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Thread: Alex` Diet Log - Bulking while losing some BF!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Alex` Diet Log - Bulking while losing some BF!

    Hi All,

    Age 27

    Weight 202 lb

    Height 6.06

    BF - I have no idea - judge from the pic. Note it`s taken after having eaten about 10 000 cals dalily , mostly junk, for 6 days in a row (vacation) thus lots of water retention. Typical junk meal for me is 600 gr Pizza, 600 ice cream, 200 gr pancake at 11 pm. My appetite is uncontrolable, but once i start a diet = strict follower.

    I will carb cycle to put on lean muscle mass over the following 8 weeks. Protein will be derived from 800 gr chicken breast, 2 egg yolks 36 gr, 300 gr egg whites, 300 gr cottage cheese 1 % fats. Each meal that does not have carbs will be additionaly supplemented with 22 gr walnut oil,flaxseed oil, etc. Here`s my plan

    Monday - High Carbs Chest + Biceps 5 meals x 85 gr brown rice (raw), last meal of the day cottage cheese , broccoli, 22 gr fats.
    Tuesday - moderate carbs Legs 4 meals x 80 gr brown rice, 2 meals protein + fats
    Wednesday off - 3 meals x 80 gr brown rice, 3 meals protein + fats.
    Thursday - moderate Shoulders + Triceps + abs 4 meals x 80 gr brown rice, 2 meals protein + fats
    Friday off - low carbs 3 meals x 80 gr brown rice , 3 meals protein + fats
    Saturday - high carbs 5 meals x 85 gr brown rice, last meal of the day cottage cheese, brocolli, 22 gr fats
    Sunday off - 3 meals x 80 gr brown rice, 3 meals protein + fats.

    Here are the macros:
    Monday high carb/calorie day - protein 300/ cabrs 350/ fats 55 -approx 3250-3300 cal
    Tuesday moderate carb/calorie day - protein 300/ carbs 255/fats 75 approx 2900 cal
    Wednesday low carb/calorie day - protein 290/ carbs 200/ fats 90 approx 2700 cal
    Thursday moderate carb/calorie day - protein 300/ carbs 255/fats 75 approx 2900 cal
    Friday low carb/calorie day - protein 290/ carbs 200/ fats 90 approx 2700 cal
    Saturday high carb/calorie day - protein 300/ cabrs 350/ fats 55 -approx 3250-3300 cal
    Sunday low carb/calorie day - protein 290/ carbs 200/ fats 90 approx 2700 cal

    Gear is pretty simple 750 mg test weekly + 40 mg dbol daily.

    Keep you posted on the progress on a weekly basis.
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  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Ok a few things....

    When doing a carb cycle you should look to increase protein on low carb days and decrease protein on high carb days.... Due to carbs protein sparing effects.....

    I would also look to plan your routine better so that you have a phase where u are carb loaded... During this phase you can perform your weight training With the goal being growth... And a depletion phase where the carbs are cut low and your goal is to bur body fat....

    With the plan you have posted your never really carb loaded or carb depleted... Kind of just in the middle...

  3. #3
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I would also look to plan your routine better so that you have a phase where u are carb loaded... During this phase you can perform your weight training With the goal being growth... And a depletion phase where the carbs are cut low and your goal is to bur body fat....

    With the plan you have posted your never really carb loaded or carb depleted... Kind of just in the middle...
    x2 - worked very well for me.

  4. #4
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    Well, THanks for your thoughts Base.

    As for protein, I`ve tried both - constant intake and manipulated intake inline with carbs...... honestly i do not know where the truth is.
    I`m in touch with competetive bodybuilders who say that i need to take protein lower when i carb load with 500 + gr a day.

    Yes , i`m in the middle - don`t want to be really depleted on off days as i feel like sh*t. 200 gr of carbs on off days will do and make me feel just allright.
    I agree with the carb loading - once i stick with this plan for 14 days will start having a cheat meal on Saturday, on top of the food i listed. It`d be surely pizza....that ekstra carbs/fats will sufice.

    My leg WO I did yesterday:


    Seated raises - 4 x 14 60 kg
    Standing raises - 4 x 12 120 kg


    Squats 2 x 12 90 kg, 2 x 8 115 kg
    Leg press 4 x 15 220 kg
    Leg extension 2 x 12 60 kg


    Leg curls 4 x 10 40,40,35,30 kg
    Seated curls 3 x 12 60 kg

    Don`t count warm up sets.


  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Me mentioning you being in the middle all the time was a bad thing with reference to your goals....

    If you want to grow and loose body fat at the same time your going to either have to be drugs or clever in the way you eat....

    I would think your best option would be to swing it either way if you want best results (be carb loaded for a period while u train and then carb depleted for a period while you do cardio to burn fat)..... You can't just go low high low high low high..... Ur not getting anywhere like that IMO

    And as far as my term carb loaded I don't mean u need to eat loads of cheat food... I'm just referring to a phase where u have adequate carbs in your diet to enable glycogen saturation which will keep you anabolic and stronger

  6. #6
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    Did shoulders and triceps

    1. Seated DB shoulder press 2x8 30 kg (each), 2 x 10 27.5 kg
    2. Side lateral raises 3x10 15 kg (each db)
    3. Upright rows shoulder width 2x10 45 kg
    4. Machine reverse fly 5 x 10 35,35,30,30,30 kg

    1. Overhead cable extensions 4 x 10 60,60,55,50 kg
    2. Close grip bench press 3 x 9 90 kg
    3. Triceps pushdown 3x10 45 kg

    6 machine sets

  7. #7
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    What I ate on 13.09

    300 gr egg whites
    36 gr egg yolks
    110 gr oats
    Pro 50/ Carbs 75/ Fats 17
    200 gr chicken
    90 gr brown rice
    Pro 50/ Carbs 72
    3,4,5 200 gr chicken + 90 gr brown rice
    6. 300 gr cottage cheese + 150 gr broccoli + 15 gr walnut oil + 4 gr fish oil
    Pro 50/ Fats 22/ Carbs 7

    Total - Pro 300/ Carbs 360/ Fats 55-60 (including trace amounts)
    Cals 3150

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hey guys,

    I have to get back on track because i got really ill - sinusitis. I`m on atibiotics as well as gear!
    My scheme is completely messed up now - i had 2 days (out of the last 3) eating all over the place - lots of junk and cheating.
    I`d appreaciate your thoughts as to should I "compensate" for the cheating on the following day (lower cals, macros), or just stick with my meal plan?
    I have always wondered that?

    Base, you might be right in what you`re saying. I got the idea of me being in the middle is not something to brag about.

    Going to simplify thing for the next 6-7 weeks as follows:

    Training day -protein 300 gr, carbs 360 gr, fats 75 gr Cals 3300
    Non training day - protein 300 gr, carbs 300 gr, fats 75 gr cals 3040
    refeed on training back day - protein 200, carbs 500, fats 40-50

    Once again - i`m on gear now 750 mg test e + 40 mg dbol daily. weight is now 207 pounds (94 kg)

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