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Hi everyone,
I just got done reading through the sticky "How to bulk and sample diet" (I can't post the link due to forum rules).
As per his example there (I know it's just a "primer", but I thought I would ask anyway), I did the math and 3427 calories/day needed for 1lb gains/week, his example diet puts caloric ratios of carbs/protein/fat at 29/49/22. I've seen other ratios closer to 40/35/15 for bulking. What are you guys' thoughts on this? I'm currently about 175lbs 5' 9", nearly 24 years old, have been diligently working out for nearly a year straight now. I estimate I'll need around 3900 calories/day for 2lb/week gains. I'm about to start a cycle (my first cycle) of H-Drol, so I'm really reading up on proper nutrition. What do you guys' think? Thanks!