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Thread: hamburger question???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    hamburger question???

    I figured out that 2lbs of lean hamburger has 2385 calories, 0 carbs, 252 grams of fat, and 100 grams of fat on the food pofile page...SOOOOOOOOO, does this meen when the hamburger is cooked or what and if not what do you think the numbers drop down too??? mainly concerned with the fat!!! Hoping that the numbers I came up with is for uncooked hamburger and hoping when cooked the fat drops some, yes or no?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Saturated fats will liquidfy when you heat them and then you can absorb it by mixing around a paper towel in the cooked ground beef - this will help grab some of the saturated fat in it.

    There are some pretty frickin' lean options out there now (probably thanks to doping cows with trenbolone ). I buy beef as low as 4% BF... that's leaner than most turkey products that were suppose to be the leaner option.

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