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  1. #1
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Am I doing it wrong?

    I have been trying to put on some weight and size this summer but havent really been sucessful. I know im hitting my macros as far as protein goes. I mean isnt really as simple as taking in your daily amount of protein, tons of carbs, and a surplus of calories? I have been somewhat dirty bulking for the past couple months and havent gained any weight. Im not just eating crap like potato chips. I have just been eating not so "clean" foods that are still high in carbs and protein such as ice cream protein shakes, peanut butter, cottage cheese, fast food, etc. I still eat a lot of good food such as oat shakes, fish, lean ground beef, chicken, and rice but I have started throwing in those "dirty" foods trying to get extra calories and im still not putting on weight.

  2. #2
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    well something is broke, so its time to fix it. if it wasn't broke, you'd have no problem gaining weight. have you started with any research? seems you been around for a while, read the stickies and then plug in your numbers, then come back here and list the info. are you being consistent with what you eat? list your daily diet and amounts with macros. list your stats also.

  3. #3
    JAB1's Avatar
    JAB1 is offline Member
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    Unfortunately its not as easy as hitting protein goals and slamming a "bunch" of everything else. I tried that when I started to and was stagnant like you are. You need to count everything, and be consistant every day. Chances are you arent getting what you think, and bottom line short of any health issues is if your not gaining your not eating enough(workout/rest can effect as well). Another pitfall I had was as a hardgainer, if such a thing exists, is that I would eat what I thought was alot 5 days a week, and then slack on the weekends, and come up short for the week and make little progress. If your serious about meeting your goal, do the math, figure your tdee and eat above that, with proper macro breakdown, and do it seven days a week. You will grow. As for detail on everything as already mentioned take some time, read all the stickies. Then come back with specific questions based on your research. Good luck!!

  4. #4
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    well something is broke, so its time to fix it. if it wasn't broke, you'd have no problem gaining weight. have you started with any research? seems you been around for a while, read the stickies and then plug in your numbers, then come back here and list the info. are you being consistent with what you eat? list your daily diet and amounts with macros. list your stats also.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAB1 View Post
    Unfortunately its not as easy as hitting protein goals and slamming a "bunch" of everything else. I tried that when I started to and was stagnant like you are. You need to count everything, and be consistant every day. Chances are you arent getting what you think, and bottom line short of any health issues is if your not gaining your not eating enough(workout/rest can effect as well). Another pitfall I had was as a hardgainer, if such a thing exists, is that I would eat what I thought was alot 5 days a week, and then slack on the weekends, and come up short for the week and make little progress. If your serious about meeting your goal, do the math, figure your tdee and eat above that, with proper macro breakdown, and do it seven days a week. You will grow. As for detail on everything as already mentioned take some time, read all the stickies. Then come back with specific questions based on your research. Good luck!!
    what these guys mentioned. go ahead and write out a daily diet and the gurus will help get you sorted out.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Remember this:

    Most guys who claim they "can't gain weight" and "eat tons of food" aren't eating nearly as much as they think.

    Most guys who claim they "can't lose weight" and "don't eat much at all" are eating way more than they think... or admit.

    The lesson in either case? Plan out a diet, stick to it, monitor and adjust as needed. Bottom line - if you're not gaining any weight, even with the fact that you're eating garbage, you aren't eating enough. For the life of me I don't know why you'd want to gain 'weight' with no regard for body composition, but to each his own.

  6. #6
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    very true guys.... I will give you my diet is not as consistant as it should be. But what I can assure you of is I am eating as much as I can 4 times a day with snacks in between (peanut butter or cottage cheese). And I may not eat the same thing everyday but whatever I eat I make sure its high in protein.. then have something high in carbs as a "side". I guess what im asking is if im not gaining weight is it ok the be eating a little on the "dirty" side in an attempt to get the extra calories I need? I am 22, 6'2" and 195lbs. I work as a mechanic so I am constantly moving and working hard all day which im sure doesnt help me in gaining weight...

  7. #7
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    very true guys.... I will give you my diet is not as consistant as it should be. But what I can assure you of is I am eating as much as I can 4 times a day with snacks in between (peanut butter or cottage cheese). And I may not eat the same thing everyday but whatever I eat I make sure its high in protein.. then have something high in carbs as a "side". I guess what im asking is if im not gaining weight is it ok the be eating a little on the "dirty" side in an attempt to get the extra calories I need? I am 22, 6'2" and 195lbs. I work as a mechanic so I am constantly moving and working hard all day which im sure doesnt help me in gaining weight...
    for this very reason is why we need your diet, and tdee numbers. something is not right. as gd said maybe your not eating as much as you think.

  8. #8
    Papiriqui's Avatar
    Papiriqui is offline Productive Member
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    As everyone stated before, do the leg work and make a proper diet where you can monitor everything you put in your mouth!!! Remember you get out what you put in!!!! If you are not willing to work a little harder to achieve that goal of gaining some weight, you will never get it. Just do a little research, post roughly what you eat now with amounts and macros if possible and let everyone here help you out!!!

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