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Thread: So how does one carb cycle correctly?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali

    So how does one carb cycle correctly?

    I'm 205, 5'10", at around 9% maybe even 8%. Got in this shape with an ok diet (keeping at 2500-3000 kcals a day, several cheat meals a week) and 350mg test/700mg tren per week. I want to get to 5-6%. I hear cycling carbs is the best way to get there when on tren, but I have no idea how to do it.

    Could someone please link me to a guide or give me some tips? I've searched a lot and haven't really found anything that's easy to understand. If it helps, I lift 4 days a week and just started adding 20 mins of cardio post workout. 3 days a week I do nothing (well, besides normal daily activities).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    - The particular AAS being used and type of diet are irrelevant in terms of results, diet and cardio are the major determinants here as usual.

    - High carbs on 4 days of lifting, low carbs on rest days is how you apply carb cycling to your current training and nutritional regimen.

    - Daily fat intake goes a bit up on low carb days to make up for the calorie efficiency that would occur in your TDEE otherwise.

    - For instance, if you are in need of 300gr of net carb intake on training days, then this goes down to a maximum of 100gr of daily intake on rest days. Your daily intake of 75gr of fat goes up to 100gr, for instance.

    - I recommend you also do some cardio on those 3 off days in order to accelerate fat loss and achieve your goal of going down to almost competition level BF%.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    Man, great response. Thanks.

    If I want to get from 8% to 6%, am I able to do this in 4 weeks? If so, what kcals per day should I stay at?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    First, find yourself a TDEE calculator and figure out your exact daily of caloric intake.

    Second, breakdown this daily caloric intake to 3 macros in terms of how many calories you should be getting from each.

    After figuring out numbers, it is time to adjust carbs and fats in terms of training and non-training days, since your daily protein intake will be at about 2gr per pound of LBM everyday, regardless.

    As for your question whether you can get from 8% to 6% in 4 weeks, I have seen this happen before so there is no reason for me to say ''no.'' Between cycling carbs, increased amount of cardio (which will also increase your BMR, hence accelerating burning of fat tissue and depletion of fat reserves over time) and help from anabolics (test burns fat, clen burns fat, ECA burns fat etc.), I don't see why you couldn't achieve your goal.

    Worst comes to worst, you do everything mentioned above and also create a 500cal deficiency in your diet, you will definitely achieve that goal as long as you don't loose your motivation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    - The particular AAS being used and type of diet are irrelevant in terms of results, diet and cardio are the major determinants here as usual.

    - High carbs on 4 days of lifting, low carbs on rest days is how you apply carb cycling to your current training and nutritional regimen.

    - Daily fat intake goes a bit up on low carb days to make up for the calorie efficiency that would occur in your TDEE otherwise.

    - For instance, if you are in need of 300gr of net carb intake on training days, then this goes down to a maximum of 100gr of daily intake on rest days. Your daily intake of 75gr of fat goes up to 100gr, for instance.

    - I recommend you also do some cardio on those 3 off days in order to accelerate fat loss and achieve your goal of going down to almost competition level BF%.
    Great info!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    op is that u in ur avi?

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