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Thread: Pimp my diet

  1. #1

    Pimp my diet

    Well here it is. I dont have the numbers but with the knowledg you guys have you probably will have a good idea where I am at.

    Meal 1. peanut butter sandwich, skim milk.

    Snack. 4 ozs. colby/jack cheese, slices of apple.

    Meal 3. 6 oz. steak, dark green salad

    Snack. handful of unsalted peanuts, or 2 hardboiled/deviled eggs

    Meal 4. medium chicken breast, dark green salad

    Snack. almonds, string cheese

    Meal 5. chicken breast or steak or fish or sometimes boneless pork chops, dark green salad

    on workout days I have two additional meals pre/post w/o.
    pre w/o peanut butter sandwich,banana
    post w/o protein shake with oatmeal or cottage cheese mixed in

    I drink about 72 ozs of water and 2 diet sodas throughout the day.

    That is a typical day. I also have 2 pieces of Dove dark chocolate after dinner. (sweet tooth still hanging around)
    Tell me what you think and what I need to change. I have lost 2 pounds since starting the new diet on 5/14/12.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    cdavis welcome to the forum..

    first what r ur stats? age weight height bf%? apparently ur goal isa to cut fat? this diet is far from good for that!

    read sticky:

    1. dieting 101: cutting

    lots of poor choices here u came to the right place to fix it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Houston, Tx
    my 1st question is what are your expectations from the diet? build lean mass? lose fat? how much do you weigh now? how intense are you lifting?

    you need to lose alot of sugars

    i would limit your diet to meats like chicken fish or beef (which you are doing well on)
    keep the salads ( assuming your using small amount of healthy dressing)
    as your pre-post wo shakes keep the oatmeal in the shakes ( natural oats not maple brown sugar lol)
    eat alot more boiled eggs ( mostly all whites maybe 2-3 whole)
    i would lose all the cheese, to much sat fat
    and it would be good to up our water intake too, 1-2 gals a day i mean at least make an effort

  4. #4
    My stats are...
    25% b/f
    40 years old
    cutting fat is my goal right now.
    As far as my lifting intensity I do full body with light weight and higher reps for more of a cardio effect. Short rest periods too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Houston, Tx
    i would just do 1 body part per day IMO with 1-2 days off a week maybe do cardio on one day

    as far as your diet you need to do alot of researching in the nutritional section

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