Hi, today I make 2 weeks since I started my cut. I am carb cycling.
First of all a little about me.
Sex= Male
Age= 20
Height= 180cm / 5'11
Weight= CURRENTLY= 80kg / 176lb When I started= 81kg / 178.5lb
Body fat= ~15%
The first week I did 3 days low carb and 1 day high.
On LOW CARB days I had:
protein 252g
carbs 168g
fats 60g
HIGH CARB days I had:
protein 210g
carbs 348g
fats 60g
Those are the total grams a day, I spread that in 4 to 7 meals depending on the day. I was told that it was too much food/calories for my size so next week I lowered everything to:
LOW CARB days:
protein 228g
carbs 150g
fats 54g
protein 198g
carbs 310g
fats 54g
Also I changed it from 3 low carb days to 4 low carb days.
SO First week I was doing 2220cals on low carb days and 2772cals on high carb days (calculated using 1g protein = 4 cal, 1g carbs = 4 cal and 1g fats= 9 cal)
And now from my second week I am doing 1998cals on low carb day and 2518cals on high carb days. this is an estimate of course, I can't just eat EXACTLY that amount every day.
My split is:
Monday = legs + cardio 10-15min HIIT
Tuesday = chest + triceps + MAYBE cardio 10-15min HIIT (legs are dead this day)
Wednesday = Deadlift + rear delt + abs + cardio 10-15min HIIT
Thursday = Back + biceps + cardio 10-15min HIIT
Friday = Shoulders + cardio 10-15min HIIT
Also I try to do an extra 5-10 min of light intensity constant speed cardio after HIIT to keep my heart rate up for a bit longer. I do all my cardio on the bicycle.
I eat as clean as I can, most carbs come from oats and wholemeal bread, the rest can vary from sweet potatoes to rice to some oat and almond cereal bars. Proteins come mainly from red meat or chicken, tuna and egg whites. Only 75g or no more than 100g from protein shakes. Also I am taking hydro whey, if this makes a difference. And for fats 2/3 comes from what I eat and I fill the rest with almonds before bed. I only have 1 or 2 cheat meals but in the same day and only once every 2 weeks. And my cheat meals are nothing like maccas, ice cream or chocolate. they are more like a chicken schnitzel burger or a banana cake... ONLY thing I seem to not be able to stop having is a low fat vanilla yoghurt which I use the minimum just to be able to eat my oats (100g of oats in the morning)
Supplements I take:
Fish oil
elastamine (for joints)
scivation xtend (BCAAs during workout)
Milk thistle/st mary's thistle
liquid multivitamin every second day
I am taking a medication for acne which is doxycycline, mentioning just in case.
My first to weeks I was taking CLA 4.5/5g a day. But I will have a break from that. And also took albuterol and clen but didn't do anything to me (just like if I was taking nothing). this is another topic tho, I am currently trying to figure out what's wrong with me, and I know for sure its not the clen or the albuterol. But I am having a break from those for at least 2 weeks and see what happens.
Without putting into account albuterol, clen or CLA. IF my diet is good, how much weight should I expect to lose a week? or how long until I reach 10%? AND PUTTING into account albuterol or clen and CLA, how much should I be dropping a week? Does it make much of a difference?
But more importantly. How is my diet??? what should I change? is it fine? I have only lost 1kg / 2.2lb since I started (exactly 2 weeks ago)
thanks in advanced. And do you need more information?