Been cutting for about 2 month now, got my BF% down to sub 15% and happy to start bulking so I've been working on a diet, please criticise it and let me know what you think.
Current stats are: 23yr old, 6'1", 84kg(185lb), 13-14% BF, natural for now.
First thing in the morning I take one sachet from an Animal Pak multi vit, 1 flax seed oil (20g fat) serving and one ripped-freak serving.
Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal boiled with water and 1 tspn sugar free jam and morning shake (30g protein, made with water)
30g protein / 50g carb / 0g fat
Meal 2: egg-white omelette made with 6 egg whites and either 1 can tuna or 1 chicken breast
52g protein
Pre-Workout: One serving of 1.M.R
Post-workout shake - 400 calories, 50g protein and 50g carbs, made with water.
Meal 3: Chicken breast or lean beef with 250g (cooked) rice.
60g protein / 60g carbs
Meal 4: Tuna salad with full fat mayo and 1 can tuna
32g protein / 13.5g fat
Meal 5: Chicken breast, tuna or lean beef with 250g (cooked) rice.
60g protein / 60g carbs
Night time shake: (30g protein, made with water)
314g protein / 220g carbs / 33.5g fat
The reason all of the rice weights are cooked is I cheat and get those 2 minute microwave packs
Oh, and I always have a roast dinner on Sundays and nothing on this earth could make me give that upCan't beat mother's cooking.