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Thread: Critique my diet and share your wisdom.

  1. #1

    Critique my diet and share your wisdom.

    What's up guys, I'm here to improve my diet and hopefully gain some nutritional knowledge that will help me to reach my bodybuilding goals.

    20yrs old
    10-12% BF (Estimate)

    I've been lifting for about 4 years, but it wasn't until January of this year that I started getting really serious and started to followed a proper diet.
    My genetics aren't so great when it comes to putting on weight, but for now my goal is to start bulking and attempt to hit 180lbs. Maybe 200lbs eventually, ha we'll see.

    It's sort of a budget diet, curious to see what you guys think:

    Meal 1 - Eggs and Oatmeal
    560 kcals
    29g protein
    19g fat
    66g carbs

    Meal 2 - Can of tuna, 1tbsp mayonnaise, almonds, two slices of whole wheat bread
    630 kcals
    55g protein
    28g fat
    26g carbs

    Meal 3 - Protein Shake w/ cup of milk
    340 kcals
    30g protein
    14g fat
    25g carbs

    Meal 4 - Turkey burger, Jasmine rice, broccoli
    580 cals
    43g protein
    06g fat
    82g carbs

    Meal 5 - Salmon(or chicken), broccoli, Jasmine rice
    720 kcals
    45g protein
    20g fat
    80g carbs

    Meal 6 - Protein Shake w/ cup of milk
    340 kcals
    30g protein
    14g fat
    25g carbs

    3,170 kcals
    232g protein
    101g fat
    304g carbs

    If there is anything I should add, change, or remove, any help/advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to check this out.

    Last edited by Mike.JB; 08-31-2012 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    hey mike, i've not had experience bulking lean and with weights (plenty of experience bulking with bad diet and no exersice tho! lol) but i have made a plan out ready for when i do. i'd assume your wanting to get to 180lbs but keep BF% as low as possible?
    from what i have found, a 40/45/15 carb/pro/fat OR a 45/40/15 split seems to be most widely used. the split you have in your diet is a 40/30/30 carb/pro/fat split too high in fat. you need high carbs to bulk, not high fat.

    if your 3170 cals is correct for your TDEE a 40/45/15 split would give you
    317g carbs
    356g protein
    53g fat.

    a 45/40.15 split would give you
    356g carbs
    317g protein
    53g fat.

    for your "hard gain" genetics the 45/40/15 may serve you better.

    the experienced guys may give you different advice, follow theirs if they do. that info is only theory based for me, from what ive picked up.
    gud luck tho buddy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Diet Section
    It is not necessarily carbs that make you bulk.. It its calories! A calorie surplus is the way to gain LBM.
    Carb sources is just an easy inexpensive way to up cals to desired intake and also fuel the workouts needed to gain.

    Starts LBM x 15 or 16 for maintenance cals and begin there IMO. Up cals until you gain 1-2 lbs steady per week no more.

    As for a split I do like the splits mentioned above.

    Good luck.

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