Hello all im new here and looking for some advice on bulking. Im 6'6 180 pounds and will be 21 this December. If you cant tell by the numbers I am as ectomorph as they come and have been my whole life. Ive been extremely active growing up playing football and baseball since i was five. I have always been the meanest but never have had the size to back it up. Always been the tall skinny guy. In fact my senior year of high school i started my first cycle of test and saw little results but of course lost it all because i didnt know what the hell i was doing and never took a PCT . Asside from the knots I had from sticking myself in the ass it wasnt too bad. I am now in my second year of college and wanting to add serious muscle mass quick the easy legal way. I have figured with my age, height, weight and my medium activity every day during work I should consume somewhere between 3500-4000 calories a day. I work out three times a week using compound movements with basically no cardio in fear of burning calories which is what I do not want to do. Im on my third day now trying this high calorie diet. In the mornings i drink a serious mass weight gain shake mixed with milk by optimum nutrition which has a total of 1650 calories per serving which helps me out tramendously reaching my calorie goal the protein/carb ratio is also pretty decent. Im super busy during the day and like i said earlier im a college kid so income isnt booming. I basically eat a lot of junk trying to reach my calorie goal and fit in a lot of snacks throughout the day such as granola bars. Im looking for somebody who actually knows what theyre talking about on here to give me some pointers or if i should stick with what im doing now to see what happens. I gave just about all the info i think was needed if any questions please ask. i DO NOT want to turn to gear at such a young age but am running out of options. constructive and DEstructive critisizm appreciated. Thank you ALL for advice.