken breast in wholemeal/ brown bread
3.00 pm- what ever is left in my lunch box, usualy a 99% pork roll or pasty or summit.
5 pm- whole nuts, pitacio nuts (non salted)
6 pm- chicken or steak, new potatoes, brocali, cauliflower, carrots etc.
9 pm- bowl of jordans country crisp with nuts
obviously i do have some snacks while at work with my meals.
on training days i take 5g of creatine an hour before workout, and 5g after workout
rest days i just take 5g of creatine around tea time.
creating is sci mx monohydrate powder.
can anybody help me get my diet in check please as sometimes it is hard to keep it in check with working and that.
at the moment i am currently into the end of my second week on t-bol only cycle 40mg/day , i know i am only young and dont realy relise the full risks behind it, for my pct i was thinking just nolva 20/20/20