Well, it is time for me to start pulling my fatness down a bit. This is day one, looks pretty good to me. But, I need some reassurance.
Meal 1, 8am - Shake(one cup of oats, a half of cup of Greek yogurt, a tiny bit of skim milk and 2+ scoops of egg protein) 620 cal, 65 carbs, 7 fat and 7 fibre
Meal 2, 11am - Fish and green vegetables(mainly broccoli) 350 cal, 12 carbs, 15 fat, 40 protein and 6 grams of fibre
Meal 3, 2pm - egg shake(2 scoops of egg protein, half of cup of Greek Yogurt and water) 300 cal, 15 carb, 3 fat, 50 protein and 2 fibre
Meal 4, 3pm - 2 whole eggs, 140 cal, 0 carb, 14 fat, 14 protein, 0 fibre
Meal 5, 6pm - shake(one cup of cottage cheese and one fat scoop of whey) 360 cal, 12 carbs, 12 fat, 50 protein and 0 fibre
Meal 6, 8:30pm - Fish and green vegetables(mainly broccoli) 350 cal, 12 carbs, 15 fat, 40 protein and 6 grams of fibre
Totals: Cal - 2130
Carbs - 107
Fat - 66
Protein - 254
Fibre - 21
I have no idea how to break this into percentages. I never have before, I just follow the numbers.
I am weighing in right at 243 pounds and 26% Bf
Is this a good start? Or what should I shift? Main goal is of course to lose fat, but I would love to reatain as much LBM as possible. I just started light cardio(walking for 40 minutes) and I still lift 4x a week. No juice until my Bf% is way under 15. Also planning to hit a EC stack as soon as I see a plateau.
As far as the egg powder goes, I have a ton of this shit but I will change to liquid egg whites soon. But, I really don't know if it makes a difference really.
I am also downing a gallon plus of water per day.