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Thread: Could I get a quick nutrition check up?

  1. #1

    Could I get a quick nutrition check up?

    I'm currently on my first cycle in week 3. My cycle is 250 of testosterone C twice a week. I am already up 15 pounds since starting, and that is 15 more pounds than I have ever weighed in my life. I feel like I am undoubtedly gaining too much fat on this cycle so I thought I would post some information here and have you veterans look at it.

    Body Weight- 210
    Body Fat- Est. 18-20
    Height- 6'00''
    Age- 19
    *Please note- I know I will get bombarded for my age, but I have tamo on hand for pct, and I know plenty of you cycled when you were younger than recommended. I plan on this being my only cycle until I'm at least 24 or so, and would appreciate it if you helped me on my diet instead of just going off about my age.

    Average Day's Macro
    Breakfast- 1 cup of egg whites
    1 cup of oat meal =5.3 g/F 55 g/C 45 g/P 458 Cal

    Lunch- 8oz chicken breast
    Italian Wrap =24 g/F 30 g/C 55 g/P 554 Cal

    Dinner- 1 2/3 Cup Tuna Salad
    2 Hard Boiled Eggs
    3 Egg Whites
    1 Cup Broccoli =40 g/F 45 g/C 85 g/P 924 Cal

    Snacks- Protein Shake
    2Cup N/Fat Milk
    1Cup Oatmeal
    1 1/2 Cup Egg White
    1Cup Oatmeal =23 g/F 140 g/C 108 g/P 1300 Cal

    Totals =94.6 g/F 285.6 g/C 300 g/P 3,250 Calories

    What advice do you guys have to make sure I'm getting the most out of my cycle, with minimal body fat gain?
    Also, how long after the PCT should I wait until I start cutting some weight?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Scotty21 View Post
    I'm currently on my first cycle in week 3. My cycle is 250 of testosterone C twice a week. I am already up 15 pounds since starting, and that is 15 more pounds than I have ever weighed in my life. I feel like I am undoubtedly gaining too much fat on this cycle so I thought I would post some information here and have you veterans look at it.

    Body Weight- 210
    Body Fat- Est. 18-20
    Height- 6'00''
    Age- 19
    *Please note- I know I will get bombarded for my age, but I have tamo on hand for pct, and I know plenty of you cycled when you were younger than recommended. I plan on this being my only cycle until I'm at least 24 or so, and would appreciate it if you helped me on my diet instead of just going off about my age.

    Average Day's Macro
    Breakfast- 1 cup of egg whites
    1 cup of oat meal =5.3 g/F 55 g/C 45 g/P 458 Cal

    Lunch- 8oz chicken breast
    Italian Wrap =24 g/F 30 g/C 55 g/P 554 Cal

    Dinner- 1 2/3 Cup Tuna Salad
    2 Hard Boiled Eggs
    3 Egg Whites
    1 Cup Broccoli =40 g/F 45 g/C 85 g/P 924 Cal

    Snacks- Protein Shake
    2Cup N/Fat Milk
    1Cup Oatmeal
    1 1/2 Cup Egg White
    1Cup Oatmeal =23 g/F 140 g/C 108 g/P 1300 Cal

    Totals =94.6 g/F 285.6 g/C 300 g/P 3,250 Calories

    What advice do you guys have to make sure I'm getting the most out of my cycle, with minimal body fat gain?
    Also, how long after the PCT should I wait until I start cutting some weight?

    i want to say that most stay with their diets thru PCT for about 6 weeks. the gurus should chime in. your fats look a little high but i am no guru
    Last edited by RaginCajun; 09-20-2012 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    i just noticed you were 19!!!!!!!!! and on cycle!!!!!!!! not a good thing in my opinion, you should have waited

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You need to check your macro's. 40g fat in 2 eggs? 23 g fat in your oatmeal? Check them all then relist.

    Yes, you are too young to cyvle.

    Your bodyfat is too high to cycle and bulk. You should have cut to 12% before bulking. I urge you to stop your cycle and cut to 12% before even thinking about jumping back into AAS..

    What AI do you have? 15lbs in 3 weeks is likely nearly all watr weight. Running and oral AAS?

    Honestly, 1 cycle now and then not again for 5 years? Makes this one a waste of time.

    Read the Cutting 101 sticky!

  5. #5
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    Mar 2006

    I just read this and looked at your pics.

    You have already ignored the advice of some well respected members.

    Oh, and continue to cycle, and that gyno on your left side is gonna grow, grow, grow!

    Stop your cycle and post a good cutting diet for us to critique!!

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yeah those macros are inaccurate.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post

    I just read this and looked at your pics.

    You have already ignored the advice of some well respected members.

    Oh, and continue to cycle, and that gyno on your left side is gonna grow, grow, grow!

    Stop your cycle and post a good cutting diet for us to critique!!
    Aaah. I recall this. No good.

  8. #8
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Coerrectimongo those macros are off.

    I don't get 1300 for that shake buddy

    I assure you the oats don't have that many grams of fat unless they are 73/27 oats

  9. #9
    The confusion with the macros is that I listed the whole meal, not just an individual food portion. They are correct, they just take in account the whole breakfast, dinner, etc...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There is not 40g fat in 2 whole eggs, some whites and some brocoli. Every meal has dubious macros. Check again!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Unless of course you are blindly pouring oil on your tuna salad?!

  12. #12
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM
    Unless of course you are blindly pouring oil on your tuna salad?!
    10w30 can cause these claims!!

  13. #13


    I get my tuna salad from the school caf, so it's very possible they blindly pour oil into it.

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