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Thread: Carb-Backloading anyone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Carb-Backloading anyone?

    has anyone tried it?
    I heard its a good way to gain weight fast...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    Have I missed a turn around in muscle/liver glycogen? I was under the impression that complex carbs go to both muscle and liver stores but simple sugars were just taken up by liver. Hence complex carbs being preffered 90% of the time (exceptions being breakfast and pwo, depending on ya philosophy)

    As for backloading I've just became privy to it, so interested to know if it does work. Don't think my life/work style wud be suitable it, but always good to know knew stuff.

    As for the video, its a bit rough. If I bought the book id be expecting it coming on a series of postit notes. Ha

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