Hello Everyone,
New member here, have been lurking the steroid forums and others for quite some time now. I felt it was time to post my progress in the last 4 years and ask for some help. I have to admit I am very unhappy with my progress, and I do not even look like I lift weights. I was considering a cycle, but have decided to wait untill I reach my natural limit and age a few more years.
Like I said I have been lifting for 4 years now. Hard core lifting Balls to the Walls, diet in check, and Sleeping like Im wasting my life away. I am going to provide everyone with what I have been doing these last 4 years and show you my diets, training, and even blood work.
Starting Stats right after High School:
Weight: 135lbs
Height: 5'7''
Did a little bit of weight lifting and sports in High School but my diet was shit.
So after high school I got depressed and decieded it was time for a change in my life. First thing I did of course was p90x. Got it done, expected a change, nothing much happened because I had no base to work from. Thats when I relized that this was going to be a life long jurney for me, not some 90 day BS.
So I joined a gym and started eating right. Ate 5 meals a day with my protein, creatine, and my vegies. This was my workout plan back in 09-10:
Monday- Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves
Barbell Squat
Leg Press
Dead Lift
Seated Leg Curls
Lying leg Curls
Calf Raises
Tuesday - Chest and Tricep
Bench Press
Incline DB Press
Flat DB Press
Dumbell Flys
Skull Crushers
Wed- Cardio
Thursday- Back and Biceps
Barbell Rows
Dumbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns
Close Grip Pull Downs
Dumbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Friday- Shoulders and Traps
Seated Military Barbell Press
Seated Arnold Press
Side lateral Raise
Barbell Front Raise
Barbell Shrugs
Dumbell Shrugs
I did change it up but I cant find those other workouts.
Diet was good lots of chicken breast, steak, potatoes, vegies, ect 5 times a day.
After 2010 I was 155 lbs. I was happy, but was not anything great to look at.
So Then I decided to go on a Bulk during 2011. I read into alot of online "stuff" and got the impression that I have to over shoot my target weight by 25 lbs to what I would like to be. My Goal was 170lbs with 8% BF by Summer of 2012. I wrote my goal down, Repeated it every day and was well on my way.
Here is my Diet during 2011 while trying to bulk.
( I cant upload an attachment so here are some pics, I seriously have months of logs on my diet.)
And Here was my Bulking Workout: Objective was 3 Workouts a week. 3 Sets of 6-8 Reps Heavy weights. Some Cardio on off days.
Incline Chest Press
Cable Seated Row
Bench Press
Dumbbell Bentover Row
Two Arm Cable Pushdown
Barbell Deadlift
DB Lunge
Lying hamstring Curl
Standing DB Calf Raises
DB Shrugs
Machine Seated Calf Raises
Close Grip Barbell Shrugs
Behind the neck barbell press
Close Grip Chin up
Seated Dumbell Press
Seated Bicep Curls
Cable kneeling Crunch
After all this I jumped up to 198 LBS! Yeah I was fkin fat and slugish, did not look like a lifter at all, but I was still determined to make this happen, So at the beginning of 2012 I started my Cut.
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At the beginning of this year I started Doing the IF Diet and Training Method.
Cut my Callories and loss about 1 to 1.5lb every week. The first 4 months ( January - April 2012) of IF I was very happy. I lost about 28 lbs and got to 170, However I still had alot of fat? My goal was not met. So I kept cutting down.
Here was My Training Reg (Jan - April). No Cardio, Just Diet and Lifting Weights.
Monday Chest/Back
Bench Press
Dead Lifts
Incline DB Press
Chin Ups
Incline Flies
Wide Grip Chinups
Seated Barbel Shoulder Press
Weighted Dips
DB Curls
In-Out Shoulder Flys
Skull Crushers
Hammer Curls
Tricep Pushdowns
Friday Legs
1 Leg Leg Press
Leg extension Sitting
Leg Extension Lying
Calf Raises Seated
Calf Raises Standing
My Diet always consisted of 2 grams protien per pound of body weight, and carb cycling.
Where I Am Now.
Weight: 158 lbs
Height: 5'8''
Still cutting because I would like to be around 7% BF or under. My Diet is attached to the next reply.
And Here is my Current Routine:
Day 1: Heavy Chest/ Tricep
Barbell Press
Weighted Dips
Incline Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Incline Flys
Overhead DB Extension
Day 2: Back / Calves
Pull Ups
Barbell Rows
Seated Row
One Arm DB Row
Dead Lifts
Seated Calves
Standing Barbell Calves
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Shoulders/ Bicep
Military Press
Barbell Curls
In-Out DB Raises
Chin Ups
Hammer Curls
Concentrated Bicep Curls
Day 5: Legs
Leg Extension seated
Leg Extension lying
Day 6: Cardio
I have kept track of all my weight in the past, I write everything down reps/sets/weight/feeling. Its all here on paper.
Current Supps:
Egg Protien
AKG Powder
Amino Acids
Caffene Pills
Charlston Fish Oil