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Thread: carb/protein/fat ratios for bulking?

  1. #1

    Question carb/protein/fat ratios for bulking?

    Hi everyone,

    I just got done reading through the sticky "How to bulk and sample diet" (I can't post the link due to forum rules).

    As per his example there (I know it's just a "primer", but I thought I would ask anyway), I did the math and 3427 calories/day needed for 1lb gains/week, his example diet puts caloric ratios of carbs/protein/fat at 29/49/22. I've seen other ratios closer to 40/35/15 for bulking. What are you guys' thoughts on this? I'm currently about 175lbs 5' 9", nearly 24 years old, have been diligently working out for nearly a year straight now. I estimate I'll need around 3900 calories/day for 2lb/week gains. I'm about to start a cycle (my first cycle) of H-Drol, so I'm really reading up on proper nutrition. What do you guys' think? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SantasNotReal View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I just got done reading through the sticky "How to bulk and sample diet" (I can't post the link due to forum rules).

    As per his example there (I know it's just a "primer", but I thought I would ask anyway), I did the math and 3427 calories/day needed for 1lb gains/week, his example diet puts caloric ratios of carbs/protein/fat at 29/49/22. I've seen other ratios closer to 40/35/15 for bulking. What are you guys' thoughts on this? I'm currently about 175lbs 5' 9", nearly 24 years old, have been diligently working out for nearly a year straight now. I estimate I'll need around 3900 calories/day for 2lb/week gains. I'm about to start a cycle (my first cycle) of H-Drol, so I'm really reading up on proper nutrition. What do you guys' think? Thanks!
    @175lbs, I'm thinking you don't need nearly 4000 calories/day, but i'll withhold judgement until we know your bf% which you didn't mention. Do you know what it is? If not, can you post a pic?

    Personally, I'm a big fan of a 40/45/15 split for bulking. I always have carbs higher than protein; carbs and fats have protein sparing properties, so I wouldn't worry much about having protein super high. I may bump it when cutting, since carbs and fats will be relatively low.

    Also - I don't want to crush your hopes and dreams, but you aren't going to gain 2lbs/week of lean mass - you'll be adding a lot of water and very likely some bodyfat. If I were you, I'd go for a slower, leaner approach. What's the point of 'bulking up' if you can't see all your nice new muscle under all the bodyfat?

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply gbrice. I got my bf measured almost 5 weeks ago, and I was 16%. I doubt it's changed much since then, at least nothing too significant. I came to that 3900 calorie/day figure from the sticky I mentioned earlier.
    Also - I don't want to crush your hopes and dreams, but you aren't going to gain 2lbs/week of lean mass - you'll be adding a lot of water and very likely some bodyfat. If I were you, I'd go for a slower, leaner approach. What's the point of 'bulking up' if you can't see all your nice new muscle under all the bodyfat?
    Ya, I realized it wouldn't be all lean mass. After reading about H-Drol, people say average results are 10-15lbs of gains, so I wanted to make sure I was eating enough to get the most out of that estimate. Would 3400 calories/day be a more realistic or better target? Anyone else have opinions on carb/protein/fat ratios for bulking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    You have roughly 147lbs of lean mass. I can all but guarantee that you'll get fat eating 4000... or even 3400 calories, unless you have a super fast metabolism, which you don't or you wouldn't be 16% bodyfat to begin with. You need to consider cutting IMO my man!

    If you decide to stick with bulking, I wouldn't go over 3000 calories tbh. I think you'll find real fast thought that you should have taken my advice.

  5. #5
    Thanks much for the advice! I'm certainly no expert, I'm a student in software engineering and don't know much about nutrition apart from what I research, so I'll definitely consider cutting first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Good deal. If you do, you might find my cutting sticky helpful:

    Good luck, keep us posted!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    16%bf = cut man.. Cut!

  8. #8
    Thanks for the link! I'll keep ya posted...

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