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Thread: am i losing muscle? 405 help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    am i losing muscle? 405 help.

    ok guys

    i am ona low carb diet from around 2 1/2 weeks, my macros are 125 carbs, 366 protein, and 56 fats ( everything approximate), my TDEE is 3378 ish)

    i have reduced around 800 calories from it

    now my original weight 2 weeks ago was 240 pounds, i didn't calculate my LBM ( my mistake) my body fat was around 23%

    as of today morning my body weight is 229 pounds i measured my body fat% yesterday and it still is 23% ( maybe my original bf% was higher, made a big mistake of not calculating it originally)

    i know i lose some water in the first few days, now my question is am i losing any muscle??,i am not seeing any drastic changes in my body frame, but i see my pecs have become a little smaller..

    i am confused HELP!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    arm chances are ur bf% u came up with originally was incorrect. ur body will burn carbs first, then muscle glycogen, then fat, and muscle is a last resort. i seriously doubt ur body is skipping over all that fat and going strait to muscle.

    if i remember correctly did u get ur own calipers and if so r u measuring it urself and/or having a friend measure it for u? if u didnt get it chekd somewhere u need to.

    ur macros are fine and id keep going with them. 2400cals is plenty for ur weight and bf% and i see no reason ur body would burn muscle. when i started my cut i was at 213lbs and 22% bf and i was running 2150cals, 300g pro, 100g carbs, 55g fat.. i lost no muscle ..

    get ur bf chekd by someone who knows what theyre doing with CALIPERS or BOD POD ONLY

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    There are many other factors to consider before jumping to this conclusion. How is your strength? Overall mood? Energy levels? Clarity/Focus? How do you look in the mirror? How are your clothes fitting?

    You're eating fairly low carb. Assuming you came from a higher carb diet, the majority of this is likely water weight. Carbs = glycogen storage. Glycogen by definition is glucose + water. More glycogen, more water weight.

    You need to continue another few weeks before worrying. At this point, weight loss should taper down to a nice 1-2lbs per week (assuming your diet is on point) and remain fairly consistent. Make sure you're doing a carb refeed day - and don't freak when you're 10lbs heavier the next day. That too, will be water!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    ok i will keep going with same macros, i am doubting i have lost muscle too, i myself chkd the bodyfat but also my frnd was thr so it is about 23% now, i guess my original bf% was higher, anyways i'll meausre it again in another week and see progress.. thanks for the help bro... o and bodpod, now i have to search for it, its the most advanced one right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    strength has reduce a bit ( say around 25 to 30% approx), i have cut my workouts by 50%, i am really snarly ( feeling irritable), in the mirror i don't see any drastic change in mmy size, my upper body is getting more defined, but last night after doing cardio for 1 hr i looked myself in the miroor and notice my pecs were a bit smaller, my diet is on point, just oats, sweet potatos and veggies are all my carbs, pritein sources are chiken fish and whey, no salt, no rice, most starch is from sweet potato...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Can you post up a typical day's diet as well as your weekly training regimen (plus cardio)? Let's see what's doing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    ok guys here's my diet

    5 meals a day

    Tdee = 3379

    carb/meal = 25 apprx
    protein/meal = 75 approx
    fats/meal = 11.2 approx

    morning after waking up 2 scoops whey protein - 50 protein. 2 carbs

    meal 1 - 8.30 - 9.15

    30 grams oats - 20 carbs,4 protein, o fats
    8 egg whites - 5 carbs, 24 protein, o fats
    1 scoop whey protein- 2 carbs 25 protein

    totals - 27 carbs, 55 protein, 0 fats

    meal 2 - 11.30 - 12.15

    50 grams of brownrice - 12 carbs, 1 protein, o fats
    80 gms veggies - 10 carbs, 2 protein, 0 fats
    250 gms chiken (skinless breast or leg) without bbq of course( boiled chiken)- 4 carbs ,60 gms protein, 0 fats

    totals 26 carbs, 63 protein, fats

    meal 3 - 2. 2.30

    50 grams sweet protein or yam - 9 carbs, 0 protein,0 fats
    80 grams veggies - 10 carbs, 2 protein , 0 fats
    250 gms chiken - 4 carbs,60 protein, 0 fats

    totals - 23 carbs ,62 protein, 0 fats

    meal 4 same as meal 2 this is my pre workout meal, as i am working in the summer from 3.30 to 5

    6 - 7.30 workout depends

    post workout 1 scoop whey add some complex carbs PWO like oats(powederd)

    meal 5 - 9. 9.30

    2 cans of tuna - 4 carbs, 30 protein , 0 fats
    50 grams of brownrice - 12 carbs, 1 protein, o fats id move this to PWO
    80 gms veggies - 10 carbs, 2 protein, 0 fats
    125 gms cottage chees( no fat) 0 carb, 16 protein, 0 fats

    = 1 tbsp flax oil or itbsp natural PB

    totals- 50 protein, 20 carbs and 16 fatsbefore bed.. casein or cottage cheese 125 grms

    there have beena few changes in the diet as according to my schedule and stuff, but over all this what i am eating, o also i have taken out brown rice and substitude it with sweet potato, so no brown rice

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    and no can tuna only fresh fish

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    canned tuna and brn rice are good to go bro!

    how many total cals and total macros is this?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    say around 2455 calories.. 366 carbs, 125 protein and 56 fats aprrox

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Im assuming u mean 366g pro, 125g carb rite?

    If so roll with it!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Food choices all look good. Nice clean diet. Protein is overkill for sure though... no way you need anywhere near 366g protein for your body composition. I know you're on a low carb diet, but i'd still bump carbs and fats slightly, and reduce protein. Maybe then, you won't be as concerned about losing muscle. Just a thought.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    well GB i have him at 60/20/20 pro/carb/fat keeping carbs at or below 20% total cals will optimize his ability to mobilize fat. at 229 lbs and 23%bf he has 176lbs LBM x 2g pro per pound is 352g pro. while i know 1.5 -2g per pound LBM is the norm hes at 2.08g per pound. considering fat is at 20% and the premise behind 20% total cals for carbs the only other option is to reduce total cals to reduce amt of protein or raise carbs or fat.

    for cutting i have found this split to work very well especially at his bf%

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Sorry, didn't realize you had previously advised him... I'll let you boys do you thing.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    sorry for the late reply

    o ya sorry ya i mean 366 pro and 125 carb.. ya i just tooka day off and my strength levels ae up again, same amount of carbs noting more, still doing good on treadmill for about an hr of cardio, even though my bf high, i see some viens on my righ oblique( little visible), if i flex umm intresting,..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    i stopped can tuna becuz of alot of salt content, i though it might hold water, i am very sensitive to carbs, my face hasn't gone down, maybe a little

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    also should i be recaluculating my tdee as my pounds go down just to make sure i don't hit a plateau...and if i get ona cycle will the drop in 600 to 800 calories get good results, say i use test prop and winny, later on not now...

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