Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
- The particular AAS being used and type of diet are irrelevant in terms of results, diet and cardio are the major determinants here as usual.
- High carbs on 4 days of lifting, low carbs on rest days is how you apply carb cycling to your current training and nutritional regimen.
- Daily fat intake goes a bit up on low carb days to make up for the calorie efficiency that would occur in your TDEE otherwise.
- For instance, if you are in need of 300gr of net carb intake on training days, then this goes down to a maximum of 100gr of daily intake on rest days. Your daily intake of 75gr of fat goes up to 100gr, for instance.
- I recommend you also do some cardio on those 3 off days in order to accelerate fat loss and achieve your goal of going down to almost competition level BF%.