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Thread: Help me Reach my Natural Genetic Potential (Lifting for 4 Years)

  1. #1

    Help me Reach my Natural Genetic Potential (Lifting for 4 Years)

    Hello Everyone,
    New member here, have been lurking the steroid forums and others for quite some time now. I felt it was time to post my progress in the last 4 years and ask for some help. I have to admit I am very unhappy with my progress, and I do not even look like I lift weights. I was considering a cycle, but have decided to wait untill I reach my natural limit and age a few more years.

    Like I said I have been lifting for 4 years now. Hard core lifting Balls to the Walls, diet in check, and Sleeping like Im wasting my life away. I am going to provide everyone with what I have been doing these last 4 years and show you my diets, training, and even blood work.

    Starting Stats right after High School:
    Weight: 135lbs
    Height: 5'7''
    Did a little bit of weight lifting and sports in High School but my diet was shit.
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    So after high school I got depressed and decieded it was time for a change in my life. First thing I did of course was p90x. Got it done, expected a change, nothing much happened because I had no base to work from. Thats when I relized that this was going to be a life long jurney for me, not some 90 day BS.

    So I joined a gym and started eating right. Ate 5 meals a day with my protein, creatine, and my vegies. This was my workout plan back in 09-10:

    Monday- Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves
    Barbell Squat
    Leg Press
    Dead Lift
    Seated Leg Curls
    Lying leg Curls
    Calf Raises

    Tuesday - Chest and Tricep
    Bench Press
    Incline DB Press
    Flat DB Press
    Dumbell Flys
    Skull Crushers

    Wed- Cardio

    Thursday- Back and Biceps
    Barbell Rows
    Dumbell Rows
    Lat Pulldowns
    Close Grip Pull Downs
    Dumbell Curls
    Hammer Curls

    Friday- Shoulders and Traps
    Seated Military Barbell Press
    Seated Arnold Press
    Side lateral Raise
    Barbell Front Raise
    Barbell Shrugs
    Dumbell Shrugs

    SAT/SUN Rest

    I did change it up but I cant find those other workouts.

    Diet was good lots of chicken breast, steak, potatoes, vegies, ect 5 times a day.
    After 2010 I was 155 lbs. I was happy, but was not anything great to look at.

    So Then I decided to go on a Bulk during 2011. I read into alot of online "stuff" and got the impression that I have to over shoot my target weight by 25 lbs to what I would like to be. My Goal was 170lbs with 8% BF by Summer of 2012. I wrote my goal down, Repeated it every day and was well on my way.

    Here is my Diet during 2011 while trying to bulk.
    ( I cant upload an attachment so here are some pics, I seriously have months of logs on my diet.)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    And Here was my Bulking Workout: Objective was 3 Workouts a week. 3 Sets of 6-8 Reps Heavy weights. Some Cardio on off days.
    Incline Chest Press
    Cable Seated Row
    Bench Press
    Dumbbell Bentover Row
    Two Arm Cable Pushdown

    Barbell Deadlift
    DB Lunge
    Lying hamstring Curl
    Standing DB Calf Raises
    DB Shrugs
    Machine Seated Calf Raises
    Close Grip Barbell Shrugs

    Behind the neck barbell press
    Close Grip Chin up
    Seated Dumbell Press
    Seated Bicep Curls
    Cable kneeling Crunch

    After all this I jumped up to 198 LBS! Yeah I was fkin fat and slugish, did not look like a lifter at all, but I was still determined to make this happen, So at the beginning of 2012 I started my Cut.

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________

    At the beginning of this year I started Doing the IF Diet and Training Method.
    Cut my Callories and loss about 1 to 1.5lb every week. The first 4 months ( January - April 2012) of IF I was very happy. I lost about 28 lbs and got to 170, However I still had alot of fat? My goal was not met. So I kept cutting down.

    Here was My Training Reg (Jan - April). No Cardio, Just Diet and Lifting Weights.

    Monday Chest/Back
    Bench Press
    Dead Lifts
    Incline DB Press
    Chin Ups
    Incline Flies
    Wide Grip Chinups

    Seated Barbel Shoulder Press
    Weighted Dips
    DB Curls
    In-Out Shoulder Flys
    Skull Crushers
    Hammer Curls
    Tricep Pushdowns

    Friday Legs
    1 Leg Leg Press
    Leg extension Sitting
    Leg Extension Lying
    Calf Raises Seated
    Calf Raises Standing

    My Diet always consisted of 2 grams protien per pound of body weight, and carb cycling.

    Where I Am Now.
    Weight: 158 lbs
    Height: 5'8''

    Still cutting because I would like to be around 7% BF or under. My Diet is attached to the next reply.

    And Here is my Current Routine:
    Day 1: Heavy Chest/ Tricep
    Barbell Press
    Weighted Dips
    Incline Bench Press
    Skull Crushers
    Incline Flys
    Overhead DB Extension

    Day 2: Back / Calves
    Pull Ups
    Barbell Rows
    Seated Row
    One Arm DB Row
    Dead Lifts
    Seated Calves
    Standing Barbell Calves

    Day 3: Cardio

    Day 4: Shoulders/ Bicep
    Military Press
    Barbell Curls
    In-Out DB Raises
    Chin Ups
    Hammer Curls
    Concentrated Bicep Curls

    Day 5: Legs
    Leg Extension seated
    Leg Extension lying

    Day 6: Cardio

    I have kept track of all my weight in the past, I write everything down reps/sets/weight/feeling. Its all here on paper.

    Current Supps:
    Egg Protien
    AKG Powder
    Amino Acids
    Caffene Pills
    Charlston Fish Oil
    Last edited by JackedAJ; 07-11-2012 at 11:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Well for starters I think you got fat cause your way overdid the calories and fats. A lot of people think if they just start increasing the calories over night they will start to grow, what little know is that to keep from getting fat is you need to increase you caloric intake gradually overtime and goes for losing weight. Your body would have a hard time processing going from say 1800 cals ed average person to 4000 calories overnight.

    This is not a start to finish race, its a lifestyle. And you did little cardio, there is such thing as a lean bulk vs a fatty one. And it comes in steps, so say you gain 10lbs in 3 months, if not on gear more than likely 50% is fat 30% is muscle and 20% water weight. So a tier step is better you gain ten but your bf% might have gone up 7-8%. At 198 with you saying your fat, you were prolly close to 20-25%bf so your carrying 40lbs of fat

    Secondly your training regime was designed to bulk 3 days of lifts heavy weight, low reps, which works but your diet was not on par. Start by lowering you fat intake by 50%

  3. #3
    Hey Razor, Thank you for the insight. I did the bulk for most of summer through the winter months, and the macros I posted earlier were more towards the end. So I gradually added more calories starting around 2,500 and reaching 4500. Like you said though I did gain alot of fat.

    This is my current diet. Cutting still, what do you think?
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Ill have a carb up day every 4-5 days which I will eat some pasta or add in extra sweet potatoes during my meals. After my workout I like to consume 40% of my daily macros.

    I am following intermittent fasting, so I usually workout around 10:30am and Start eating at 12:00pm. Then will stop eating around 8-9:00pm.
    Here are some pictures of my meals that I eat post workout -->
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by JackedAJ; 07-11-2012 at 11:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ
    Hey Razor, Thank you for the insight. I did the bulk for most of summer through the winter months, and the macros I posted earlier were more towards the end. So I gradually added more calories starting around 2,500 and reaching 4500. Like you said though I did gain alot of fat.

    This is my current diet. Cutting still, what do you think?
    <img src=""/>
    I really like your current diet, great job putting that together!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    how old are you? like razor said, your diet looks good man. you may want to read a little bit about carb cycling and see if that is one route you may want to try for cutting. 405 has some good insight on it in a thread

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    I really like your current diet, great job putting that together!!!
    Thank You

    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    how old are you? like razor said, your diet looks good man. you may want to read a little bit about carb cycling and see if that is one route you may want to try for cutting. 405 has some good insight on it in a thread
    I am 22 Years old. Okay, I will read 405's thread about carb cycling.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00
    how old are you? like razor said, your diet looks good man. you may want to read a little bit about carb cycling and see if that is one route you may want to try for cutting. 405 has some good insight on it in a thread
    Those meals look delicious, how do you dress you oatmeal and chicken up?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Those meals look delicious, how do you dress you oatmeal and chicken up?
    oatmeal in lingere and chicken in a hot mini skirt! haha! it all depends on how i am feelin and what culture i want to eat (italian, cajun, mexican, etc...........)

  9. #9
    Here is my Bloodwork I got done. Looks like everything is in good order.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Those meals look delicious, how do you dress you oatmeal and chicken up?
    Im lost, are you speaking to me or 00ragincajun00.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ View Post
    Im lost, are you speaking to me or 00ragincajun00.
    You like what you seasoning your chicken with or you marinating ? What you putting in the oatmeal, butter or sweetening it?

  12. #12
    I don't put anything in my oatmeal. I like to eat plain oatmeal lol. However on days I do feel like being creative Ill mix in a diced apple, some cinnamon , and 1 package of splenda. Sometimes ill just throw in a fruit like strawberries or bananas.

    As for the chicken I just season it up with whatever I got, I like pepper and garlic powder. I found some new seasoning in the store. This is good stuff:
    Click image for larger version. 

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ View Post
    I don't put anything in my oatmeal. I like to eat plain oatmeal lol. However on days I do feel like being creative Ill mix in a diced apple, some cinnamon , and 1 package of splenda. Sometimes ill just throw in a fruit like strawberries or bananas.

    As for the chicken I just season it up with whatever I got, I like pepper and garlic powder. I found some new seasoning in the store. This is good stuff:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    you should check out the protein pancakes. money!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    you should check out the protein pancakes. money!
    I bet they are, However I'm allergic to whey and I have not found a good alternative protein powder to make efficient pancakes. Egg protein powder dose not work very well lol.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ View Post
    I bet they are, However I'm allergic to whey and I have not found a good alternative protein powder to make efficient pancakes. Egg protein powder dose not work very well lol.

    hmmmm, what about casein protein powder? or maybe try hemp?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    or you could just leave the protein powder out all together

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Do you have any current pics, or something relatively recent? It's nice reading about your journey, but seeing as you posted a 'before' pic, it'd be nice to also see your progress visually.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00

    you should check out the protein pancakes. money!

    One of the greatest things thought of!!

    Btw that's a nice meal plan and its great to see how focused you are!

    I would like to see visual progress to brother! Keep working hard!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ View Post
    I don't put anything in my oatmeal. I like to eat plain oatmeal lol. However on days I do feel like being creative Ill mix in a diced apple, some cinnamon , and 1 package of splenda. Sometimes ill just throw in a fruit like strawberries or bananas.

    As for the chicken I just season it up with whatever I got, I like pepper and garlic powder. I found some new seasoning in the store. This is good stuff:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2012-07-11_14-45-20_520.jpg 
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ID:	124475
    Ever thought about vanilla ice cream protien powder optimum nutrion makes it, i put it my my oatmeal for taste and added cals and protien

  20. #20
    Ill post a picture of where I am now soon.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JackedAJ View Post
    I bet they are, However I'm allergic to whey and I have not found a good alternative protein powder to make efficient pancakes. Egg protein powder dose not work very well lol.
    Protein pancakes= 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup oats, tsp baking soda. Blend and cook like regular pancakes. No whey needed and they taste great. Add frozen blueberries if you like or put some sugar free syrup on them.

  22. #22
    Hey guys, Here are some progress pictures after 4 years.
    I also started carb cycling last Thursday so I am pretty well depleted in these pictures. These are Before my workout with only some light treadmill and 2 warm up sets on the bench (135 x 10).

    Also I am excited because I did 225lbs Benchpress X 4 reps today! Ive never got 4 plates before . I am cutting still, weight is dropping but my lifts are increasing with IF.

    Pictures before workout:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    And my post workout meal: (Carb UP Day)
    1 cup oats
    13 oz of steak
    a Veggie
    Fish Oil
    Click image for larger version. 

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  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Protein pancakes= 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup oats, tsp baking soda. Blend and cook like regular pancakes. No whey needed and they taste great. Add frozen blueberries if you like or put some sugar free syrup on them.
    I tried these today! They are delicious, thanks.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Great progress, and love that PWO meal - lean surf n' turf!!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Great progress, and love that PWO meal - lean surf n' turf!!
    Thanks bro

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